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Everything posted by biodork

  1. Ha! I shouldn't condone this, but good on you for not taking sh!t.
  2. Sorry to hear, Hoss, but good on you for moving forward (not on - nods to Eleven) and dealing with things in a healthy way. Don't live your life on hold, but who knows what might happen down the line? Your paths will cross again if it's meant to be. For me: - After a very busy Jan., my apartment is my own again and I can finally sleep in tomorrow for the first time since New Year's. - Finally have time to go snowboarding again on Sunday after a long hiatus. - My friend and original snowboarding buddy from PA is coming for a visit in late Feb. - The same friend was in a terrible car accident last night after being hit by a drunk driver, but is thankfully (and amazingly) unharmed. - The crazy manager has been a decent human being for the last 3 weeks, which is making work far more tolerable (even if the work is still incredibly boring).
  3. Definitely remember. We were watching the launch in school (won't say what grade), so all of us saw what happened live. Awful stuff.
  4. Nice. Now if only they'd offer a postseason package...
  5. Two minutes for charging!
  6. Coffee flour? WANT. http://www.purewow.com/food/Caffeinated-flour?utm
  7. I laughed harder at this than I probably should have: http://youtu.be/OTOo3svqhQ0
  8. Yeeesh... hadn't heard that one before.
  9. And Mike Ribeiro... I don't recall having heard anything about him before, so maybe she just named random players?
  10. I would say assaulted and not raped given the description, but yikes if it's true.
  11. This is lame in the grand scheme of things, but I'm feeling whiny so I'm just gonna roll with it. - I'm effing exhausted. My mom is staying with me for a week, and I love her but she's the kind of person who wakes up naturally at 5am and works 6:30am-3:30pm, whereas I typically get up around 7am and work 10am-6:30pm. I'm attempting to shift my schedule back so she's not just sitting around my apartment all day waiting for me to get home (she can work from anywhere), but I'm still going to bed late and getting up heinously early, and I still don't get home until 5:45pm or so. I wish to God I could sleep in this weekend but Sat. is when we'll finally have time to go see the mountains so I know we'll be up early again. 4-5 hours of sleep is leaving me dopey. - After doing really well in Dec., I kind of fell off the wagon on my exercise and healthier eating in Jan. I'm still exercising but not as regularly (and it's even harder to do now with my mom staying there), and my food intake has been terrible between traveling and hosting company. I can't wait to reboot next week and try to get back to a routine again. - The chick at work has been mostly tolerable the last week and a half, but I don't trust that it'll last and the work is still menial and boring. It's getting old always having to go ask her what she wants me to work on because she won't tell me more than a small part of the project at a time and I've been yelled at in the past for doing things without asking for permission. I know we have a ton to do, but I don't have enough information to start most of it, and she hasn't bothered to reply to my question from yesterday evening. Ugh.
  12. LOL that was entirely unintentional, but now that you point it out... :w00t:
  13. Not sure how much coverage this has gotten nationally, but Colorado will have an amendment on the ballot in 2016 for a single payer-like statewide system: The Beginner's Guide To Colorado's Universal Health Care Ballot Proposal For more info: http://coloradocareyes.co/
  14. Found out yesterday that my brother was apparently laid off at work back in November. He's fortunate enough to be in a good financial position and wait things out a bit, but JC enough with the bad news around my family already!
  15. That was fun. Lots and lots of Sabres fans in attendance last night and had a few really good Let's Go Buffalo chants going throughout the game. Couple random thoughts: - some sloppy passing by the Sabres for much of the game - Zadorov had a ton of ice time - Gorges looked good (apart from the stupid penalty) - Eichel didn't look nearly as fast as he did earlier in the season - A bunch of Avs fans behind us kept making references to O' Reilly's DUI, which was funny at first but got old by the 3rd period. - Lehner looked real shaky in the beginning, but I thought he settled in nicely in the 2nd period. Unfortunately the whole team seemed to think the game was over after the second. - I hope Reinhart is okay. I'm sure the ref who was hit around the same time is feeling it today, too. - Pepsi Center is a nice arena. We sat in section 304 and still had a great view of everything without feeling like we were up in the rafters. The pre-game production with video projections on the ice surface was pretty neat, but the intermission folks could use some help. Kind of a pisser how the game ended, but overall it was fun and the banter between fans was good-natured. Also: loaded tater tot nachos need to be a thing everywhere. So good.
  16. I missed this earlier and thought you were asking about after they were removed, but I'm guessing if you're have anesthesia ("conscious sedation") they told you not to eat or drink for 12 hours prior. Maybe okay (but still ill-advised) if you're not going to be under, though.
  17. I've never heard of anyone having more than 4!
  18. lol maybe the first time I've been called a hooligan!
  19. I'll be there tonight with my mom... first Sabres game in two years and first game in Denver. Looking forward to it!
  20. Clearly you forgot this one:
  21. :w00t: Damage done, but glad he'll get to go after all. The Internet beat the NHL and made John Scott an All-Star Also, good on him for having the right attitude about the situation: League says John Scott still All-Star captain despite trade to East
  22. Whoa... Cereal is bad-ass. Not running, but tried hiking in them for the first time yesterday! Good stuff.
  23. Really good. May was raving about him during the 2nd intermission.
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