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Everything posted by DR HOLLIDAY

  1. Very tragic news, RIP Monty. :cry:
  2. Myers enjoying a tank-free life........Best of luck to him....... :beer:
  3. Dark Souls and Diablo 3 and FiFA
  4. Big Daddy Kane........... :beer: :beer: :beer:
  5. Yes he was, played balls out smart hockey........I'm glad he is going to play for us.
  6. NIce play on that goal, from all 3 members of the line.
  7. He did man, the passion still burns.
  8. Means nothing to me, sometimes you take 35 shots and get no quality scoring chances.
  9. Merry Christmas baby Christmas Jesus.
  10. His dad got paid in the millions by the leafs to punch guys in the head………and score a few goals with his ass cheeks.
  11. Very true, lol
  12. There has never been a healthy Bradford. Therefore Orton>Bradford.
  13. I heard it was Marchands man chowder
  14. Lucic taking a beat down on ProHockeyTalk. http://prohockeytalk.nbcsports.com/2014/11/21/prout-drops-lucic-as-far-as-i-was-concerned-we-were-engaged-in-a-fight/comment-page-1/#comment-385461 Click the link, trust me you'll like it, lol
  15. Best part and proves Lucic is a douchebag, he gets knocked down, one and done, bitch style and he keeps chirps with the blood dripping on his bitch face……..Loser
  16. http://www.thescore.com/news/637098 we need to trade for this guy Out for Prout!!!!!! Posted in around the NHL, but I though everyone would like to see this.
  17. Its always darkest before the dawn, or in this case the smell of diesel is stinkiest before the tank is shut off
  18. He's at least got another ten games in him before the next injury
  19. Don't curse the tank……... :beer:
  20. Trust me guys you will like it, its also very funny
  21. Great show, anyone else here watch it? I have watched season 1, binge style and have moved onto season 2. Season one is awesome, Jon Voight and James Woods are scene stealers to say the least.
  22. Same here, been listening to records and playing Madden and Fifa all night
  23. Bale was fine, he needs to have some guys on the same level as himself to be effective.
  24. Here are your Buffalo Canadians!!!!!!!
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