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Everything posted by Cereal

  1. Hmmm if you really are the old YSE, tell us something about YSE that only YSE and us would know about YSE
  2. I reset my password (just like you described a few posts up), and it didn't work. After a couple hours I tried again, and got in just fine. I created a bracket. Not sure if it saved successfully or not... I couldn't get into the "SabresSpace" group; I believe the password is also "SabresSpace"? When I tried that password, it gives me a: just like the one before. Now I can't even click on the https://bracketchallenge.nhl.com/link without getting the message above. Kinda sad that it's this bad, haha!
  3. Anyone else get the following when they log in: Same thing in Firefox, Chrome, and Internet Explorer. Also this is definitely what happens when I use the CORRECT password, because the website does reject my incorrect password appropriately.
  4. I was going to suggest the Customer Service forum, but it looks like you already found that. Maybe try the TwoBillsDrive Customer Service forum. SDS has been active on TBD as recently as this afternoon.
  5. Nice. Paul Hamilton confirms Wawrow's report
  6. I agree that's a nice price. It was actually 9th overall: VAN used it to draft Bo Horvat
  7. Or to Florida? @Panthers Saturday, or @Tampa Sunday...?
  8. Since I looked it up...... OJ Howard was born November 19, 1994.
  9. Ha! Kasdorf. Was it last year that all the live music and fanfare was canceled due to the weather? I remember getting to the arena and none of the stuff they listed was there, haha.
  10. Nope! I'm crouched down in front of MODO. The three that are crowded around Linus are my younger brother (backwards hat) and his two buddies. Apparently they discovered this thread leading up to the game, and proceed to stalk us into Dinosaur BBQ and the arena. :ph34r: That should cover everyone. I knew I could avoid Microsoft Painting names onto the image if I just let y'all guess for a few hours :)
  11. You know, for the first bit of Friday's meet-up, MODO was pronouncing it "LIE-nus", like the Peanuts character. I called him out and it and he said that he thought he should say it like how Americans would pronounce it :D And yes, Linus' beard was admirable :wub: He was super chill and hospitable.
  12. Ok, I think I attached this correctly... Photo with Linus in the Amerks' locker room on Friday night! Our whole group, plus my brother and his two buddies. Thanks iT for providing the tickets. I had a blast, and I'm very glad it all worked out!
  13. MODO has pics. Great night, fellas!!
  14. Update: had to repair rear bicycle tube. Promptly popped the only spare tube I had.... Departing now by foot, might be ~5min late. I'll be in white US Soccer jersey now. Are you READY?!
  15. No I'm not "ok with" those two things, but I don't think either warrants a suspension. As other posters have said, players get their hands slashed with that same, mild amount of malice every night. The fact that it was a freak thing shouldn't warrant a suspension. I'm also not "ok with" getting face-washed, or cross-checked, or slashed in the arms or legs. But none of those things warrants a suspension. Edit: I should say that, it seems to me these two incidents both warrant penalties, although I can understand that a ref would miss the sneaky little crotch-spear.
  16. I voted No... It seems to me that both the crotch spear and the mild slash are fairly routine plays.
  17. Nice, man! You can walk to Dinosaur BBQ or Blue Cross Arena (or any of the places below) really easily from where the bus will drop you off. (Also you should have wifi on the bus, by the way!) You'll have a couple hours to kill. Things you could check out, all within walking distance: Strong Museum, just south. "Museum of play" -- It's got like old toys and stuff. Poke your head into Eastman Theatre (enter at Gibbs and E Main St.). Spot Coffee is near there on East Ave, as well as Victoire - decent food, Belgian beers. (What has become of Milestones these days?) Further east on East Avenue, you'll have Little Theatre on the left, and all the East/Alexander bars. This is where you'll find the sophisticated Rochester nightlife (tongue in cheek), open til 2am. Old Toad is a good, British pub-style. Daily Refresher, Ox and Stone, City Grill, Murphy's Law.... Roc Brewing is also a sweet little brewery! It is on Union Street, very close to your bus stop. Could be a great choice for when you arrive, before Dinosaur BBQ? (Actually it opens at 3pm. Man, maybe I'd join you! Haha.) Lastly, Marshall St Bar and Grill. I may end up there after the Amerks game, as they'll have the USA-Honduras soccer game on at 10:30pm.
  18. Hmm. I guess you were looking at Adirondack Trailways? If you insist on taking the bus, I have found that Megabus may work for you! Departing Buffalo at 12:20pm! Departing Rochester at 1:55am. $32 total after fees: Journey: Buffalo, NY, Downtown Terminal to Rochester, NY, East Broad Street (Between Chestnut St and Broadway St) Date: Friday March 24, 2017 Leaving: 12:20 PM Arriving: 2:15 PM Price: $15.00 Journey: Rochester, NY, East Broad Street (Between Chestnut St and Broadway St) to Buffalo, NY, Downtown Terminal Date: Saturday March 25, 2017 Leaving: 1:55 AM Arriving: 3:45 AM Price: $15.00 EDIT: It looks like that would work great. By the way, the bus stop in Buffalo appears to be close-ish to you, and the bus stop in Rochester is very close to the arena... don't think you'll get mugged there at 1:55am :)
  19. MODO, I think the current crew (iT +1, LTS, sodbuster, Taro, Cereal, MODO; possibly Wildcard and AndrewAmerk) is all in the Rochester area. I'm guessing you don't have a rental car? Maybe you can lure a Buffalo-area poster to Rochester for the evening (using phat panny's)? Or, I'd suggest renting a car for <24 hours. Using www.carrentals.com -- I see that you can rent an economy car from Hertz at 538 Pearl St. in Buffalo for just $24/day (so like from 12pm today til 12pm tomorrow). Hope that helps! See y'all later.
  20. I have made Reservation for 7 people at Dinosaur BBQ at 4pm. Under the name Scott S.... If anyone wants to get added in, just let me know. Is anyone planning on getting there before 4pm? I'll be the nerd in a Mickey Mouse #1 hockey jersey.
  21. Guess again! Kulikov is expected back for Saturday :D
  22. I agree that we should call it an even 4pm and make a reservation. I think we're at six confirmed for 4pm, plus Taro...?
  23. We should start making more concrete plans. Mods, could you please pin this..? ... We should definitely plan to get to the arena by 6pm for the pre-game happy hour. Live band ( https://www.neilvandorn.com/this Friday) plus as many $2 Genny's as your stomach can handle in 60 minutes :devil: As for me, I can gather for pre-game tomfoolery at any time. Would 4 or 4:30pm work? ... I may have a few friends/family also trying to get to this game, so I may sneak away for a period or two, or for a beer or three. We'll see how it plays out.
  24. But he must be good if the Penguins employ him, right????
  25. So no Malkin.. where's Hagelin? Are they missing other top-9 forwards? Those looks look... sparse... just subtracting Malkin and Hagelin.
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