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Everything posted by biodork

  1. Well it wasn't really an opening... the boss kind of created a new position for me, and this girl replaced the old lab manager who decided not to relocate with us to Denver. So she's only just now in a position of power and is severely abusing it. Oof that sucks, Jo.
  2. Unfortunately no one else ever sees this side of her, and she's worked for my boss for 12 years so there's a very real risk that it'll sound like it IS me who's the problem. :( The admin assistant is working on finding time in my boss's schedule for me to meet her, but it'll be next week at the earliest (and possibly later). :lol: it's not really funny that you have lots of material for this thread, but this struck me as amusing.
  3. About F'N time this thread opened. The crazy bitch at work had me shaking with anger and crying at my desk out of frustration on Tuesday. She went on a tirade somehow equating me attempting to get an order placed for some items another coworker will need in the next few weeks with me being unwilling to work on the project that is our primary focus right now (has she ever heard of multi-tasking?), yelling at me and threatening to tell my boss. WTF, lady? I don't know what her problem is but she's clearly decided she doesn't like me because she's almost going out of her way to find things to yell at me for, and she's convinced in her heart that I'm the problem. I've never wanted so badly to walk off a job and quit. I talked to the University Ombudsperson this morning and they said I definitely need to talk to my boss (which I kind of already knew), but I'm terrified of things just getting worse if my boss says something to her. I love where I live, but I'm so unbelievably miserable at work. I tense up every time I hear her walking to my side of the lab because I'm always expecting her to yell at me for no good reason. This can't go on.
  4. I should qualify my stance; I'm all for this kind of thing as long as it remains voluntary. If my employer required it, I would not be happy.
  5. Wow, that's pretty good!
  6. Been struggling with motivation and fitting a regular workout routine into my schedule, but I found out the other week that my new employer has a fitness incentive plan! You have to use an activity tracker and link it with a third party website, but basically if you're moderately to vigorously active for 30 min. at least 12 days out of every month, they pay you $25/month. I caved and bought a Fitbit Charge HR, and although it's ugly and I dislike having to wear it all the time on my wrist, it works well and the Fitbit app is very user-friendly. Using the combined work incentive and tracking to help me get into a routine. So far, so good...
  7. Those are hilarious. And as if I needed another reason to dislike Tom Brady:
  8. Might've been one of those multiplier offers they do sometimes (i.e. buy so many products from a certain list and you get 2x or 4x the points). When I first signed up for one here I miraculously ended up with 80 cents off per gallon (!!) my first month, and I certainly did not spend $800 in groceries! But I filled up my tank for less than $10, so that was nice (even if it'll never happen again).
  9. Am not! Vindication. In all honesty, they are (much like the Sabres) a lot more fun to watch this year. Duclair, Domi, Hannifin... reason for optimism in the desert. And Doan agrees: http://www.theplayerstribune.com/shane-doan-coyotes-hockey/ "Core muscle injury"... is that what they're calling abdominal tears now? Either way, great chance for Lindback.
  10. Dave Chappelle was right; almost everything looks better in slow motion. Amazing (and probably a little lucky).
  11. Coyotes come back from 4-1 to tie it at 4-4 with 15 seconds to go and force OT. Duclair has been a beast tonight. ... aaaand they lose in OT. Bummer.
  12. Geez, Max Domi has one heck of a shiner after taking a puck to the face last night.
  13. Lol agreed on Columbus Day! I'm generally on a later schedule at work and don't get in until 9:30-10am unless there's an early meeting, so 5pm is still an hour from quitting time for me.
  14. ROR!!!! Holy amazing patience, Batman. Yessssssss!!
  15. lol yeah... it's more like 5pm for me, which is close enough to quitting time that I feel like I should just stay on task and get done so I can watch part of it at home, but early enough I should just start listening via WGR at work. Haven't gotten into that mindset yet, but as you point out, there are ways around the early start times.
  16. During the week, yeah (with the exception of the West coast road trip)... sometimes the game is almost over by the time I'm home when it's a 7pm EST start. And the weekend afternoon games mess me up because I'm not thinking about checking for hockey games before noon! One of the few downsides to having moved. Thank goodness for on demand streams, but it's hard to stay involved here without the GDTs.
  17. That's why I rarely participate in GDTs anymore... the time difference here means I'm rarely able to watch live. :(
  18. Well that was quick (no pun intended)! Weber is lucky he didn't get a penalty before Nolan took him out.
  19. Lazy backcheck by Legwand.
  20. I am embarrassed to admit I had no idea he played for the Kings now.
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