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Everything posted by biodork

  1. Oof, and the Sabres game is still a ways off... ;)
  2. 62-62! 64-62 WV, timeout UB, less than 2 min. left 67-62, less than 30 seconds
  3. Well that's not good news... hope it's nothing serious.
  4. I hear ya, man... I was pissed when I had to do that before formally applying to the Masters program here. At that point I'd been employed in the same line of work for which I was applying for 7 years, and had already taken (and passed) the majority of the core curriculum as a nondegree student. But I couldn't apply without shelling out $120 or so and wasting my time studying for and taking an exam that doesn't even measure the specific qualities necessary for the program. SMH. :cry: -------------- I said it before, but I really freaking hate early spring. The snow is gone, but it's still cold. Everything is brown and ugly-looking outside. Kind of mirrors my feelings on the Sabres right now... desperately looking for signs of growth and knowing that spring is (eventually) coming, but it feels light-years away right now.
  5. Zoolander (one can only hope)
  6. That's not bad! I'll have to look for it next time I'm at the liquor store.
  7. I've heard of that ginger stuff, and it sounds intriguing but I'd wondered about if it would be sweet or more spicy. Not sure if they sell it around here... was it pricey?
  8. -2... are you mad? :nana: Was it you or someone else who'd started a "what's your perfect day" thread a long while ago?
  9. I'm inclined to agree with you, but I wish we'd gotten to see something of Chad Johnson's play first. Unless Murray can successfully re-sign Neuvirth (or Enroth, or someone better) this offseason, I think we're more than likely looking at a 1a/1b goalie situation again next year until either someone established can be brought in or one of the prospects establishes themselves.
  10. :thumbsup: Nice.
  11. Effing NBCSN game again. At least the schedule-makers were kind enough to put this one on a night when many will already be drinking to take the edge off.
  12. :lol: My mom and brother are similarly disgusted with the team; his roommate is a CHL fan.
  13. Aaaaand, I spoke too soon again. Apparentlly was an issue with T-Mobile sending corrupted MMS files, not OS 5.1. Back to normal after a day and running quite well. Seems to have fixed the random card opening bug from Lollipop, too.
  14. ^^lol I know what video that's from! ;)
  15. Lighten up, Francis; it was a joke!
  16. As bad as some of our player nicknames have been (everything-"sie"), I'd take those over a guy called Flower.
  17. I feel the opposite; the sight of my bare yard makes me sad as I pack up my snowboard gear for what is likely the season. I hate this time of year, when there's not enough snow to go boarding but it's still too effing cold and yucky to be outside and do much else. This is when I'll miss the Sabres most (spring with no playoffs, again).
  18. :lol: No surprise given the season we're having, but the OT stuff is so much more enjoyable and entertaining than the games.
  19. Coyotes "win".
  20. I wish they would. Here's the online link to the Coyotes prospect profiles if anyone is interested: http://www.foxsports.com/arizona/story/dauphin-a-200-foot-player-in-the-tippett-mold-031415 ------------------------------- Now 3-1 Devils over Coyotes Make that 4-1.
  21. LOL. When I had to move my stove a while back to do the kitchen backsplash I was shocked by the number of those plastic jingle bell cat toys that had ended up under there.
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