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Everything posted by biodork

  1. I could conceivably go snowboarding tomorrow or Friday. Not sure I will between weather and things to do before company arrives Fri. evening, but the fact that it's an option here when PA resorts always struggled to open by Jan. 2nd is pretty awesome.
  2. Good luck tomorrow, Jo! Remember shrader's advice: take the pills BEFORE you think you need them post-surgery!
  3. Good man.
  4. I sure hope you're right! For now I'm just glad I don't have anything of my own to add to this thread this week. :( Good luck, man. OUCH, Jo... I know it's tough, but let d4rk and others take care of you while you need it, and just remember you'll heal faster if you do the right things (i.e. not overdoing it) during the early stages. Hope your surgery goes well next week. I've probably pimped them before, but seriously, get this stuff: http://sorenomoreusa.com/cool-therapy-gel It's really great for helping keep down injury-related inflammation. I've used it after bashing my knee on ice, and my step mom used it a lot after her rotator cuff surgery last year because the doctor told her not to use heat.
  5. Blech... did Red Bull and vodka one night only when at a Comedy Club because I was tired but still wanted a drink. Never again... that night did not end well for me. And agreed that the smell is horrid! I've heard of the coffee nap hack, but only tried it once or twice myself. I usually get home too late in the evening to do it unless I know I'm pulling an all-nighter.
  6. I'd planned a short trip back East for this past weekend way back in July so my dad would know when he was going to see me again after the move. The timing was largely driven by a desire to be there as close to Thanksgiving as was financially reasonable, but it ended up giving him something good to look forward to after the events of last week (see Thursday thread). He's doing a lot better emotionally than I expected, and although he's still recovering from the radiation, he was able to eat (and taste!) the turkey and sides we had for dinner. Baby steps towards what will hopefully be a full recovery as the weeks go on.
  7. D'oh. Can't fault Ullmark for that.
  8. Samson! Wasn't sure he touched that at first, but good on him.
  9. ARGH -- I've been delaying making payments on the bills due later this month because I'm still waiting for work to reimburse me for $5000 worth of moving expenses and am low on cash. I had a 0% balance transfer offer on my credit card that expired this month and was prepared to pay it off, and I didn't notice the offer expired 11/1 and not 11/14 (when my bill is due). That stupid oversight just cost me $260 in interest. :( And yours, iTlnSn; I've been there, too, and it's tough losing a pet (especially one that has been part of the family for so long).
  10. Thank God. Glad they can go into the intermission ahead again.
  11. Woohoo! (Man, I forgot how far behind the streams are from live action.)
  12. Seriously! I've been doing it all wrong.
  13. This is trivial compared to my earlier complaint, but tonight my apartment complex was sponsoring a happy hour from 5-7pm at a tavern within walking distance of the place. I'm generally not big on meeting strangers and holding awkward conversation, but I figured it would be good to meet some of my neighbors so I'd planned to go. Got out of work later than I wanted, but got home around 5:30, grabbed my smaller wallet, and walked over. There's no separate area for residents, so I have no idea if the people at the bar are neighbors or random patrons, but the Bruins/Avs game is on so I sit down. Drinks included are the cheap stuff, so I asked for a Tin Cup whiskey with no ice. He goes to pour it and asks for ID, and I realize I left my license at the apartment. I try to explain, but the guy won't serve me. Ugh. Normally I'd be flattered, but under the circumstances it was just annoying and I left. I could've gone back, but didn't feel like walking over a second time to pay for a drink and watch a different hockey game with strangers vs a free drink and the Sabres by myself.
  14. I saw that, too. Eichel might wanna consult with the Honey Badger, though... ;)
  15. Geez, guys -- too many people getting injured!
  16. Wrong thread? Doesn't sound very awesome to me.
  17. Thanks, folks. She was 93 so she lived a long and full life, at least, but the manner of her passing was so sudden and unexpected, and I feel terrible that my dad wasn't able to see her again. He hadn't seen her since June or July (before his surgery) because they hadn't wanted to concern her with his health problems since she had dementia and was getting more and more confused. At least now they don't have to watch her slow mental decline. EO - my condolences to you as well for the family member you lost in June. And iTlnSn, so sorry to hear about your cat. :(
  18. Late last week, my grandmother (Dad's mom) went down to Florida with her friend and my Aunt so they could all retrieve some items that had been left behind at an apartment there and bring them back to their home in NY. My dad felt guilty about not being able to go help them, but he was in no condition physically or financially to make the trip from Delaware. On Thurs. evening she mentioned pain in her abdomen and wanted to lie down with a heating pad. Friday morning she was feeling worse, so they took her to get checked out and found she had a kidney stone. They checked her into the hospital and she had surgery to remove the stone, and apparently there was a MAJOR infection in her kidneys behind the stone. Over the weekend it seemed like she was stabilizing, but by Sun. her kidneys still hadn't been working so they were talking about doing dialysis. Hadn't heard any updates on Monday, so seemed like things were still stable. On Tuesday morning, 10 min. before I was supposed to go into a conference call at work, my dad texted to say she was septic, her organs were failing, and they were going to take her off the ventilator soon. I begged off the call so I could call and say goodbye to her over the phone, and he'd called earlier to do the same. Within 2 hours, she was gone. 2015 can f*ck off.
  19. Neat!!
  20. Volcanic lightning is a thing? Seriously cool video here: http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2015/09/30/video-of-super-charged-volcanic-ash-cloud-is-so-amazing-its-been-viewed-more-than-23-million-times-in-48-hours/ and more pics and info here: http://www.bbc.com/earth/story/20150323-what-is-a-dirty-thunderstorm?ocid=fbert
  21. Hate watching the games on delay instead of watching in real time with you all, but wow... Risto and Ullmark. :worthy: That is all.
  22. Whiskey flavored peanuts?! Brilliant! Whoa.
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