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Everything posted by papazoid

  1. when i say "orchestrated"....i'm not assigning blame....i'm giving fehr credit for handling the process better than bettman. i know i'm getting ahead of myself, but i just dont see a way out.....the only thing that the players are willing to give up....is to "eventually" get to 50/50 over several years (allowing for all existing contracts to be honored in full). the owners want 50/50 now (with roll backs). this is going to a federal mediator (more waste of time), then to the courts......where if the owners aren't careful, it will be the end of the salary cap and back to total free agency like MLB. i hope i'm wrong....
  2. patience....this is all part of fehr's diabolical master plan......obviously fehr can't mention anything at all to do with lawsuits......otherwise the owners will be able to claim he is not arguing in good faith. they are at an impasse, that is obvious, in my opinion, they will not be able to resolve this on their own....it's heading to a mediator , then court.......but first the charade, called negotiations.
  3. one of Fehr's many law suits will be about "lost wages". he will argue that the owners were responsible for the so called "damages" (lower revenue) and that the players should be made whole (100% on contract honored)......he will argue that the owners did not act in the best interest of their partners (the players).......yep, this will be going on for months....
  4. not happening..... this is a dog & pony show orchestrated by Fehr, to simply be able to prove that he has "bargained in good faith" when this thing heads to court. this charade will continue for months, as in until at least February.
  5. i think the owners will boot bettman, before the players boot fehr.
  6. ellis is in his 30's....the other three in their 20's.
  7. ellis shoots left....the other three shoot right.
  8. The dynamic of those attending hasn't been confirmed, although it's expected both players and owners will be involved in what is described as a "smaller group" meeting. NHL deputy commissioner Bill Daly tells TSN the league's position has been somewhat misrepresented and while the NHL has certain perameters it isn't willing to budge on, he suggests there is flexibility as the negotiation remains in a critical stage. http://www.tsn.ca/nhl/story/?id=409721
  9. NEW YORK -- The stalemate between the NHL and NHLPA may last longer than expected, possibly stretching into December. Multiple sources told ESPN that NHL commissioner Gary Bettman suggested to NHLPA executive director Donald Fehr on Wednesday that the two sides take a two-week moratorium from negotiations. The news was earlier reported by TSN's Aaron Ward. There also has been speculation that the fate of the season may be in jeopardy soon. "I hope not, but I'm more discouraged now than I have been at any point in the process," NHL deputy commissioner Bill Daly said Thursday. Daly did admit, however, that he is frustrated with the state of negotiations. "I'm more discouraged now than I have been at any point in the process," he said . http://espn.go.com/nhl/story/_/id/8636941/gary-bettman-suggests-2-week-moratorium-nhl-labor-talks-sources-say
  10. it's all about Donald Fehr..... Know this, Part 2: NHLPA executive director Don Fehr has done a "masterful" job so far of managing this lockout, one NHL governor told ESPN.com Wednesday. Fehr is getting the league to move on key issues such as revenue sharing and is keeping his players on board through it all. And here’s where the read on Fehr gets widely different takes. On the one hand, there are people who believe Fehr has always shown an ability to feel the pulse of his membership, and if it’s a deal they want, he’ll deliver one when the time is right. But there are others who doubt his true intentions. "I think he wants to rewrite labor negotiations; the game is not his priority," said one NHL team executive. in my opinion....not only is this entire season going to be cancelled.....he is going to sue the owners for lost wages....this is headed to the courts.....where it will drag on and jeopardize the start of NEXT SEASON.
  11. i assure you...Donald Fehr will not lose this fight.... if the owners aren't careful, he will eventually eliminate the salary cap.... i remind you of his MLB game plan: In December 1985, Fehr was voted executive director of the MLBPA after having served as acting director since December 9, 1983. Fehr successfully challenged the owners' collusion, leading to the owners paying $280 million in damages to the players. Fehr led the players union through the 1994–95 Major League Baseball strike and subsequent World Series cancellation. He is a protégé of Marvin Miller. Fehr was instrumental in implementing the rejection of future admissions into the MLBPA by replacement players who planned to fill in during the strike of 1995.
