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Everything posted by biodork

  1. :lol: probably a smaller arena, though. Not sure, to be honest. Could be either (or both), but OKC strikes me as much more of an NBA/NFL market than NHL.
  2. Awesome -- thanks!!
  3. Definitely awkward... maybe your former boss / friend is being promoted and suggested you as a replacement? I'd suggest contacting her directly to ask how things are going (if it wouldn't be entirely out of the blue) and how she likes the gig to see if she mentions an opening.
  4. What's your sauce of choice? In my mind pulled pork is always sauced, so it took some getting used to going to more authentic places where the "barbeque" referred to cooking style vs. flavoring. Even if it's tender pork, I still want sauce, dammit! But I tend to favor vinegar-based (Carolina style?) bbq vs. the sweeter sauces. P.S. - why the water?
  5. Good points. I can't remember if it's TrueBlue or someone else whose class did an exercise and came up with Houston as a viable city based on a number of metrics? I might be thinking Blue only because of the analytics involved, haha. Except OKC just lost their AHL team...
  6. I saw that was actually from two years ago... I would *hope* he's not so stupid as to get into a land war in Asia while a candidate, but I very well could be giving him far too much credit. Me too, although Sanders and O' Malley both seem to be similar in a lot of ways to Warren, so I'm happen that her viewpoint is represented even if she isn't the one presenting it. Clinton has a lot of convincing to do if she's going to get my vote. :lol:
  7. I'm gonna guess that was an unintentional transposition by MattPie from LMP (Little MattPie) to LPM, since I've also heard kids shouldn't have honey until 1 yr old. ;)
  8. :lol: Maybe I was just impatient... I'd tried the link from the browser bar but the video didn't show up after editing the post so I don't know what I did wrong. Oh well. Interwebs: 1, biodork: 0.
  9. I tried that but it didn't work before! Of course now it will work to make a liar out of me. D'oh.
  10. I give you Fu Man Drew: http://youtu.be/mcYzDk_ZQsA edit: dammit, I still can't figure out the new YouTube links. :(
  11. I second K-9 and others: much appreciated to Hoss, Labatt, and others who've gone and shared their impressions with us. Very envious of those of you who can attend the scrimmage on Friday!
  12. Congrats, d4rk! And qwk, that is definitely awesome. dEnnis -- enjoy the countdown to this weekend!
  13. Hmm.... maybe just an issue with a thinner cut, then. I did a fairly even coating of Kosher salt across the entire outside, and even though the first bite was delicious, I had to add water when re-heating the leftovers to draw out some of the excess salt, so clearly I overdid it!
  14. Okay, how do you know how much salt is too much? I'm a grilling noob, and on the advice of this article a while back I made steaks that probably made me hypertensive for a day after: http://www.tastingtable.com/entry_detail/national/16929 Maybe because I had thinner cuts than you used? Or maybe my idea of liberal needs to be revised, lol.
  15. I tried Angel's Envy for the first time Friday night. My God, was that delicious! I had asked for ice on the side, but didn't end up adding any. Delectable aroma and incredibly (dangerously) smooth. Must buy when my budget recovers from this moving nonsense.
  16. I've always been more of a submissive type... :ph34r: Eeesh. Yeah this kind of thing is just unacceptable. Bunch of pencil-pushers making life more difficult for the people actually doing the work.
  17. I doubt they'd do it... I know here HR has given people a hard time for having recently terminated employees come back a day or two later to wrap up a few things because they are no longer official employees and they worry about liability issues, so I suspect they would not allow me to start early. Ugh freaking idiotic bureaucracy... HR serves no purpose but to make simple tasks painful and difficult. :lol:
  18. I know shrader will be with me on this one: f*ck HR people. Seriously. Tuesday was my last day at my job, and I was supposed to be starting the new job on Monday next week. I've been asking about needing a signed job offer for the new place, and yesterday my new boss said she understood (and shared) my concerns and thought the paperwork was almost finished, but copied someone else in HR who was supposed to help. That person replied and said that HR is implementing a new system and hasn't even posted the job to which I need to "apply" yet, and even after they do, I need to "apply" and wait for them to contact me to complete the recruitment process, after which I will finally have a written offer of employment. So basically there's NFW this will be done in time for me to start on Monday, and maybe not even next week at all. The woman apologized and said my boss mentioned July 6th but she didn't know if it was definite. WTF, lady... you didn't need to know if it was definite; you needed to finish all the GD paperwork ahead of time in case it was!! I'm so angry. Thank God my other job pays us monthly so my living expenses are fully covered for the next several weeks, but this is cutting into my next paycheck (which will be sorely needed with all the upcoming house and moving expenses), and until that position begins I am uninsured. :censored: Also: my basement waterproofing system picked a spectacular time to stop working. And I haven't been able to keep up on Sabres news since listening to the first round of the draft last Friday because I've been so busy slaving away on the house and trying to finish up at work.
