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Everything posted by biodork

  1. Quit stealing all the snow over there on the East coast! :P :(
  2. I've been away from SS for too long, so this is belated but CONGRATS, JO!!!! Very much deserved.
  3. Glad to hear it. :thumbsup:
  4. These have the ring of truth!
  5. Ugh cell phone conversations in public on speaker phone are the WORST... partially because most cell phone speakers are terrible quality, but also just the obnoxiousness of it. And again I have no idea why this bothers me more than two people talking to one another in person. :/
  6. I really don't understand why this should be the case, but someone talking on a cell phone in public bothers me infinitely more than two people in the same public space having a conversation.
  7. :(... but way better to find out now than later!
  8. Sorry for the delayed response! Our inspection was much more intensive than a typical lab because we were going for CLIA-accreditation, which allows us to do clinical sample testing and return results to patients. So (understandably) there are WAY more regulations and a whole lot more paperwork involved to document we've validated how we do our processing, there are plans in place and official documents signed by everyone indicating we've read and understood the procedures, all of our equipment has to be up to spec and calibrated, no expired chemicals, etc... we literally have a full shelf of just binders with documents in them. And a year from now we're going to move to the next level (CAP-accreditation), which from what I've heard is even more involved. :blink: But at least by then we'll have some additional systems and software in place that will make tracking everything that much easier.
  9. You should check out Empire Slice House in OKC if it's anywhere close to you... hipster pizza, but really good stuff: http://www.empireslicehouse.com/food/#pizza
  10. After three extremely long weeks at work with far too little sleep, we passed our clinical lab inspection yesterday with no deficiencies. :) I'm off work today and headed to meet the bf in Vancouver (BC) for the weekend, and the weather looks like crap, but I'm just excited to see him and relax for a few days.
  11. I dunno, I just... don't. If I'm having breakfast at a restaurant I might have a refill, but those mugs are always on the small side, anyhow.
  12. Completely agree about the waste, but... ... this is why I have one. As someone who lives alone and never has more than one cup at a time, a full-size coffee pot is a complete waste. And also this. Unless I have company over, I buy ground coffee and use a mesh filter. AMEN What is wrong with you??? :sick: (FWIW, I have this instead of a Keurig, but it's a similar idea: https://www.bedbathandbeyond.ca/store/product/icoffee-reg-opus-single-serve-coffee-maker/3277626)
  13. Love me some Angel's Envy... so, so smooth. That sounds pretty tasty!
  14. :w00t: :lol:
  15. Seattle's Best makes pretty good coffee and is easy to find. Lots of good stuff out there, but it'll largely be a matter of taste depending on how dark you like your coffee.
  16. The shortest day I have worked in the past two weeks has probably been 10 hours. Yesterday I was here from 9:45am to 2:45am (really) and then came back in at 8am. I can't wait to have this GD lab inspection done and behind us, but gotta get through one more week first. I'm well compensated for what I do, but holy hell am I ever earning that paycheck right now, and it's frustrating seeing others coast along with their 37.5 hour work week and no weekends. Blargh.
  17. My dad finally got (and accepted) a job offer today. :) It's only part time to start, but that sort of works out while he finishes up the last few medical appointments and procedures, and hopefully will become full-time within the next month or two. After 2.5 years out of the workforce, it'll be very much appreciated!
  18. That is seriously effed up. For me: So. Much. Work. We have a huge and important inspection coming up in two weeks and it's all hands on deck to get everything ready. The new girl we hired back in Nov. isn't bad, but she hasn't been here long enough to contribute as much as I'd hoped and she seems bound and determined to only work 8 hours every day (including her lunch; if she comes in at 8:45am, she's out the door at 4:45pm). Meanwhile I'm working 10-16 hour days trying to make sure everything gets done. I don't expect the junior people to do that, but FFS would it kill her to do 9 hours? She left early today because she didn't feel well, too. I'm trying to be understanding because of everything she went through last month, but when the other junior person here is staying late even when he has a terrible cold and is keeping a blanket at his desk, it's hard not to be disappointed in her seeming lack of dedication.
  19. :w00t: :lol: The bf does this since there are so few days he can get out in the winter in Oklahoma. Definitely not his first choice, but he tries to use it as a chance to catch up on tv shows on the bike instead of the couch, so there's that.
  20. My mom got me hooked on The Handmaid's Tale over the weekend, and I finished season 1 on Tuesday. While I wish the subject material weren't nearly as relevant as it is, the show itself and the actors are pretty darn amazing. Wish I didn't have to wait until April for season 2!
  21. My dad made me a wind chime out of old computer disks for Christmas. Looks and sounds awesome! (No idea why it's sideways since it looks right on my phone. D'oh.)
  22. Chipotle Pumpkin Turkey Chili. Went pretty light on the peppers since I'm a weenie when it comes to spice, but good flavor and lots of texture. Will definitely make this again! https://www.isabeleats.com/chipotle-pumpkin-turkey-chili/
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