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Everything posted by biodork

  1. Officiating so bad that RJ just laughs instead of protesting. Smh
  2. Currently 1F with a wind chill of -14F in Hershey. Faaaaack it's cold.
  3. Really did not mean to still be at work this late, and REALLY not looking forward to going outside. Also: the movie Lucy. I missed it in theaters this summer, but it looked good so when it was released at Redbox this past Tues., I rented it. I'm normally a big fan of the summer blockbuster-type movie and can happily suspend disbelief for a fun story as long as the movie kind of establishes a set of rules for itself and sticks to them. I don't know if it's because I'm a scientist or if it really was just bad, but I did not like it. It started okay but went downhill quickly, and the whole premise was just absurd. So, so many holes in the logic / storyline. Thankfully it was short.
  4. I mean odd that someone tracks those things (and that there's such a long streak with that particular ref).
  5. What an odd stat, lol.
  6. Pretty much what I was thinking on that flight, haha. I normally keep to myself and was kind of hoping to nap on this one, but he was friendly / chatty and the topic ended up being pretty interesting, so it worked out. Dude actually has a BS in Wildlife Ecology and seemed to have a healthy respect for the animals vs. the stereotypical hunter. I am glad it was only from Detroit to Harrisburg, though... not sure I could've maintained interest over a longer flight. ;)
  7. Yeah I was a little worried he was going to start demonstrating when we were talking about coyote calls, lol. :lol:
  8. So I ended up sitting next to this guy on the flight home last week: It's more awesome in a "How the heck does he do that?" way than anything else, since I disagree with the idea of hunting for sport. I had no idea stuff like this existed.
  9. :P Not really, but if you're going to the trouble of shaving the rest of your legs, may as well finish the deal. Knees and near the ankles are the worst / most cut-prone spots, and probably comparable to guys having to work around the jawline.
  10. FWIW, this writer doesn't think Yandle will end up being traded (no one willing to meet Arizona's needs/demands): http://heatwaved.com/2015/02/17/nhl-trade-deadline-which-coyotes-will-go/
  11. Try shaving your knee sometime. :P
  12. Your babysitter brings YOU food? Lucky, lol. And Eleven, I do believe that's the first I've heard someone from the US refer to porridge. I want to start calling you Oliver Twist.
  13. Makes sense. Thanks!
  14. That's the only thing I can think of, too, but if the attendance is consistently bad, they should be considered for relocation as well as the other two! That cup was 9 years ago now.
  15. My bad; should've tried the link first. :oops: But how the heck are there teams over 100%? Either way, #1-20 are all over 90%, which seems respectable. And serious question: how is it that Carolina is smack inbetween Arizona and Florida as far as poor attendance, and yet they never seem to be in the "franchise must be moved" conversation?
  16. I realize their attendance would still be abysmal, but it seems unfair to rank teams based on seats since the # isn't a constant from one venue to the next. With the old Igloo the Pens would've had embarrassing attendance #s, simply due to lack of availability. Why not use % to account for the different seating capacities at each arena?
  17. Don't have to convince me! I'm not expecting any miracles next year, regardless of who we end up drafting.
  18. Geez... seeing this makes me wonder if any of our guys will even break 20 goals this season. :(
  19. Yes, he did... scary stuff, that.
  20. Kulikov is lucky he didn't get himself injured on that play as well... just as stupid, stupid move on his part.
  21. Yeah, just bad luck. I'd still rather see Strachan playing than Benoit.
  22. Don't be silly, NS; I don't recall you having ever come close to posting anything offensive. It's all good!
  23. lol sorry, couldn't resist. Nolan is being cagey about both injuries: http://www.wgr550.com/pages/20939922.php?contentType=4&contentId=16851080
  24. 4 game suspension for Kulikov: http://www.nhl.com/ice/news.htm?id=753603&navid=nhl:topheads
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