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Everything posted by biodork

  1. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, please tell me this is a sick joke!! :cry:
  2. lol I walked into that one. :)
  3. Ask Me Anything
  4. Thanks for posting stuff like this (honestly)... I don't do Reddit / Twitter / etc. so I'd never see it otherwise.
  5. I don't get it. Both here on a desktop PC and at home on the iPad, I see blue and brown, which isn't even an option. ??
  6. Surprised me, too!
  7. This girl's vocal range is mind-bendingly awesome: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zoaB7jY2zv8
  8. Can't really blame him right now... after the performance against Nashville and what must have been a decent game against Columbus, it's hard to argue for changing things up. Not that I think Zads was to blame before, but you get what I mean.
  9. Just poking fun, good friend. I figured I'd attempt something that wasn't entirely obvious, but being a scientist, I'm not the most creative or imaginative person so I ended up with a slightly less obvious version. ;)
  10. :( I hope she's better soon, ubkev! That sounds pretty awful. I've actually had good luck with Delta, but that stinks, man. Glad you bank is at least being vigilant on checking your accounts. eeeewww... well at least it was fun up until then. Right?! That line was so unnecessary and creepy.
  11. :lol: Good stuff here, boys.
  12. Wow, really? That would be fantastic news.
  13. :P use the translator!
  14. I'm getting an early start on my Thursday complaining this week. Probably won't entirely make sense, but I'll feel better writing it out, anyhow. Funding for academic research freaking sucks. My boss thought he had enough funds set aside from his startup to continue covering me through June, after which we'd need do get another grant or internal funding. Okay. About two weeks ago we finally hear back that a grant he'd submitted was approved for funding (and there was much rejoicing). Problem solved, right? Wrong. We have no idea when those grant funds will actually be available to us, and since my current appointment expires at the end of March, we need to submit the paperwork for an extension in the next two weeks. And something was miscalculated because after factoring in the grad student's stipend, there isn't enough left in the startup funds to cover me and still leave us money for supplies. My former boss, who has asked a few times about me rejoining her lab, had told me a few weeks ago that her postdoc will be leaving in May or June and she'll have 6 months of funding left if I want to come back. I'd told my current boss this could be an option if the two of them could work something out to divide my time / salary, but it's not an attractive option at all, and now it looks like we'll need to explore it. The type of work I'm doing now cannot easily be done on a part-time basis, and as much as I like my old boss as a person, I really don't want to work for her again because she's frustrating as a boss and the work itself is uninteresting. That, and I think my current boss only wants to do this on a very temporary basis until the other grant funds are available, while my old boss would prefer something longer-term. And I get to be stuck in the middle, potentially working for both of them and doing neither job satisfactorily. All better than being unemployed in April or May, but still really sucks.
  15. Yeah, you may be right. Still, we should at least find out before too long whether it's season-ending or not.
  16. I was hoping we'd hear some kind of an update on the injury today... not sure how long until they can decide, but I'd have guessed they'd know pretty quickly if anything was actually broken. I suppose I shouldn't hold my breath on Nolan telling us anything more than "lower body injury" the way the rest have gone.
  17. It's surprising (to me) that he admitted to what we've all suspected.
  18. Yikes.
  19. Fine.
  20. Eesh. Hope he's okay and not out for too long.
  21. I haven't said we can't talk about it (although I will continue to request that it be kept out of GDTs during games); my main point was this: Some are for, and some are against. Yes, I'm incredibly tired of hearing, reading, and talking about the tank. Yes, I understand it's going to keep coming up because of this disaster of a season. I'm not trying to convince the pro-tankers that they're wrong, and I want them to return the favor. We've all got our own ways of staying sane through this, and as Woods-Racer pointed out, we're all here because we care so damn much about the team (even when they suck). Can we stop antagonizing each other over a difference in point of view and just get through the last 21 games already? Ugh.
  22. :P
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