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Everything posted by biodork

  1. I don't have time on my side to wait for the right offer! If I don't have someone within the next 2, maybe 3 weeks I need to rent it out, which I really don't want to do but I'd do it before selling my house to a cheap SOB like this idiotic would-be buyer.
  2. On Tuesday we finally had a buyer request a showing of my house (hooray!). On Wed. morning they requested a second showing (double hooray) and this morning their realtor confirmed they are working on an offer. Sounds great, right? Except when they sent the offer it was for $10k LESS than the current price and wanted seller's assistance, so effectively they're offering $92,000 for a house built in 1995 with central air, a brand new heat pump, and new hot water heater that is worth somewhere between $107-$110,000. That's not even a lowball offer; that's insulting. We're going to come up with a counter offer tonight in case they're just bluffing, but I suspect we're so far apart there's little chance of coming to a sale agreement. FAAAAACK. And work sucks right now. I can't get a GD thing done because all day people have been emailing back and forth with partially updated information about stuff that wasn't our fault but is becoming our problem. Now we have an emergency priority project to do on top of the already absurd list of tasks. :wallbash:
  3. Late to the party here since I don't have HBO, but my friends in MD do and I watched the last 4-5 episodes of this with them. What a great show! I can't believe how many big-name people are in it.
  4. That's great news, Hoss!
  5. Nice! I doubt we overlapped since my parents moved us to PA in late 1989, but it's a pretty small fair from what I recall.
  6. I grew up in Steuben County (Bath, NY)! Welcome, EO!
  7. Yeah, that's all I found online, either. I'm just hoping it's not like other Windows Update notifications where you can delay by 10 min. a few times before they force the update, like it or not.
  8. I should have been a little clearer; I know I have up to a year to claim my free upgrade and there are other ways to do it, but I'm trying to figure out how to delay the one I unintentionally set in motion since there is no "cancel" option from the screen pictured. I wouldn't have clicked through to start this if I'd realized the options for scheduling at a later date only meant the next 2 days (d'oh) and don't want to do it until Oct/Nov.
  9. Poo -- got my notification today that my upgrade was ready and that after a quick check I could schedule the install for later. After the check, my only install options are today, tomorrow, or the day after (D'OH). Anyone know if there's a way to put that off further? Was planning on waiting until the next version / release in October.
  10. If more people shared this mindset, the world would be much better off. Cheers, NS.
  11. I know you aren't preaching; that's a large part of why I appreciate it! Detailed information and perspective with no agenda.
  12. Both interesting perspectives. I don't doubt there are probably situations where perhaps one party severely regrets what has happened even if they never verbally said "no" (whether due to shock, drunkeness, inability to consent, etc) and perhaps parents push someone to file a complaint seeing the distress in their loved one and knowing it was something they didn't want to happen. I don't know if this is what Liger or PA were considering when discussing regret, and I certainly don't think it's a majority of cases, but I can see something like this happening where it wouldn't meet the legal definition of rape, even if mentally someone felt extremely violated and taken advantage of. A bad situation all around.
  13. I always appreciate NS's perspective on things, and willingness to impart information to those of us who are unfamiliar with Islam. On a completely unrelated (and much lighter) note: the TL;DR version of the Bible
  14. Not too shabby company we keep! I would've guessed earlier for me only because I'd been lurking for so long before I started posting. Also surprised to see some people in our class I'd assumed joined long before I did.
  15. Wow, man... glad that you're okay, and I hope you're right about the kid gaining a new perspective that will straighten him out! Enjoy that beer. :beer:
  16. My dad finally gets his feeding tube removed today, and my stepmom had successful wrist tendon release surgery earlier in the week and is feeling much better. I also got to come home a day early this weekend (even if it will be mostly spent sitting around and waiting for a contractor at the house). Absolutely. A few days this past week were so humid you could barely breathe, but today (and the entire weekend) is beautiful, sunny, and dry. Love it.
  17. Oh yikes... I hope both your mom and the cat are okay and the cops can find the SOB to cover the car damage. :( Thank goodness they weren't seriously injured! Yeah the rebates were a big part of what made it worthwhile for my friends because they drastically cut down on the time to recoup your installation costs. Those had already expired when I installed my heat pump last fall, and it's possible they could be revived later but I wouldn't hold my breath given our current Congress. And sorry about your Aunt, Blue. :(
  18. Good stuff, Jo!
  19. Yeah, I hear ya. I try to avoid the right two lanes because so many people are getting off and on (especially where 695 meets 83) and I hate being that d-bag weaving in and out of traffic, but I hate the slow idiots in the far left lane more. The friends I'm staying with installed geo a couple years ago and said it cut their bills in HALF. It's expensive up front (and unfortunately most of the gov. rebates were not extended, but maybe something through your electric supplier?), but if you plan on staying in this place for a few years you should recover a lot of your installation costs. I think Liger's parents did geo so he can tell you their experience.
  20. People who drive 55 mph in the far left lane of 695.
  21. I don't have much to offer this thread, but I've been keeping up on it as time allows, and I wanted to echo others in thanking Jo, sick, X, etc. for sharing their personal experiences with all of us. And sick: I'm so sorry you've had to carry that burden for so long.
  22. That's the one!
  23. :lol: I do remember that! Can't find the thread, though.
  24. Nicely done. I'm far too unoriginal to come up with anything, but I'm getting a kick out of the other suggestions.
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