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Everything posted by elcrusho

  1. Myers needs to sit for a game....
  2. Not much to do in Holland either, I know there's that pizza place on their main rd...I are it once when I was a child
  3. I love how my DirecTV box says Channel not subscribed, even though it's still a free preview GD DirecTV!!
  4. elcrusho

    Ruff's System

    ...has been in place well before the Montreal Screwjob....
  5. it's finally back on
  6. I like my picture in the 1st period... https://twitter.com/JCuonze/status/294603277830606848/photo/1/large?utm_source=fb&utm_medium=fb&utm_campaign=JCuonze&utm_content=294603277830606848 I wanted to punch every single one of those ref's in the face
  7. You tell him to his face and let me know how that works out...
  8. They need to NOT change anything right now........
  9. Tostitos Scoops with medium salsa and beer during the Bills game... Yep Totally random Sunday funday post
  10. Slim suit, Black with Black shirt with a white tie - she'll remember you
  11. Did anyone else wish it was page 2 at like post 15?
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0l7YvlvkE24
  13. I kept scrolling down hoping it would keep going.................... Sigh
  14. Abbott Pizza > Imperial Pizza
  15. elcrusho

    Sabre fights

    I remember watching that Flyer fight on my mothers 27" console TV
  16. Rocky has a statue too....
  17. I think i'm the last person in the USA to get that Tebow threw for 3:16 yards.......Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaah I get it

  18. I am selling a dark cherry wood Coffee Table in Great/Like New condition with matching end tables - will post pictures tonight...

  19. Let's write a song

  20. What kind of discount is TWC offering me to not switch to Direct TV

  21. Bingo Players on Sirius & wrapping presents

  22. Just passed the CVOICE8.0 exam today, Hello Cisco Rich Media Communications Specialist

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