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Everything posted by biodork

  1. I don't know why, but in my mind I'm hearing all Ryan's quotes from that article in Ron White's voice.
  2. Great story and good find, dudacek.
  3. lol you can get the same pic on a shirt through store716.com: http://www.store716.com/product/rex
  4. Good find... I'd never heard that before.
  5. Wow, weave... that's a serious drink you've got there! Was going to post this last night but SS was down for the count: http://www.skinnytaste.com/2014/10/quinoa-fiesta-enchilada-bake.html Joke all you want about quinoa and hippie food, but this sh!t is tasty.
  6. lol my apologies. ;)
  7. It was probably this: http://sabres.buffalonews.com/2015/01/11/sabres-mccormick-hospitalized-blood-clot-leg-indefinitely/
  8. I'm guessing it had more to do with the Sabres having the weekend off than not wanting to keep them, but I guess we'll find out tomorrow!
  9. http://sabres.buffalonews.com/2015/01/11/sabres-mccormick-hospitalized-blood-clot-leg-indefinitely/ Yikes, man.
  10. Poor Cody... guy just can't seem to stay healthy anymore. :( I wonder how they even found it?
  11. WGR saying it's all but official for Ryan: http://www.wgr550.com/pages/9423614.php?contentType=31&contentId=2416&pid=449335 Seems odd to me they didn't even finish interviewing all the candidates on their list first. One heck of a pic they choose for that article, too, lol.
  12. Agreed; watching the juniors games earlier in the week was a stark reminder of just how far the Sabres have to go.
  13. Yeah the third was bad... I missed the first but the second was decent in comparison to Thursday night.
  14. Clearly you missed Thursday night's game in Carolina. ^This.
  15. Bummer. Well, this was at least (mostly) watchable... Neuvirth was great, and they actually killed a penalty for once.
  16. Down 1-0 in the first, and Corsi = 0. Scored 1 in the second to tie, and Corsi = -26. Go figure!
  17. Neuvirth is back to his early season form.
  18. Uh oh, hope Neuvirth is okay.
  19. Came home just in time to see Cody Mac net a shortie... how odd that Bishop never moved. It's like he thought Cody was bluffing, lol. PA should be relieved to know Dunleavy is alive and well. ;)
  20. It's been behaving normally for me since this afternoon, but maybe related to this? http://forums.sabres...ne/#entry641258 Edit: I take it back; the Aud Club has been behaving just fine, but when I tried the SS homepage I got the same thing as you, RK. Think it's SDS's server upgrade.
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