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Everything posted by biodork

  1. Picking up a friend from the airport tomorrow. On tap for the long weekend is snow tubing on Sat. and then snowshoeing on Monday. Tuesday evening my mom flies in for a few days, and we're going to the Avs/Sabres game on Wed. evening. :)
  2. Not the same thing -- what you're describing is an abscess! Impaction is when the teeth are stuck below the gumline. ;)
  3. I had all four at once, but since two were impacted I got to take a nap while they did it. :) Wildcard - Ibuprofin and ice packs are your friend, and sleep upright for a few days. You'll probably still be too sore to do much chewing for up to a week, but it'll help the swelling immensely.
  4. Much like the appendix, these days they only take them when they get infected because they have a useful purpose (lymph tissue). I still have mine!
  5. Taro beat me to it, but I'd say all 3 contribute.
  6. I think I forgot to post this one since it happened right before Christmas, but on the way to my stepmom's father's funeral, somebody sideswiped my dad's car and damaged the passenger side doors. Someone else managed to get a picture of the license plate as the car sped away without stopping and they reported it to the police, but it's a dead plate so they've had no luck finding the person who did it. My dad drives a 1995 Camry, so the estimated repair cost is greater than the value of the car and the insurance company wants to have it totaled. They can't afford a new car right now considering both are unemployed and he's still got a ton of medical expenses, and the car is still driveable but they keep getting calls from tow companies trying to arrange a time for them to take it away. (Damn you, Powerball...)
  7. Right? I need to use these as my motivation to stay better hydrated...
  8. Damn, dude! I never realized there was more than one type of stone. My stepmom described it as feeling like she was being cut from the inside with a hot knife.
  9. The Complaint Thursday thread was never unlocked last Thursday! And sorry to hear, Dennis. :( Agreed 100%. It's gotten unbearably stupid (the political climate, not the SOTU address itself) over the last several years.
  10. OUCH. My dad and stepmom have both had them. The second time for my dad they did lithotripsy, but usually they just send you home with pain meds and a screen to pee through. Pretty way to treat someone in that level of pain, IMO.
  11. I've never leased before, and the only reason I'm doing it now is because the payments are lower. Unless something changes, I expect to purchase it at the end of the lease. And lol on my SS location; I'd completely forgotten to change it!
  12. Naw it's all good; just an idiosyncrasy of the quote functions!
  13. Same. Why shouldn't the home team have the option to wear more of their own colors rather than less? Makes no sense to me. THIS, 100%. And this. Glad I'm not the only one.
  14. This post really confused me until I realized the second part applied to d4rk's quote about Trump, lol.
  15. Interesting. I don't know a lot about her, but I have a vaguely favorable impression from what little I do know. I'm definitely hoping the next time around it'll be a wider field of contenders with some new blood.
  16. To the bolded: you're not lying! To the rest, I agree with you both; I just don't see O' Malley running a second time and didn't know who else on the D side would jump in the next time around. I'd like to see Warren run next time if Sanders doesn't get the nomination, but I kind of doubt she would.
  17. Holy cow, really? I had no idea he was that old.
  18. That's a great point. Also a great point. For me personally, I feel he can do enough good that I'm okay with the age risk and knowing he would almost certainly only be one term. By 2020 either Biden or someone else will step up to the plate (hopefully not HRC again).
  19. Ironic, right? Given the traditional demographics of R and D, the candidates (on both sides) are the opposite.
  20. While this is obviously a very non-random sampling, Eastside will enjoy this (as do I; a glimmer of hope!): The Top 5 Reasons MoveOn Members Voted to Endorse Bernie (with the Most Votes and Widest Margin in Our History)
  21. Apparently your sister is, too! ;)
  22. Haha fair enough. I mean, I really do appreciate the offer, but I'd feel guilty taking it not knowing if it'd ever get used!
  23. Can't unsee! :sick:
  24. That's very kind of you, but I'm not sure if I'd ever use it. Must be your sister already has one? Haha thanks!
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