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Everything posted by Cereal

  1. Thanks for the tip! For what it's worth, I got this: http://www.roadrunnersports.com/rrs/products/PRO208/ And for those playing at home: I ended up doing the Buffalo marathon anyway. The best part was winding through some of the North Buffalo neighborhoods near Delaware Park -- a lot of families outside supporting the runners, cooling them off with hoses and handing out watermelon slices and whatnot. Let me tell you, that watermelon REALLY hit the spot 20 miles in! :thumbsup: My complaint today would be my indecisiveness in accepting a job offer. There are so many companies in this country, how do I know this is the right one?
  2. Here in small college town Blacksburg, VA, it is widely accepted that pedestrians can cross any road at any time they want, and traffic will stop for them and politely let them cross. When I moved here, it certainly took some getting used to. DOESN'T ANYBODY THINK OF THE CHILDREN??!! These kids will all graduate college and move on to bigger and better places and just start crossing streets like it ain't no thang; surely they'll be killed almost instantly in any typical urban environment. :death:
  3. Too many complaints right now, but headed HOME to WNY for the weekend starting in six hours. Hope the weather's turned up there!
  4. Went in to see a doctor yesterday; I pulled my gastrocnemius (the upper part of the calf). I was supposed to run the Buffalo Marathon with my brother in 2.5 weeks. My previous three months of dedication down the garbage for now! :wallbash: And there's still not enough time in the day sans running 45 miles/week.
  5. Nice. Where I am now, I've got a 5-minute bike ride to work. It's very nice to only have to use the car like once or twice/week :bag: Graduating again next semester, here's to hoping the POS holds up til then! :beer:
  6. '98 Mercury Mystique, baby! ...Would not recommend..... :lol:
  7. Haha wow, just listened to that one this morning for the first time in awhile! :thumbsup:
  8. Been saving this one up since last Friday evening. It's actually three things, but they're very, very related... (1) Female housemates. (2) Terrible television. Specifically: Teen Mom 2. (3) People who don't understand that the significance of watching sports in real time (as opposed to DVR'ed) is much greater than the significance of watching crappy reality shows in real time. Now that the playoffs have started, I think I have laid down the law. :thumbsup:
  9. Drivers don't typically stop for stop signs where they are supposed to stop. If there's no white line to show you where to stop, you need to stop BEHIND the sidewalk! Oy.
  10. Haha! I just knew it was a matter of time before Trailer Park Boys started appearing in this thread.
  11. It's been with the Sabres longer than the Sox. Sox didn't start using it until summer of 2002. We were singing before that. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sweet_Caroline#At_sporting_events Wikipedia says the Red Socks have been using it since '97 :D Love it!
  12. Haha agreed. Someone need to make a SabreSpace version. Where are our musically-talented posters at?
  13. That is bizarre. Can't. Stop. Watching.
  14. :worthy: :worthy: :worthy: :worthy: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LQEgZNqa8jE
  15. I hear ya on this one. It is mostly awesome. But sometimes the worst. I generally agree, but I worked then came back for grad school, and now it's just not a good situation. I'm probably going to leave with the Masters in August, but I feel like I'll probably want to come back for PhD again after a couple years. We shall see. Who has spring break in the middle of February? You must be on trimesters. That s**it's whack.
  16. Are you a robot?
  17. Who, him or me? :w00t:
  18. How about the sexual assault training? I was required to do 12 hours of it at one previous job. :rolleyes:
  19. Do I.... sense some jealousy? :nana:
  20. I second this. The Victory Whirlwind is an amazing summer beer, reminds me of lazy college summer nights :) I finally remembered to stop through PA on the way back from WNY after the holidays, got a case of the Hop Devil IPA :thumbsup:
  21. I've got one. I left my eyeglasses behind during my holiday travels, so until they come to me in the mail, I need to wear my contacts at all times I am awake. Just in time for late night west coast games, too! :censored: Oh well.
  22. Did I ever tell you guys about my business plan? It would be based on The Hunger Site, which you can go to daily and click, and with each click it provides 1.1 cups of food to the hungry. The sponsors/advertisements on the site provide the funding, of course. Anyway, my site would have a place you can click, and each time you click, it would kill a cat and feed it to a hungry dog. It solves the stray cat problem as well as the hungry dog problem. Think it'd work? And yes, I realize I probably sound like a jackass. PA, your cat trap efforts are very entertaining, by the way.
  23. I've missed a few games.... Can I get an "ETHRON" inside joke update? :unsure:
  24. Any luck, tulax? I'll be up in Baltimore trying to watch BUF@NJD Saturday evening.
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