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Everything posted by biodork

  1. Traded for who? Never heard of this guy. Guess it's not surprising since it's an AHLer for an AHLer... seems odd they'd just swap minor prospects.
  2. Get to meet some new (and old) friends tomorrow night to drink bourbon and watch hockey. What's not to like?
  3. It's a long clip, yeah. Good stuff, though... he takes on Dr. Oz and a couple congressmen for their irresponsible actions in promoting unregulated nutritional supplements, all with his usual wit and sarcasm. Love that guy.
  4. I love you nerds. :wub:
  5. John Oliver is (as usual) awesome:
  6. That's a good read, K9. Thanks for posting.
  7. This is lame, but I can't believe I have to wait until March 3rd to find out what happens next on Marvel Agents of SHIELD! :(
  8. The winter finale of Marvel Agents of SHIELD was awesome. Now if only the Thursday thread were open for a related comment...
  9. ^That's good stuff.
  10. This is pretty awesome: http://www.nytimes.c...-return-it.html
  11. Debunking the "if you can speak, you can breathe" myth (written by a police officer): (FTR, I didn't understand how that worked, either.)
  12. Agreed. And now it's in my head. That has to be an oxymoron. :P Congrats!
  13. These bitters are pretty awesome, too: http://bittercube.com/products/ I've mostly used the orange and cherry bark vanilla, but I love the flavors and how they come in these cool medicine dropper-style bottles!
  14. lol now you believe me! It makes such a huge difference in flavor. Glad you got to try them!
  15. No, I get it; I'm mostly wondering aloud as to why he'd be backing out now. AZ's tenuous situation isn't a new thing (as you pointed out), so what's changed? Is he just fickle?
  16. Well that was a possibility even in the beginning, though... I can't see how that becoming more likely would put the kibosh on the ownership deal. Maybe he just figured it less likely he'll recoup his investment in a few years? They can't improve the team and draw more fans without money, though. Edit: and if he's not prepared to lose money the first few years, he should've never considered investing in the Coyotes to begin with.
  17. Good grief... wonder what the deal is. Link here: http://nypost.com/2014/12/06/devils-need-a-nosedive/ Sounds like current owners directed the sell-off to cut expenses, which would suggest they are no longer expecting the cash infusion from Barroway. Wth is going on there?
  18. Well at least there's some organization to the movement: http://engage.fergusonaction.com/solidarity_actions
  19. Pens trade Samuelsson to the Coyotes for Klinkhammer and a conditional draft pick. http://www.nhl.com/ice/news.htm?id=742648
  20. Congrats, Glass!
  21. Similar here (4 hrs each of the last couple nights), although for me it's not insomnia; just lack of time. By about this time of the day I'm fighting to keep from falling asleep sitting at my desk. So very tired. And FedEx. I've complained about them before, but really, f*ck FedEx. I had placed an online order a couple weeks back, and after it posted to my credit card I checked their website and saw it had been scheduled to ship with FedEx on Nov. 20th. On Nov. 26th it still hadn't been picked up and I emailed the vendor to ask if they could check on it. No response. Emailed again on Dec. 1st, and as of today, still no response. It's been TWO WEEKS since the shipping label was generated and no movement by FedEx. Clearly the package was misplaced or lost, but no one will take responsibility for it. Something similar happened last December when I placed an order that was supposed to go FedEx and instead seemed to disappear from existence. :censored:
  22. Well in retrospect I may have spoken too quickly, but I really did just intend to compliment people because this thread has the potential to be a train wreck.
  23. :blink: Not intended as backhanded anything... I meant it as a genuine compliment!
  24. I am pleasantly surprised by how much I'm enjoying this thread. Kudos to all who are participating in the manner intended by the OP, and keep it coming. Interesting stuff all around.
  25. You could hear a pin drop in that building right now. :D
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