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Everything posted by ddaryl

  1. Canada has pretty much dominated the play Team USA reminds me of the Sabres in this game.
  2. More of a "Holy **it he hung like horse" look
  3. By the time this team is ready to compete again Millers days in the league will be numebred. There are some solid goaltending prospects in the Sabres system.. but Enroth just isn't #1 material... Ya have to trade Miller and maintain the rebuild IMO. Way to late to turn back now. Your also not going to bring in any top FA's with this team... So until the youth they've brought in starts to show promise and the Sabres are a playoff team with the youth movement in place... going fishing for high profile players is a waste of time. Hopefully Miller can be traded for solid youth assets or picks or both to a team who is trying to win it all now and willing ot part with those assets for that chance.
  4. Pegula's only fault was sticking with Reiger. I would have to manufacture something to complain about in regrds to our new FO additions. Now hopefully the Sabres just don't do something really stupid like come in 2nd last place this year
  5. Pegula is completley on board with this rebuild... so No Reiger is not being held accountable for this otherwise Pegula woulf of fired him bvefore the rebuild
  6. I haver to laugh.. After last years fire sale I find it funny that any Sabres fan wouldn't be talking 2014 draft. Are there really a few of you who expected this extremely young team to win ? It was beyond obvious we were in full rebuild mode... I'm just hoping we don;'t do something real stupid like win to many games and not get the 1st pick overall The Vanek trade was a decent trade, 2 high draft picks and a temporary replacement player..........Miller is next.
  7. wow bummer, livng in Texas...
  8. I always enjoy the complete over reaction by those who are not happy with a pick..
  9. ya could of used a better analogy
  10. I am not on board with a goalie early . But how the hell is a kicker compared to a golatender when a golatender is on the ice for a full 60 minutes and a K maybe on the field for 3-5 minutes top
  11. Something had to be done.. things have been on a downturn for the last few years. Slow starts have been the norm, and moeny spent has not made any difference. This team is better then their record IMO
  12. ddaryl

    This team stinks

    I do not understand how this defense can be so pathetically bad. Plenty of money spent and we are playing like we are worse off then we were 2 years ago.
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