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Everything posted by DR HOLLIDAY

  1. Just watched episode 4 and 5 today.....gotta say season 2 is growing on me.
  2. Season one was fantastic...........One of the best.........Season two I am trying my hardest to get into it.
  3. Well said the Edmonton model does not work......Having different layers of youth is something important......I wish we had a Steve Ott type guy to stir the pot.......That and our goal keepers are still unknown to me
  4. Not a big deal, China stifles themselves pretty much every game
  5. Exciting time to be a Sabre fan........Its been awhile.......... :beer:
  6. I love it......Every year Bettman get his ass booed off........Best part of the season
  7. As far as I can remember from the books, Greyscale can only be passed on by touch once the person is fully changed...........I have read the books and I like both the series and the books.......Books 4 and 5 are far from perfect so I have far less problems with the changes that have taken place this season........Episode 8 and 9 for example are far better in the show then the books.
  8. Great episode, tense introduction to Old Blue eyes........The music was awesome.
  9. He was the reason I fell in love with the Buffalo Sabres.......Radio underneath the pillow, hearing RJ call his name, pure magic....... :beer:
  10. Great post man, the Sabres have always had great goaltending......People forget how wicked Edwards and Sauve were together!!!!!!
  11. Since my favourite team is the German national team, I love both Bayern and Dortmund........Though it can be painful at times.
  12. Seriously this whole thread is spoiler, lol
  13. He was my favourite goalie when I was a kid, I remember when that brutal event happened.......Keep your head up Mr. Edwards
  14. RJ all the way........I hope I don't sound that evil, but they should record him saying "Sabres have won the Cup"......etc.........Would be really kool to hear that from him even he did it with digital magic.......Would be like Tupac.......RJ-Pac
  15. Edmonton loves hockey and they deserve to have a better run team.......I am glad in that respect that he didn't end up in Arizona playing for empty rinks and guys in weird shorts.
  16. Typical Sabre luck.......McDavid did seem bummed by the results.
  17. Damn, felt like I was 7 years old again when they popped up at the end.......Kinda looks like they found the Falcon and it looked pretty beat up in the back ground.........Awesome!!!!!!!!!
  18. I thought it was pretty good, starting to build the new story lines........Ummmm and all stuff from the books.......It did seem to be a pretty short episode......less then an hour.
  19. I am glad this is over, like a weight has been lifted.
  20. I agree, #11 for me forever.
  21. They haven't introduced any of the new characters in books 4 and 5.......Any story lines that would add on would involve characters that don't do much in books 4 and 5.........I have read the books and there is much to cover that haven't been touched. Book 3 was the best in the series and because so much crazy happened book 4 and 5 are almost a rebuilding. The TV show might be best if the took both books as one and work from there......Many characters don't have much to do in books 4 and 5.
  22. How so? The shows 3 and 4th seasons were book three basically.......That leaves books 4 and 5 virtually untouched.
  23. There are a lot of quality leaf fans, most of them can't afford to buy tickets for games and we only see suits at the game.
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