  19. Bonus complaint: I really need to repaint my porch floor and railings before meeting with the appraiser and realtor next week, but it's supposed to rain all weekend here. :(
  20. This is so great: Someday when I'm in a position to have a pet again, I want a special needs dog. I want the animal that everyone else is going to pass over and say "too much work".
  21. I know... I think I'm mostly feeling guilty that I can't be there, but I'm also worried for him going through this major surgery and having to recover from it. My stepmom loves him dearly, but they have next to nothing in the way of a support network where they live, which makes me feel even worse about being unavailable to help. Hopefully all goes smoothly and by the time I'm ready to move out west he'll be good as new.
  22. Thanks for the well-wishes (to you and others) about my dad. Unfortunately for Baltimore I live just far enough away (about an hour and a half) for it to be convenient to just drive around to check it out. And I'm trying to find something inexpensive since I'll be paying rent on top of my mortgage, and cheap places in B-more are sometimes way too sketchy to consider. I saw a place last Sat. that was $600/month for a room in a 3 BR townhouse (shared bathroom with one other person), and the house next door was boarded up, along with several places on the next block that looked real bad. Oof. I have friends in western MD who've offered to let me stay there for cheap, but it'd be a 40 min. commute. I may do it because it's inexpensive and still closer than my house, but wish there were something more convenient that wouldn't break the bank. The only other alternatives I've found so far are a furnished short-term apt lease for almost $900/month or renting a room in a house which is convenient (walking distance to work) but very expensive ($200/week for a room sharing a bathroom with 3 people) and has a high potential for awkwardness since the woman is a close family friend of my new boss. No thank you. As for the cheese, I'm in agreement with you; I'd much rather get a good Boar's Head Muenster or provolone than relegate myself to Kraft singles. My love of cheese (and good food in general) is at odds with my current budget. :(
  23. Sorry to hear, iTlnSn. Got a couple new complaints this week: 1) My dad had his CT scan and a visit with a specialist on Monday, and he really liked the doctor, so that's good. But, the doctor wants to be very sure he gets everything, so unless after a few more scans (MRI and PET) they see zero signs of bone involvement, they're planning to remove a good sized section of his jaw and graft in a piece of his leg. I really shouldn't be complaining about this because the doctor gives him a 100% chance at a full recovery and return to work, but that's going to be a MAJOR surgery with significant hospital and healing time, and I won't be able to be there or see him until 3 days after because of the new job in Baltimore. :( 2) I've been trying like hell to find an apartment to sublet or a room to rent in the Baltimore area during the week for the next couple of months, and Craiglist has a TON of listings that looked promising. Except the majority of the people haven't bothered responding to my email, and a few that did requested contact by text and sent me links to sign up for some other website like subletapartments.com, subletentry.com, jessicasroomate.com, etc... all mirror sites for this BS website called Roomster. Roomster lets you post your interest in renting and also see places other people have for rent, and it's supposedly a site to vet potential roommates because it links with Facebook and other social networks to confirm identities. Except when you try to send or receive a message through the site, it won't show you the GD message unless you pay for a subscription! On top of that, the place on Craigslist is nowhere to be seen on Roomster, so they're all fake postings just to try and drive traffic to this other website. I've had some a$$hole texting me off and on for a few days at all hours trying to get me to sign up, even after I cussed them out and told them to leave me alone. Finally blocked their numbers, but JC what a frustrating waste of time. I want to find whomever set up that site and beat them with a baseball bat. 3) WTF is Kraft trying to pass off as American cheese slices these days??? Lord knows I'd rather get the good stuff, but been trying to be economical with my lunches and this stuff has gone seriously downhill. The old recipe was a fairly solid (but pliable) square that you could easily fold and tear into whatever size pieces you wanted to fit your bread. This new stuff is only semi-solid (sticks / melts to the wrapper) and doesn't fold and crease but rather stretches and eventually tears like some terrible primordial cheese-like goo.
  24. Very nice with the inside info, nfreeman. That sounds terribly sad about PLF. :( And Smell is probably now even more enamored (if that is even possible) of KP. ;)
  25. That is awesome, indeed. I had a similar happy surprise when I closed (not quite that good), so it was nice to have unexpected spending money for furniture! Happy moving, shrader. Congrats!
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