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Everything posted by DR HOLLIDAY

  1. We should trade more with the leafs.
  2. Nice play by Stafford to get that puck out.
  3. Nice pass and one hell of a shot!!!! Vanek the Bruin killer!!!!!!
  4. We have been taking so many dumb penalties these past few games.
  5. It was really close, nice pass by Myers. I have RJ on my HD feed for some reason.
  6. It has a lot more energy then a preseason game, agreed about the choppy play though.
  7. Agreed I would like to see that........ :beer:
  8. Agreed As I have said before, Argentina does not have a balanced squad, they won't win the WC in 2014
  9. Read it great book..........I am half way through Neil Youngs "Waging Heavy Peace", if you like Neil at all I recommend reading it.
  10. I have stayed away from all TV coverage of this tragedy, even then its very hard to avoid.
  11. No he won't.......Argentina has a terrible Defence and suspect midfield.......He didn't do anything in the last world cup, zip.......He doesn't play well with his national team, he holds the ball to much, because the team doesn't have the Barcelona approach or skill level.

    XM vs. Sirius?

  13. Schalke, Dortmund and Bayern all through to the knock out round......... :beer: :beer: :beer:
  14. Underground, Greek, Gay Porn Hard!!!!!!!
  15. :beer: I'll drink to that......... :flirt:
  16. True, but like Chris Rock said, there is a big difference between being rich and being wealthy.......Most of us truly can't comprehend the wealth that the people that own sports teams enjoy.......For most of them it is almost a status symbol and a hobby.....And the lack of control they have shown for some contracts is a real problem for the sport.
  17. I think I still support the players, but barely. I have always said, that I would never feel sorry for someone that owns a sports team, pretty sure that they are going to be okay.
  18. Pretty much
  19. I am glad this is over with........I'm pretty sure we are not going to be watching NHL hockey for awhile........So I guess the world juniors are going to be extra important this year for me to get my hockey fix.
  20. They have no plan for the franchise and it shows.
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