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Everything posted by biodork

  1. This thing sounds pretty awesome: http://lunasleep.com/
  2. Lol true, but I remain unconvinced that McDavid or Eichel alone are going to turn this franchise around, so Murray still has his work cut out for him after June!
  3. Well the way I see it, that's where GMTM's job really comes in.... his task is to make the Sabres relevant again before they hit UFA status so they actually want to re-sign here.
  4. My dad had some kind of severe stomach bug over the weekend that landed him in urgent care, passed out with an IV. He's finally getting better, but yesterday my stepmom caught it. And this morning the two of them had to drive from DE to NY for some extremely unpleasant family business. The short version: for as long as I can remember, my grandmother and her best friend have lived together as companions after both of their husbands passed too young. They used to live in Florida, but a couple years ago moved back to NY to be near my Aunt. Her friend's mentally handicapped adult daughter ended up moving with them, so there are three people living in a small place intended for 1-2. Her friend has had MS for years, and it's to the point now where she is fairly physically incapacitated (diapers, no driving herself, etc). My grandmother's memory has been in a steep decline the last year or so, but physically she's a healthy 86 year old woman. The result has been her being caretaker and essentially waiting hand and foot on her friend, which isn't a good situation, and it came to light that her "friend" has been using her financially to buy things for herself without properly attending to my grandmother's own finances. And very recently, my aunt discovered that this "friend" secretly arranged for a friend of hers to fly up, rent a van, and move them all back to Florida, against my grandmother's wishes. So my dad, stepmom, and aunt were all planning to be there this morning to intercept the whole thing, serve her "friend" with a non-removal order for my grandmother, and hope that she and her daughter do leave without her. My grandmother will also be served with a petition to be declared incompetent to handle her own affairs so my aunt can take over in this regard. It's bound to be ugly and emotional, and I am on pins and needles waiting for updates (which may not come, since I don't know that they have cell service there). Just a horrible all-around situation.
  5. This is where I am as well. I'll at least start out watching tonight, but between the late start and the high likelihood of unentertaining hockey (regardless of the outcome), I'm not sure I'll finish it.
  6. Except when that player is Sean Avery.
  7. Today I discovered an unexpected perk of the funding instability in my lab. This Friday will be my first paycheck of the new year (we get paid monthly). I checked the details online yesterday to make sure everything looked correct based on my new FSA elections, etc, and noticed my medical premium was about half what it should be. I figured it was a mistake and didn't want to end up with a really short paycheck later in the year to offset it, so I emailed our benefits HR rep to alert them that something was wrong with the calculation. Today they called and told me it's because they set our premiums based on your employment status / salary the previous October, and I'm currently on a 6 month appointment rather than the standard 12 month appointment. So even though I'm getting paid the same as before and there's a good chance my appointment will be renewed, for their purposes it looks like my annual salary is 1/2 what it really is and my premium is based on that. It's fixed for the entire year, too. Bonus!
  8. Thanks for the summary, dudacek!
  9. I knew from before, but yes. ;)
  10. Lol it doesn't, but it was just close enough that it messed with my head. :)
  11. Ah, okay. Yeah I wasn't going to figure that out, lol.
  12. :p http://forums.sabrespace.com/user/2687-koomkie/
  13. Ugh I'm normally good at Wheel of Fortune, but my brain keeps trying to make it Ristolainen and I can't un-see it, lol.
  14. Have you never seen Koomkie's avatar before?
  15. I get why the Os are gone, but why remove the Is?
  16. Why does Hiller have a plain black goalie mask? Looks odd.
  17. I wonder if he rues the day Miller was traded and he became our starter.
  18. That, too! :(
  19. Geez Goodreau looks like a high school kid.
  20. Valient effort by Enroth to keep the game tied this long.
  21. No worries! I wasn't entirely sure if that was the font name or just a theme. :)
  22. Why is the Calgary mascot reminiscent of a Gene Simmons furry? :unsure:
  23. Indeed. Good thing, too.
  24. Not really, no. I mean, he's a nice enough guy, but he seems like a bit of a stick-in-the-mud (and he's married). But I feel like he should add me to his Christmas list with how much business I give him. :p
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