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Everything posted by Patty16

  1. Yes for example in Cali one of the worst so called freedom states they list gun laws as being about freedom and taxes deterring investment yet california by itself is one of the biggest economies in the world. It's a political ad masquerading as "report" Do people in cali really think they are less free?
  2. bc freedom is basically only measure in terms of taxes and govt spending........ virtually no one defines freedom that way unless you are a hardcore libertarian..... and there's no such thing as no govt, in the absence of a traditional form of elected governemnt you will always have someone rise to power and fill the vacuum, typically in the way of a dictatorship. If the report was titled economic freedom it would make more sense.... but calling it freedom is a political way of saying you aren't free unless you pay no taxes and have almost no govt? the report has for virtually every state, cut taxes and reduce govt..... for every state! that's not really an analysis it's an attempt to make a political point.
  3. That "research" is a tire fire of intellectual honesty. For virtually every state it's cut spending/govt and cut taxes..... it's a Kock think tank.... hardly a measure of "freedom"
  4. BC they do an analysis in conjunction with scouts etc.... hockey has guaranteed contracts and we know about how much he's about to make.... so they know they can essentially finance his insurance... which is what these guys do.... the NCAA has a decent options but if you want the cadillac plan you will pay a lot more in interest.
  5. HA well done! :worthy:
  6. You are either trolling or have no idea what you are talking about. 50 points on a horrible team would be pretty good.
  7. I think that's about right Exactly, and players w expiring K's get coverage as well in case they blow out a knee at the end of the season
  8. I know some people who do this stuff for one. http://www.al.com/sports/index.ssf/2010/08/are_you_in_good_hands.html The program was started in 1990 for college football players projected to be selected early in the NFL draft. Later expanded to cover men's and women's basketball, baseball and hockey, it offers low-interest loans to purchase up to $5 million in insurance coverage. That particular article show some guys getting up to $10Million. Eichel, if he wanted could cover his entire rookie deal, either through NCAA or through private insurance. Most players aren't totally stupid, if they are a high end prospect in any sport, and want to return to school, they cover themselves financially.
  9. No. You're just making things up. The NCAA sponsored program pays out up to $5Mil for exceptional players and there is a private market that will tailor a plan for one's needs. It still makes more sense for him to come out out of school and not have to put himself in a situation to deal with insurance issues.
  10. Not really that much, guys buy insurance to cover such an instance.
  11. I'm not sure that's a great pair for your second line. Sam and Cody aren't great skaters so you will need some serious speed on the LW to make that work.
  12. Ha true. But my point is also still true. Compulsive behavior relating non-related events
  13. No its not. His tiresome crusade infiltrates way too many threads and he simply tries to incorporate it into any topic. It's tiresome and most people don't want to read it as it really adds nothing to the discussion. Exactly. It's almost like the big lebowski and walter.... this one time in 'Nam..... No Walter this literally has nothing to do with Nam.... well not literally.. That's what PA's posts are like. He's Walter from Big Lebowski.
  14. Perhaps. But he has been horrible in both ends. He can't seem to keep the puck on his stick in the O end. Regardless of the reason, this just isn't his year.
  15. If the top line is Kane McDavid and Ennis that's a scary line........ speed, power, dangling.
  16. Perhaps, I think the only way his game gets revived is on a high skill eastern conference team. He's not well suited for the western conference, his skating and size dont fit. He needs to be surrounded by faster puck carriers, and see some PP time wiht same. That's his only real shot.
  17. What would you expect back for Hodgson?
  18. Fair enough. But don't be naive enough to think pro athletes don't engage in those activities.
  19. They are kept. GMs do their homework and "hockey" guys know the players who have a problem vs just having fun. The season is a grind and players use lots of things for pick me ups, they always have going back decades. I'm sure you've seen some guys drinking red bulls before games. Well some use nose candy, I have personally witnesses players from the Sabres ask for same in my presence. My bartender friends gets asked by players from other teams to so it's not some isolated thing. In college, some guys on my team did it on long road trips. I'm not supporting it, just saying some players do it and it's not exactly a secret.
  20. In other words nope, its not. I've been in the bar when he and others have asked my good friend the bartender where they can get some supplies. Thanks though. If you think young rich guys aren't engaging in some extracurricular activities then I'm not sure what to say.
  21. I know down here the players have asked for places to buy at local watering holes. Pretty common around NHL
  22. Yes true and being close to Toronto is a big thing for some guys. the younger guys go up there on days off.
  23. Would take a lot more than a 3rd liner to get that deal done.
  24. analyzing Nolan's year with a hot garbage roster designed for failure is pretty tough. TN has a bad league rep for not playing well with management so I suppose it depends on that as well as who is available.
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