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Everything posted by biodork

  1. Finally saw Blade Runner (both the original and the new one) last night... Am I the only person who didn't like it? Cool idea but good grief the pacing was awful, and the first one especially was so boring for long stretches. What a waste of 5 hours.
  2. The "Jedi truck nuts" (lol) were hanging in the Millennium Falcon when Luke went in earlier in the movie, so I assumed they were Han's.
  3. I got a cold. :P (But I'm headed to spend the week with my dad, so that's my real present.)
  4. Cookies. All the cookies. (Sorry, pancreas.)
  5. I love this place, so much. :D
  6. Congrats to your son! Ditto... I'm headed back East to spend next week with my dad and stepmom, and it looks like I'll have time to catch up with two other friends from home while I'm there. I feel a little guilty knowing how much work there is to be done, but holy cow do I ever need the break.
  7. She declined it... I didn't push her on it because it was probably too late by the time she was telling me, but I had the impression she felt like that was going to bring up too many bad memories from the past experience. She did at least get a regular physical exam done, so that's something. :/ She's doing remarkably well at work this week, but I think she's just trying to keep very busy and not think about it much. And thankfully she has a counselor who she'd used in the past and re-contacted last week, so that is good.
  8. Update from last week: So she eventually found familiar surroundings, and it turned out she was at someone's house/apartment a few blocks away from the theater and her car was still where she'd parked it. She's hoping maybe someone who worked there saw her in a bad way and was taking care of her because she had all her belongings and her clothes weren't in disarray, but no one was there when she woke up and there was no note left behind. But she got her test results back on Monday and she had GHB in her system, which definitely explains why she can't remember anything after the first 3 songs of the concert. So after she's telling me all this and I'm feeling slightly relieved and thinking about how it could have been much worse, she tells me that she's having some PTSD because 5 years ago she was gang raped after getting way too drunk at a party. :o :cry: And what kind of a f*cked up society do we live in where she's blaming herself for having the audacity to go to a concert alone (after the friend who was supposed to go with her bailed at the last minute)??? Jesus. I can't even.
  9. Even worse!
  10. Oh dear... that is an unfortunate hairline. He should keep the helmet on. :lol:
  11. :lol: And to you, MODO!
  12. Merry Christmas to all you fine folks who make me want to continue posting here even while the Sabres are terrible. :)
  13. Saw it last night with a coworker and will probably go again next week with my dad and stepmom. No spoilers but definitely recommend. :)
  14. Yikes! That sounds... unpleasant.
  15. Tinnitus? This stuff works well for impacted ear wax, although the sensation of it trickling into your ear canal is just terrible (tickles!): https://www.similasanusa.com/ear-wax-relief
  16. Not entirely clear... first she said apartment, then she said house. I think she's just frazzled and confused still.
  17. Me, too... this poor girl is worried about getting in trouble for missing work, and we keep trying to tell her we're just worried about her! She found her car still parked near the theater, but she has no idea whose place she woke up in and left before trying to find out because she was freaked out.
  18. My new coworker was running really late this morning, which is unusual for her because normally she will text me if she's stuck in traffic or overslept, and we had training scheduled for 9am. Almost an hour later I get a message from her saying she thinks her drink was spiked at a concert last night because she'd just woken up in an unfamiliar place and has no idea where her car is. She's going to the police and the hospital to get checked out, and I'm really worried for her because she has no idea what happened. She doesn't drink... she even turned down a dessert yesterday at our holiday potluck because it was made with bourbon. I was afraid she'd been in a car accident, but this is so much worse. :(
  19. Huh... and here I thought that was just something they made up for the South Park movie. The more you know.TM
  20. I probably won't get to see it until Christmas day or sometime that week when I'm at my dad's place... they're waiting on me to go and I'm so busy with work that it won't be too hard to wait until then. At least the theater shouldn't be so crowded after it's been out for over a week, but avoiding spoilers until then may prove difficult.
  21. Several carriers have flights connecting to Buffalo (JetBlue, Southwest, United, Frontier), but Frontier's flight is an overnight through Orlando and everyone else is north of $400. Boo.
  22. Blargh -- Frontier's press release last summer was pretty misleading, because it turns out their service between Denver and Buffalo isn't starting until 4/9/18. :( I'll keep looking to see if I can find something reasonable for travel, but there's a good chance I won't make it, so if anyone wants to buy my ticket, send a PM.
  23. :thumbsup: Last year I joined a female snowboarding group on Meetup and really had a blast and made some new friends. The main organizer is happy to make others event organizers to share the work (including myself), and since she's pregnant this winter and won't be riding, I wanted to help carry on the torch this season, so I scheduled a happy hour for tonight to meet new members. RSVPs were low and several people dropped out at the last minute (including my friend who was going to co-host), but 4 people did show up and we all got along well enough that we stayed for around 3 hours and a few asked about the next get-together, so I'm calling this one a win. I thought for sure I'd be drinking by myself before giving up and heading home! :)
  24. I was too lazy to do the math and I guessed / rounded, lol... I cut the pan into 12 pieces, left 5 out, and froze the other 7. The intent was just dinners for the week since I already had sandwich makings for lunch, but I forgot I was traveling for work yesterday and today so now I still have 3 pieces in the fridge. I'll definitely eat them, but I was trying to make it so I didn't have anything in the fridge more than 4-5 days so it doesn't spoil.
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