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Everything posted by elcrusho

  1. TANK FOR HUGHES!!! Bottttttts got us 3 x 1st round picks next year, maybe its me living in FL and seeing half naked girls on the beach all the time Idk but like i'm not that upset
  2. haha no I just have allot of experience in buying and selling, I'm on my 3rd house since moving to Orlando
  3. Has the arena gotten that bad? I haven't been there in a few years
  4. I ignored anyone that said Mike Wilson was the future
  5. realtor.com has the most up to date MLS listings, zillow is terrible
  6. Flick says he saw some Grizzly Bears near Pulaski's candy store...
  7. Maybe it's a good thing I cant log into TBD, I think I still have my adelphia email address that I used when I signed up 14 years ago and dont remember my password..... Anyways, anyone else shut the game off in the 3rd quarter last night?
  8. Mike wilson...
  9. I read this as name one *movie* to fix the Sabres Clearly I picked Out for Justice - SS's best movie
  10. ...Or until he drops into the lineup
  11. I'm glad I didn't make "The List"
  12. That new Vegas logo looks like clip-art, terrible, or something that a College team would use
  13. Marty should be up in the booth and Rayzor should go back between the benches.... That would be a perfect scenario
  14. Absolutely.... He doesn't say down low every 4 seconds
  15. I used it on my PS3 and Ps4 without issue as well as on my iPhone 6
  16. So I looked up Pizza 73 from their boards, it looks horrible https://www.pizza73.com/Pizza73/
  17. I miss Wendy's old fries
  18. yeaaaaaahhh......
  19. Mike Wilson.... Mic drop............ :flirt:
  20. I just made a PB&J.... Be jealous AF
  21. I have no comment......................................
  22. I would of done the same thing if I was him....
  23. elcrusho


    I got my ticket.... I would fly up from Orlando to the nearest Wegmans in Alexandria, VA just because I could...and open a Tim Hortons down here
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