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Posts posted by DR HOLLIDAY

  1. Exercise is there (not enough of it however!). I do play hockey and because of everything that is going on during a game your brain focuses there and you forget about everything else. I also coach youth sports because it takes the focus away from you and onto the kids. It's an incredibly rewarding experience.


    I also game quite a bit. For me gaming is a great way to just calm the mind. I know people look at it in different ways. There's absolutely no doubt there is an immense amount of visual stimulation in gaming. At the same time it's easy to lose yourself in them. I don't play first person shooter games often. I don't mind them, but most of the time in general online game play they suck. I did play competitively quite a few years ago on the PC when CounterStrike first came out. That was more entertaining because we actually planned strategies and stuff.




    No need to compare, like people have varying pain thresholds so to are the thresholds for how people react to depression and its impacts. It's all serious to me, so never worry that your level isn't important enough or severe enough to discuss or act upon.


    I do LOVE being outside and in the middle of nothing. I live near Mendon Ponds Park (for those in Rochester) and I love walking in the park when I get a chance. There's so much space. Nature has never stressed me out. I've never blamed nature for anything. In my opinion, nature is perfect. There generally is no wasted energy. Things happen because they must happen. It's like seeing two trees come together and if they are equal enough they stop battling and just agree to grow together. It's almost perfect harmony for me. So, to see that natural order and be a part of that really resonates with me and is soothing. Even though my mind is free to wander during those times it is positively influenced by things that I take to have no negative meaning. They just exist, as I exist.


    The struggle with mental illness is I think the fear the people have to realize that everyone may have some form of some mental illness. The fear that being diagnosed with some mental illness might make you inferior or be treated that way. People are afraid to face their own mortality and their own shortcomings. So, it's easier to ignore it than perhaps realize they themselves share something in common.


    In addition, I do think there's a fear of mandated medication, treatment, etc. by the government. That somehow, just because you have some mental conflict that you are a threat to society. I can't blame people for that. We fear the unknown and mental illness is highly unknown at this point.


    Thanks for sharing man.

  2. I love the music Kurt Cobain made, I hate Kurt Cobain because of all the great music he cheated me out of. It's perfectly natural to be angry or judge. Performers like Cobain or Robin Williams live theirs lives trying to reach as many people as they can, make that connection that they ride to great heights of success. If you are one of those people they reach and touch through their art it is a natural reaction to feel frustration and anger when they take it away by their own hand.


    I am happy to enjoy the great music of his that I still enjoy today…….Sometimes the glass is half full man.

  3. Jeff Bridges was on Stern this morning and while listening on ny commute I told myself I'd watch one of his movies tonight. With the Robin Williams news it had to be The Fisher King, I just finished it on Netflix. Brilliant.


    It is a great Film, Terry Giliam (sp) directed……..A really great movie.

  4. This HOF enshrinement couldn't have come at a better time. The support for Andre Reed and Jim Kelly there in Canton has to be sending a shockwave or, at least, a major reminder to the Wilson's and the league about just how much this city needs and loves this team.


    Well said man….. :beer:

  5. Not following the logic behind the bolded. It appears that you're saying that because the Germans had to put 2 teams out there for ~45 years, the successes of the bifurcated team are somehow diminished. Wouldn't WG's success be even more impressive because they didn't have all the top Germans available to them?


    Agreed, had they been one country they would have probably fielded a stronger team and would have formed the Bundesliga earlier which would also have lead them to having a stronger team and perhaps a couple of more trophies.

  6. Amazing game!


    Drane will be happy that goatse got the win.




    Germany didn't dive. Their players got tripped, got up, got back into the play. I really liked that team.


    Schweiny got punched in the face, got stitched up hockey style and went back on the pitch…….Great game, great team……4 stars

  7. What if they kept the off sides rule, but suspended it once the ball was in the box?


    I can see this being interesting, my cousin and I have talked about this being something that could stop some very difficult calls and really if the ball is in the 18 yard box…….But I guess players could impede the goalie and defenders

  8. Clinical win and Löw did most of what I said to shore up the D……..Neuer is a damn beast in net, loved that save on Benzema at the end of the game…..stuck his paw up in the air and like Wyatt Earp yelled "NOOOOOO!!!!!!!

  9. France - Germany

    my prediction, france will play a hard game, trying to outmuscle germany, and it will work, i can see alot of cards being thrown around in this one.

    If france can avoid the red card, they will win. The slow german defense might take one before them though.



    The slow German defence can be fixed……….Durm at LB who is very fast………Take out Mertesacker and put Hummels and Boatang in the Middle and slot Lahm back at RB………I would be very happy to see that line up on defence

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