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Everything posted by biodork

  1. But what about Reinhart? Won't someone think of poor Sam Reinhart?
  2. Deslauriers, 1-1!
  3. Pommers scores for the Wild.
  4. It's finally happening!
  5. Dammit! Much obliged. Radio it is!
  6. :( I hope it turns out to be benign.
  7. Oh yeah, and HR people (again). Started work on Aug. 10th, signed up for benefits online on Aug. 24th (printed confirmation). Received no email confirmation I was registered and kept getting email reminders to register, so I contacted the benefits office on Sept. 4th and they said yes, I'm registered and should get ID cards in 10-15 days. I know at least some of it was processed because they deducted the premiums from my paycheck this week, but I have yet to receive any cards proving I have insurance. Called the medical insurer to ask if I could get my member ID so I can at least register online and print a temporary card (need to refill an Rx), and they gave me my # but when I enter it online it won't recognize the info as valid. Call again, was told the # is valid but "I haven't been uploaded into their system yet". This was three days ago. WTF, people? Why is this so difficult? OMG THIS.
  8. Having a similar problem with getting quotes from moving companies here. I have to get quotes from 2 of the 3 contracted by the University for them to pay it up front, and the first came out right away but the second I submitted two online requests and finally called a few times before they got back to me. Then several days between the time I submitted my info to the point person before the local rep finally reached out, and he called Tues. around 9:30am asking if I was available to meet at 11am. WTF, dude... who works like that? I asked him if we could meet at 5-5:30pm Friday since I'm not local during the week, and he said he doesn't like to meet after 4pm since he lives an hour away and asks me to just send him a list of my furniture and he'll do an estimated weight that way. So freaking lazy... do you honestly not want my business? A move from PA to CO is going to be expensive, and you can't be bothered to make time to physically walk through my house. Crazy.
  9. Listening to a webinar at work. It's kind of boring to begin with (only listening because my boss had a small part in it), but the girl two rows down in the lab has her speakers up so GD loud I was getting an echo from my earphones and had to resort to listening from her computer. Good grief, how is she not deaf?
  10. I love Canasta!
  11. I guess, yeah... I don't eat eggs that often and usually get an omelet if I'm eating breakfast out, so I haven't had to think about how I'd order them! But definitely not "dippy eggs". Fair point! I chuckle when people in PA tell me I have "an accent". No, I do not; I simply speak proper English.
  12. *Almost* everyone; I don't!
  13. Been away a few days and just catching up on SS, but great stuff, gents.
  14. Thanks, man. It's incredibly painful in the short-term, but hopefully it's the right move.
  15. Yeah, and I'm not sure what installing those frames would cost if he (and the buyers) okay that fix. Shouldn't be too bad, but I'm just hemorrhaging money on this damned house. If I weren't moving so far away I'd take my chances on renters, but I'm banking on the idea that by spending (a LOT of) money now I'm saving myself from spending it later on fixing stuff renters would mess up or doing more house repairs that will inevitably come up down the line.
  16. As it stands I'll already have to write a check for about $5600 at settlement, so decreasing the sale price would just mean paying more then vs. now. I've lived in this house for 9 years, improved a number of things, and yet have no equity and am selling it for less than I paid 9 years ago (and far less than it is worth because I'm in a time crunch). At this point I'm mostly worried with the buyers backing out of the sale if they become concerned with the structural integrity of the house. If those MFers at Terminix had either told me the truth or recommended I have a contractor evaluate the situation I would've handled it back in May/June rather than wasting money on cosmetic fixes like window screens and pressure washing the house.
  17. Oh, and the other thing that came up on the buyers' home inspection last week was the need for repair and/or replacement of some termite damaged floor joists in the basement. This was irritating because I asked the Terminix people whether there were any areas that needed repair, and they said no. But I figured this is a relatively inexpensive thing to do, so I had a handyman come out Mon. morning to get an estimate on repairs. When he looked, he told me the damage cannot be easily repaired because it'd be almost impossible (or extraordinarily expensive) to fix because the damage goes full width of the basement and there's so much existing plumbing and wiring to work around. His only suggestion was to potentially add a new load-bearing wood frame at each end of the basement that spans the damaged joists and adds support at the middle. So now I'm paying a structural engineer $600 to come out tomorrow afternoon and evaluate both the step crack in the wall and the floor joists to see if the handyman's plan would suffice, and then if he does we have to ask the buyers if they are okay with this (and hope to God that they are). This house is the gift that keeps on giving.
  18. Today is one of those days that it feels like a rainforest outside. To make matters worse, the "climate control" in this building at work is so F'N bad that it's actually MORE humid inside the lab than it is outside! It's gotta be at least 80% humidity and pushing 80 degrees in here right now.
  19. I don't know if we can be friends anymore. :P
  20. So sorry, joe. :( I'm working too damn much and I hate what I'm doing right now. A junior technician with a little bit of experience and attention to detail could do what I'm currently doing. And I hope to God the salary listed on my "intent to employ" letter is wrong, because it's $13,000/yr less than I was offered when I accepted back in June. Home inspection went mostly okay, but the buyers want me to have a basement wall with a step crack verified as structurally sound. It was there when I bought the house and has been unchanged through 9 years, but I have no proof and no idea what the certification would cost. And my dad had his first radiation treatment today. It went well, but he was wiped out after one so I'm nervous to see how he does getting these 5x/week for 6 weeks.
  21. Excellent, excellent series. I couldn't put the books down! I think the next book (by another author, obviously) was targeted for release this month, so I'll have to follow up on that... Also a great one. I read a well-worn copy of my parents' after seeing the TV miniseries, and really liked it.
  22. Thank you, Jesus... the buyers accepted my counter offer!!!! Still peeved at their stupid game playing, but I just want this house off my hands and thankfully it looks like it'll work out. It's gonna hurt writing that check at settlement, but at least I won't have to worry about doing more repairs later if I rented, and the buyers will be stuck with my horrible neighbor so I'll get the last laugh. :devil:
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