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Everything posted by biodork

  1. lol gotcha. Well someone more tech savvy than I will have to help you there; I can follow directions like a champ, but no idea how to do that stuff on my own. ;) I've never rooted because I'm afraid I'll brick my phone!
  2. Elijah Craig 12 yr. Very affordable (similar to Eagle Rare) and easy to drink.
  3. Can't you just opt to not install the update? I think it might download automatically but it'll ask to install.
  4. No cause for the collapse determined, but he could play again late next week: http://www.buffalohockeybeat.com/johan-larsson-impressing-as-sabres-no-1-center/
  5. Yeah, that's a big part of why I went with the Nexus (updates); I had Lollipop sometime around Thanksgiving. I actually wanted the Nexus 4 when I originally switched to T-Mobile, but ended up going with the HTC One S since the Nexus 4 wasn't LTE-capable. So when HTC decided to stop updating after less than a year and I saw the Nexus 5 was out (and LTE-ready), it was an easy decision.
  6. I've had a Nexus 5 for around 13 months now and really love it. I've had a couple Lollipop related bugs, but otherwise great performance and really like not having the manufacturer stock nonsense with past phones. Previously had the HTC One and it was nice, but had to upgrade sooner than anticipated because it started malfunctioning after a few months and they decided to stop offering updates way too soon. The newer HTC models are nice, though.
  7. Never heard of falernum here, either. :lol:
  8. Interesting. Sounds tasty!
  9. Similar ingredients, though, if you omit the mint and sub in the ginger liquor.
  10. Nice. Sound like maybe a variation on a whiskey smash? http://liquor.com/recipes/whiskey-smash/
  11. You were, and I still hate you for it (just a little bit). :P lol you can thank d4rk for that!
  12. That might be the weirdest music video I've ever seen (after The Big Bad Wolf, of course).
  13. LOL I have no idea what that's from, but it's hilarious! Like a human Pro Shiatsu.
  14. The More You Know.TM Thanks!
  15. Why is that?
  16. I think I'd have a shot at breaking even (which is all I'm really hoping for), but I just don't know how likely I am to get an offer, and I know there are lots of little things a buyer would probably want me to do that I can't right now. Minor repairs, but maybe enough to prevent getting a reasonable offer when the market is saturated with inventory. Plus a potential buyer is likely to be turned off if they hear the horrible old lady next door wailing to herself through the walls when they do a walk-through. :(
  17. I'm not entirely opposed to the idea of relocating, but there are two huge impediments: 1) the cost of relocation (moving isn't cheap; especially long-distance) 2) I'm not sure I'd be able to sell my house in this market. The place next door has been for sale since Nov. with little to no interest, and there are lots of other places around that have been on the market far longer than that. Renting the place out could be a last-resort option, but I really don't want the hassle of being a landlord, particularly if I'm not living nearby.
  18. :w00t: Yep, that's about right. I'm interested in what I'm working on now, too... I left my last job because (in addition to funding uncertainty) I wasn't interested in the project anymore, and now that I'm working on something cool, there's a chance I'll have to either leave or stay but work on something else because we don't have money to do the cool project. Ugh.
  19. Well sure, but it'd be pretty lucky (and unlikely) to find myself in another lab working on the exact same type of research. More often than not, the head of the lab already has funding to work on a particular project, so you work on what's funded. The side projects do happen, but it'd need to be another lab doing similar enough work that it made sense to spend time and money on it. My expertise is more in techniques that can be applied to multiple different projects, which is helpful in changing positions but also means my next project will probably be very different, even if the types of experiments I'm running are similar (same method applied to different samples to address a different question).
  20. Quite possibly. :(
  21. :thumbsup:
  22. Oh yeah: and the gift I ordered for my mom and was going to pack in my suitcase was scheduled to arrive Tuesday, and instead has been sitting in Philadelphia since Tuesday afternoon. Still has an estimated delivery date of 3/3, too. :censored:
  23. Thanks, everyone. Not entirely sure what my next move would be... my former boss has some funds, but I doubt they'd last beyond the end of the summer. I can always ask around campus and see if there's another lab in need of someone like me, but I'm at the point experience-wise where I'm in a catch-22; people want someone like me, but often only budget for a more junior person and can't afford me. My boss could potentially get bridge funding from our institution, but he has to want to fight for it and it sounds like he's ready to throw up the white flag. The closest industry location is at least 45 min. away, but I'd consider it if things still look bad in another month or two. I think the worst part is feeling like my job no longer has any sense of purpose. If it's just funding and I might have to leave, that sucks but I knew it was a possibility. If the lab is closing, then what's the point in any of the work I'm doing? The project would die when the lab closed, and there wouldn't be money to do the research anyhow because we'd be conserving as much as possible to make sure there's enough for the grad student to finish. Just sucks. It should be in the awesome thread that I'm leaving tomorrow for a long weekend in Arizona (my mom's b-day), but the timing is awful, and I just want to stay home and sleep.
  24. Pending official paperwork, I'll be working half-time each for my current and former bosses from April through June. And the grant that was approved (but not yet funded) might not actually get funded because the resources have been mis-managed by the group in charge of them. And my boss is seriously considering not bothering to pursue additional funding and letting the lab close down after our student finishes his PhD next spring so he can go into private practice rather than continue to be a physician scientist. Yay me. Also: eff freezing rain. It took me 20 min. last night (with the defroster on high!) to chisel the 1/4" of ice off my windshield so I could go home. Tonight it was raining, and sometime overnight it's supposed to switch to all snow with 3-5" by the afternoon. The F is up with this weather? :angry:
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