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Everything posted by biodork

  1. Mental note: never challenge PA to a game of Scrabble.
  2. Indeed. :thumbsup: Hehe thanks.
  3. What about me? :p This has to be the longest GDT in months. I purposefully stayed away during the game and only watched part of the 3rd and OT.
  4. mjd1001 is on a one-man mission to get new threads going on SS. (Just teasing, man; good work).
  5. :lol:
  6. But if I order an Eichel and I'm willing to wait patiently for about 15 min., that means I'll be rewarded for my self-control with both an Eichel AND a McDavid, right?
  7. I think lighter fluid works as paint remover in a pinch.
  8. Well said, and I agree. And thanks, Comrade.
  9. I knocked a half-full cup of coffee into my lap on Tuesday and had it soaked into both my sweater and my jeans. Also soaked through a whole pile of invoices on my desk that I had to re-locate and print the next day. My March Madness bracket is toast after Virginia choked last week. And I hate change. Sometimes it's necessary, but boy do I hate it.
  10. Welcome back, DD... been a long time!
  11. :) :lol: Couldn't resist. I'm not opposed to keeping him one more season under more normal conditions (and a new coach), but I won't shed any tears if he's bought out, either.
  12. ... assuming he hasn't been bought out by then. :devil:
  13. Many thanks, kind sir. I've given up my rally against tank-talk in GDTs at this point, so as long as we can all acknowledge we're fans (albeit expressing that in different manners this season), we're good. :thumbsup:
  14. Lol my apologies, good sir. ;) (To be fair, I didn't specify this year's team...)
  15. Seemingly only because the tankers are getting nervous (and no longer resigned to the CHL thread), but I appreciate the increased participation nonetheless. We may have different views on how to be a fan these days, but anyone still here at this point in a worthless season cares an awful lot about the team.
  16. Poor Lindback. Oh well.
  17. And JJ no commercials here via GCL (Buffalo feed) as you noticed -- very odd!
  18. This is closer to what I was hoping for this season as well, for sure.
  19. Seguin is lucky to be playing again already after that knee injury a couple of weeks back.
  20. I don't have it on tonight, but I've noticed this lately as well. The Devils game makes sense because they're also MSG (although that was a home game), but not sure why for the other games.
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