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Everything posted by biodork

  1. That's why I was thinking long-term; I'd read knee surgery and just assumed that was going to be more than a couple weeks. Glad he's healed up!
  2. According to this article from today, it's his hand: http://www.buffalohockeybeat.com/sabres-marcus-foligno-out-a-while-with-apparent-hand-injury-10-players-injured-or-sick/ Also, Nolan said Weber might play tomorrow. I could've sworn he was going to be out long-term, but anything to keep Balls off the ice!
  3. Fair enough. I just have a hard time blaming him for being tired when he's playing the second game, but I trust you're right on the conditioning / concentration. Enroth is probably still learning what it takes to be a regular starter. Why is WGR still covering the stupid Bills game instead of airing the Sabres postgame? Grrr.
  4. I'll take your word for it, but he did look strong earlier in the game. And just to play devil's advocate: wouldn't fatigue be something he can't really work on (i.e. not a positioning issue)? Man... they had no business being in this game given the roster and everything else that went down in the 1st, but dammit, they deserved to win tonight with that effort. Hopefully no more players fall ill between now and Tues.
  5. Have you watched the rest of the game? He's been making glove saves all night long.
  6. Ouch Gorges Enroth is on point with the glove hand tonight.
  7. How cool that Schaller's parents were there to see his first goal (even if their friends were kind of douchy about it)!
  8. Wooohoo, Schaller! Way to make use of your limited ice time, kid.
  9. Beat me to it.
  10. :clapping: What a cool experience for him!
  11. Shots pretty even, too (23-22 Boston)... not bad at all.
  12. Almost has to be... he was cut, but not badly. And no idea on Foligno... hopefully not flu symptoms. Dammit... stepped away from the computer and missed both goals. Good to see them putting up a fight, even with the bench as thin as it is. Ahh, that's why Neuvirth is out (he's sick, too)... here I thought Nolan just wanted Enroth back in there. He's looked sharp, considering.
  13. Faaaack... both Gionta and Foligno will not return. Not sure why for Foligno. Holy short bench, Batman!
  14. Woooo!!! Larsson has been a man possessed tonight. Hate to say it, but nice play by Meszaros. Enroth!
  15. Gionta doesn't return for the second... Edit: good find, Spud. Amazing how quickly things show up on the interwebs.
  16. ...and we're back. Freaking Bills game, screwing with the server. Gionta has yet to return after taking a hard elbow to the head. No idea why the Boston player only got a 10 min. misconduct (and whyinthehell Foligno did also). Bench is getting shorter and shorter...
  17. Jealous! And good stuff, PA... glad you got to check it out in person, and hopefully I will at some point, too! So did your skating lessons pay off? ;)
  18. Noice. I hate to be the one to say this out loud, but after the word of illness going around the locker room I sure as heck hope the Make-A-Wish kid didn't catch anything during his visit. :(
  19. Patty does! They talked about it in one of his Blue and Gold features a while back! See here around 2 min. in:
  20. Aw c'mon, man... even on Urban Dictionary the first FIVE definitions are the same innocent meaning as here.
  21. Plus both he and the kid probably play with Legos, so he can relate to them! ;)
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