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Everything posted by biodork

  1. Well that was unexpected. No kidding. Was wondering the same thing... who knew there was a market for him? Oh well, no big loss (but kind of silly given the low return).
  2. :w00t: :lol: Can't un-see.
  3. Only reason I knew what it meant is because of this song (which is catchy, dammit): But I agree that it's really stupid that people feel a need to abbreviate something that's already short.
  4. Not sure if someone already mentioned it, but he was quoted in a WGR550 article today as saying he'd consider returning in the offseason a la Moulson and McCormick. His kids were born here and there has to be some appeal to not having to uproot his family again. http://www.wgr550.com/pages/21041537.php
  5. Ha! I hadn't even realized that was a mailbox! Crazy pics, for sure.
  6. :blink: How were you still standing? lol sounds like a good time, and jealous about the Pappy. I really miss the clapping emoticon, so I'll go with :thumbsup: . I've been attempting to rediscover produce the last couple days after a Shamrock shake hangover (is that a thing?) had me craving junk the last week. Made one ugly-azz green smoothie yesterday morning that (thankfully) tasted better than it looked.
  7. I had no idea that he'd directed Three Men and a Baby: http://www.bustle.com/articles/67048-leonard-nimoys-best-feminist-moments-from-his-full-body-project-to-his-fight-for-equal-rights
  8. :blush: Sorry, guys... probably some work stress carrying over to here this week. And I do like your new avatar, Comrade. :thumbsup:
  9. Well said.
  10. I agree with Claude that they're likely the quickest path to success, but I don't think they're the only one. Look how many teams have won the Cup without a Crosby or Gretzky. Look how close the Sabres themselves have gotten without one! And I saw McDavid in the last two games on the World Juniors, and yes he is quite impressive. So were Reinhart and Domi (I didn't see Eichel play). Ain't that the truth.
  11. Sorry, Greg -- little touchy on this particular subject lately. I think d4rk and kishop articulated the way I feel on this.
  12. Just your standard upper body injury... :unsure:
  13. Homemade tortilla soup with scallions, cilantro, shredded cheese, and guac. Makes working on a Sat. a little less unhappy. Now if only I'd remembered to fill my flask...
  14. As I said the last time this came up: only IF you think McEichel are the only path to success. It's fine that you do. I do not. I believe GMTM will find a way to turn the Sabres around, whatever hand he's dealt. It's okay that we disagree on this; I'm just sick of people acting like their way is the only way and mocking people who disagree. Me, too.
  15. The game is over, so it's not the tank bit that irritates me. It's the continued need by tankers to essentially insult the non-tankers for not agreeing with them. ###### that ######.
  16. STOP WITH THIS KIND OF THING, SERIOUSLY! You cheer the way you want to, and let us cheer the way we want to. God, I hate this season.
  17. Come on, man... you had it right with your earlier post in this thread, so why not let it go? Don't confuse the fact that some of us aren't happy with losses means we don't see the endgame. I'm not doing this again.
  18. Horrible stuff, indeed. And someone quoted in the article agrees with you:
  19. Love it. Very nice touch with Monty.
  20. It is, indeed. :lol:
  21. Wow that guy should lay off the caffeine, lol. Good stuff, though.
  22. Yowza, Psysk... hopefully nothing serious.
  23. At least someone gets it. :lol:
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