  12. NHLPA special counsel Steve Fehr told a panel in Toronto on Monday that three issues remain to be solved between the owners and players: the split of money, player contract rights and who pays for the damage caused by the lockout. The NHL has proposed changes to entry-level deals, arbitration, free agency and contract limits. Those are issues that particularly irked Crosby and he reiterated those feelings Tuesday. "Guys aren't going to give in when it comes to contract stuff. It's not going to happen," Crosby said. "It doesn't have anything to do with (money), it's the rights of players within your profession so that's what I think guys are definitely going to stand strong on. It's ridiculous to try change that after the success the league and everybody's had here the last seven or eight years." http://www.tsn.ca/nhl/story/?id=409415
  13. the CIALIS hope..... Steve Fehr: “When the moment is right...... http://prohockeytalk.nbcsports.com/2012/11/12/steve-fehr-when-the-moment-is-right-a-deal-will-be-done-very-quickly/
  14. NHL lockout: Sunday brings bad news; Fehr says league digs in. The NHL lockout roller coaster went down on Sunday afternoon. Owners and players met for about an hour in New York and discussed player contracting rules—not how to split hockey-related revenue, which is the main sticking point in collective bargaining agreement negotiations—and it did not go well, NHLPA executive director Donald Fehr told reporters. According to Fehr, NHL commissioner Gary Bettman said during the meeting that, "we're past the point of give-and-take," http://aol.sportingnews.com/nhl/story/2012-11-11/nhl-lockout-news-2012-cba-negotiations-donald-fehr-make-whole-hockey-strike
  15. NEW YORK -- The NHL and players' association met for less than an hour Sunday afternoon at the league's office in midtown Manhattan. The sole topic of the meeting was player contracting issues. There are no immediate plans to meet again. http://espn.go.com/nhl/story/_/id/8619789/2012-lockout-nhl-players-association-resume-talks-new-york
  16. boom...there goes the season..... i know it makes no sense....but i just dont see them coming to an agreement this season... it's just impossible mathematically to pay the players 100% of their existing contracts AND get to 50/50 split in HRR. many owners are already losing money and won't accept anything but a plan that is profit certain. players didnt hire Fehr to rollover.
  17. *
  18. the Winter Classic is the next milestone.....if that game gets cancelled.....so does the season.
  19. ESPN commisioned a scientific survey.... in America, amongst the 12-24 age group...... Soccer is the 2nd most popular sport....only behind the NFL... and that Lionel Messi is more popular than Dwayne Wade.... http://soccernet.espn.go.com/blog/_/name/relegationzone/id/262?cc=5901
  20. Players request meeting with owners; Daly: “Not sure what we would be meeting about” IMPASSE - the two sides reach a stalemate. deadlocked and unable to reach agreement. GOOD FAITH BARGAINING - the union wants to be able to say they made all attempts to meet and bargain. fehr just setting up the legal proceedings......this is headed to court.....
  21. Each side has one non-negotiable item on its agenda. The NHL wants a 50-50 split, preferably immediately. The NHLPA wants players to get every dollar in their previously signed contracts. According to Globe and Mail reporter James Mirtle, who has a background in statistical analysis, it’s impossible to have both. So the stalemate continues . http://www.buffalonews.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20121020/SPORTS/121029959/1003
  22. i hope BOTH the players and owners make nothing this year.....cancel the season.... sabre season tickets holders get all their money back PLUS 4% interest.....thats pretty good these days.
  23. the very smart owners felt that 43% of $2 Billion was a good deal.... but now, they can't make it on 43% of $3 Billion. just shameful....
  24. no hockey until the winter classic at the earliest....if then. the players didn't hire Fehr to rollover. prepare for months of negotiations......
  25. the owners felt 43% of $2 BILLION was good enough last time......and now that revenue has grown to $3 BILLION.....43% is not enough ????.....i call bullchit on the owners....
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