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Everything posted by Patty16

  1. Mogilny played wing, so yes wings do play better when they have a HOF center. so they 16/89 thing really doesn't fit this scenario. Girgo is a center, and they are generally supposed to make the players around them better. That's why you hear why it's so important to be strong up the middle of the ice.
  2. that's a cop out, if you're that good you make your own chances. Or you really aren't a top center.
  3. The latest I could find was Holland saying yesterday he will hopefully know by end of the month (may) Holland said he would "give myself the month of May and hope it's concluded by then — or close to it." He leaves Saturday for the Czech Republic to catch the world championships. http://www.freep.com/story/sports/nhl/red-wings/2015/05/04/mike-babcock-detroit-red-wings/26885519/
  4. where is that coming from ? He's under contract until then, but the RWs can certainly let him talk if he doesn't want to stay there
  5. Well when you use words like subterfuge and regime you don't strike me as one who views the organization objectively. How exactly has there been subterfuge?
  6. Based on what I've seen this year, theres absolutely no way SR is the #1 center next year,
  7. same here, as a fan watching two horrible seasons it would really suck to have him stay in school. Yes I get the long term picture but also i want to be able to watch a hockey team grow, with most prospects on the big club. I really think he has less than a 10% chance of staying in school. He is on a diff physical level than other prospects who have returned to NCAA
  8. Many coaches make more than GMs, big deal. GMTM seems to be a guy who cares about winning, not his bank account. Yup.
  9. How do you know Black gets his way on anything? Yes TP knows spending does not equal winning, but spending wisely certainly helps. I hope you are not attempting to say that spending for Babcock would be a bad move?
  10. gaoltender equipment and an aversion to PP's is what's the driving force. players are too big and too fast so there is less room on the ice especially if refs are going to let interference etc go. That and its really hard to score on a 6'5 goalie with giant pads. There was a sense the game was still too much like the trap/clutch and grab devils.... they wanted some excitement and an up and down game for more scoring.
  11. They cannot, Congress is required
  12. If you count spending they aren't even top 25
  13. Getting pregnant once is ok but another time and it's irresponsible? Yes, bc telling people just don't have sex has always worked. AA girls do NOT have the highest rate of teen pregnancies. Just goes to show how misinformed people are issues of poverty and race. When you systematically deny a segment of the population to health care and birth control it's not exactly the person's fault entirely, unless you're strictly puritanical.
  14. I wasnt trying to be that specific just noting the intellectual gymnastics some do in their positions (not directed to you). But yes, free or low cost BC would certainly help many,
  15. However, those who despise the system are usually those who at the same time are reducing access to birth control. ie- we help you not get pregnant but if you do.... you should be on your own. "merica
  16. they took er jobs!
  17. wow
  18. Probably, but the point is their parents really don't have the ability to give them that opportunity bc some of that is out of their control
  19. The thing is people are focusing on the minutiae of these incidents when the reactions to them are based on decades of socioeconomic injustices and poor treatment by authorities including police.
  20. This. The Russian form of communism had run its course and the internal pressures and attitude changes created a situation that was no longer sustainable. Certain segments (typically the same) of society will always blame the protestors in almost any situation. I would venture they are the same who like to post a victims criminal history as if that means police/authorities are allowed to beat or kill you
  21. This is demonstrably not true and no scholar/historian who is not a Republican thinks this is true. The USSR killed itself. Even Reagan didn't think the they were on the brink of collapse. The Arab Spirng has much more to do with the pendulum swinging back after US interference in Middle East affairs.
  22. Yea i don't think income has anything to do with it.... after all the sabres are in the middle of the league when it comes to ticket prices. I think the arena itself doens't lend itself to sounding loud ie winnipeg or the aud.
  23. True. Not a good outcome for the league, it buries one of their "to-be" stars in a small Canadian city in a bad tv market.
  24. Yea he does, but doesn't he go on 1st line?
  25. I wasn't critiquing your analysis, so my bad if it came off that way. But weighting gun control as 20% of personal freedom is ludicrous when civil liberties get only 0.001% of the total personal freedoms category, weighting it the same as seat belt laws far less than the ability to gamble? and a category called freedom for tort abuse?? such a loaded term and should not be included in any fair report. Again, this is no sort of level headed report, it should really be called a libertarian's view of each state.
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