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    Ontario, Canada
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    Nascar, Pontiac Fieros, Buffalo Sabres, Girls!

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  1. agreed... from where i was watching... the leaf annoucers said they enjoyed the game because the refs took a backseat and let the two teams play.... IM SORRY WAIT!.............. is there STILL a grey area in the NHL rulebook or is it just me... i thought it was cut and dry..... i saw soooo many hooks slashes and holds that could have been called... but they let it go... there killing the game i tell ya... killin it!
  2. shades of boston and toronto in this game... except everytime this happens were given more time to make a comeback... except everytime were less and less effective at doing it...
  3. yea i was listening to it on the radio... was a great game... i was there for a few minutes at the HSBC too... was looking for a slug jersey of any sort... got a white one... but i could hear the crowd easlily from the store... they were roudy...
  4. i think he played a decent game... weak on the blocker side but some there were some bounces and the puck just landed in front of a canadians player... not much he could do...
  5. ill be watching it on leafs tv tonight... that channel was forced upon me by my cable company... oh well it comes in handy once in a while
  6. i think miller has definatly shown he's the better netminder now... we just need to stay consistant... thats whats most important... win another on the road and then go from there and start fresh at home... this can be done...
  7. brutal! just brutal... i always hate to complain about the refs... but the sabres could barely stay on there feet coming out of the zone... stupid stupid last period.... not happy... emery did a good job but more had to be done... why can't they play the other 40 mins of the game like the played the middle 20 min's! damn it!
  8. haha agreed.... that team best pray that hasek is ready.... even if he is... im not to worried.... i think they'll ride emery but that team now has to sit on this embaressing loss for 3 days... i want to see the look on mucklers face again when they blew it... volchenkov is in for it LOL.... Can't wait till game 2!
  9. well im done listening to this stupid game it was pointless to get fired up about it in the first place, until someone injures one of there key players its useless, wheres kasparitis when you need him?.... good night all...
  10. it better get us alot pissed off... there better be boston players lieing all over the ice when we play the bruins next... i want this team to be furious... based on the way emery is playing this game is over.... done and done... time to look forward and see if we can beat our whipping boys the bruins... there always good for a win...
  11. haha yea im with ya and so is the sold out crowd at the HSBC...
  12. YESSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! were on... hopefully the momentum will help to move us and at least get the tieing goal.
  13. thats hard to do when you get beat this bad by the same team over and over... its not fun.
  14. yes this is starting to get redundant... and stupid... the sens are good but not this good... we should be able to score goals on emery he's not THAT good... someone needs to run the goalie or do something to take some of that mass talent off of that team... that way we can see how well they'll do with mike morrisson leading them to the playoffs... god this is aggrivating.
  15. Agreed so many people will jump on you because you team is in a mini slump... even ottawa has had a slump or two... I think we've been spoiled a little bit this past few months... time to wake up.
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