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Everything posted by ddaryl

  1. Tools and data are only as good as the personell using them. You can translate data 10 different ways, so skill in the analyst department comes from within perspective of sed data and how it actually is appied to the whole team/picture. Got to have talent, and a Data Analyst talents is their ability to translate and apply to the situation at hand. I think players who aren't flashy can do a lot of little things correctly and data can support that, but to never actually watch a player on film/in person wouldn't be prudent.
  2. I'm in this camp as well, if Dallas just wants to get something then we might play. We are not going to be doing offer sheets IMO. Thought about that too. What future considerations would we possibly get for that though
  3. One thing we know, the Sabres are not giving up mass assets in a trade.
  4. I'm on board with the "We will surpise everybody" mentality we have some wildcards that could prove to be big difference makers in young talent and Cromrie coming over. But last year built the confidence, and if they can carry that into a whole season and deal with the ebs and flows of a season we can defintiely be in the coversation There are some teams in the East getting long in the tooth.
  5. I believe Cromrie will shine for us. In limited action he did have better stats then Hellybuyck. Also Winnipeg seemed to not be very good defense team and if I'm reading stats right the Sabres were better here I think there is plenty of good reason to believe Cromrie can step up and become a solid G for us. Cromrie probably plays between 40-50 games Anderson will get 20 -30 Games And UPL call up makes up any differences Barring injury(s) We may be calling up others if injuries happen at G and that will throw a wrench into everything
  6. Well you also milk the rookie contract as long as you can... but Josh got extended a year early because obviously the price was going up if we waited
  7. Beasley is nothing... The Bills are top dog and focused Why I asked.. because you think the Bills are the same old same old. I say they ain't and definitely shouldn't be met with pessimism from fans
  8. When this year , next year, in 5 years?
  9. We don't know how Cromrie will respond, and UPL did well in his breif stint when called up. Right now we are a wildcard at G.. but I believe we are better than last year as long as we stay healthy at G.
  10. They better hit the over. If they put up less than 77pts than all hopium is tossed out.
  11. Until we prove we are not the same old Sabres by making the playoffs we deserve the ranking
  12. Comrie > Subban, Tokarski, Dell, Houser Comrie at this junction = UPL and Anderson Goaltending should be improved. I have faith that Cromrie will play hard for us. This is a golden opportunity for him.
  13. That's a heluva raise for 1 real good season. It's a bit of a calculated gamble.. I would of liked to see a little more, but ţhen the price goes up. Who would of thunk it, Tage becoming a 1C. I'll be happy if he can put up 30 goals consistently over the life of the contract
  14. Holy Ouch!!!!!!!! that had to hurt. I bet it left a mark!
  15. Actually I love it, because it never works out the way they say, and Leafs fans fell pain thats the 1st thing I was thinking
  16. There is always a player who is ready to take the next step, lots of postives about Comrie, so I start out optomistic and challenge Comrie to prove me wrong. If it goes south well at least I wasn't stewing in negativity all summer. I was the same way with the Bills for the entire drought, the glass was always half full... till the season started then it was half empty... I really like the fact the Comrie is young and from what brief info and interviews we have seen, he seems like he will fit and grow with this club. Part of me thinks he will prove to be more consistent than UPL and the future might be Comrie / Levi....
  17. I'm definitely drinking some Kool-Aid with Comrie... but I always choose optomism at this point
  18. Good enough for me to say we will be better this season and it will show up in the Win Column. I fully expect more growth from the team as a whole, while younger players continue to push the roster.
  19. I'm sure Kevyn would have taken that deal if it was offered to him... A free 1st rd pick for a player you don't even have to play
  20. They grew last year and finished strong... I think they''re ready
  21. The way I look at it our young players have way more upside to be gained..... And geting NHL playing time is the only way to tap into that upside sooner than later.
  22. The Offer on Paramount + has been very good..... I also enjoyed the Outlaws on Amazon Prime
  23. You're thinking of canines, LOL... Large Dogs are susceptible to hip dysplasia
  24. I hope UPL stabilizes this year.... Giving his past few years I'm really hoping Cromrie can apply the pressure and UPL responds
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