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Everything posted by biodork

  1. This one is two weeks delayed because I've been so crazy busy that I've forgotten to post it. I'll try to give the Cliff's Notes version since it would take way too long to go into all the specifics. I work in a very small group. Back in Nov. it was just me and one other guy (who got along famously), and we hired this chick who initially seemed to fit right in, personality-wise. She had great previous experience in an area we'd been lacking, so we were excited to have her. But right away, red flags... just little ones here and there for a few weeks, and mostly we brushed it off, thinking that she was just going through a rough time in her life. The more things started happening, the more we started wondering how much of it was true, because honestly it all just seemed way too unbelievable that one person could have so much going on. This week it's a random car accident on her way back from lunch, the next week it's the flu, then she breaks up with her boyfriend and needs a mental health day... you get the idea. In the first 10 weeks she was with us, she literally only worked one full 5-day week. Then personality conflicts started arising when we were under intense pressure for a major deadline and it became very apparent that she was still going to work her 37.5 hours/week and go home, no matter how much work there was to do. We tried to wipe the slate clean and start over after the deadline had passed, but things kept getting worse, with her being mercurial and defensive about seemingly minor things. The other guy here and I both tried very hard to modify how we were interacting with her in case we were unwittingly contributing somehow (body language, choice of wording, etc), but it never seemed to help. To make things worse, my bosses seem to love this girl and be completely oblivious to the fact that she was a problem employee who had trouble getting along with others and rarely completed tasks assigned because of her lack of commitment to the job. We found out along the way that she'd been blind copying my boss on a bunch of emails (she's one of those people who will send an email about something stupid rather than just talk to the other 2 people in the group face-to-face), plus meeting quite a bit with her on the side. Two weeks ago she basically picked a fight with the other guy here when he asked her something innocuous, then didn't show up to work the next day. The following Monday, my boss pulled the other guy and I into her office and told us that the girl had quit effectively immediately "because of how we treated her." She actually believes all the this chick had been apparently saying behind our backs, all "woe is me, I'm just trying to do a good job and people are being mean to me" without ever asking for our side or considering that maybe someone who is clinically depressed (and taking medication for it) isn't seeing things rationally. Or maybe that she was a con artist who's been using us all along to get a better job, because she was hired at a salary that was only justified by a certification that she only acquired in late May (after failing the first time in Feb.) that she was paid to study for, 1 hr/day, the entire first 6 months she worked with us. But my boss is so snowed that she was defending the who quit with zero notice and was instead telling the other guy and I about how things need to change when we hire the next person. I'm so done. (Sorry, that was still a long version!)
  2. This one has a corresponding complaint that will have to wait for next week since I missed it yesterday, but my neurotic martyr co-worker up and quit on Monday. The's way too much work to be done, but honestly she wasn't pulling her weight anyhow, and losing the constant drama that she brought will be worth any increase in workload. Addition by subtraction.
  3. I haven't done either of those yet, but they both look pretty legit! It's too bad some people have such trouble with the elevation; I tried taking my mom on a hike near Vail Pass a few weeks ago (Shrine Ridge) to see the mountain flowers, and she loved the hike but after a little over a mile she was so dizzy I made her turn around. She was really disappointed to not get the whole way, but I told her it's not worth making her sick!
  4. Yesterday I hiked up Mt Elbert, which is the tallest peak in CO (second tallest in the US) at ~14,400 ft. The trail was somewhere around 10-12 miles round trip and had 4400 ft of elevation gain. Views were awesome, but my quads hate me. :-s
  5. Gran Torino and The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo were both outstanding. I'm really sad they're moving that franchise forward with a different cast.
  6. This makes sense, too... I have normal height ceilings in most rooms of the house but vaulted ceilings in the bedroom, which likely makes it feel better than it would otherwise.
  7. 78 feels glorious after it's been consistently 82-88 degrees inside the last 6 weeks! That would seem very hot at work, but that's mostly because the extra layers you have to wear in the lab. In the winter I only heat to 68-70 degrees and that also feels just fine since I'm generally wearing heavier clothing. So I guess I ascribe to doohickie's rationale on climate control!
  8. Ceiling fans, window fans, and lots of sweating! 78 degrees never felt so good.
  9. Had a great visit with my mom last weekend, and as of today, I finally have central air conditioning at home. ? It's been a brutal summer out here, and I'd resigned myself to having to wait another year until I found a company that offers financing for 36 mos. with no interest (!). Hooray!
  10. My goodness, you're strong, Jo... abs of steel to pull that off! I don't know how you don't get hopelessly tangled in the ropes, but it's always impressive to watch.
  11. Didn't get an interview on that job last week. It was a bit of a stretch position since I don't have experience in one of the major techniques they do, although it's something I could learn easily enough (but HR people don't know that). Related complaint: I was looking over the weekend to see if there are any companies that offer a workshop where you can get hands-on training in that technique, and I found a few but they are pricey. One is a company we use in my current position quite a lot for a different platform, and they offer both training at your location by a field applications specialist or training at their centers. I'd emailed them to ask about the latter since there's no info on the website regarding upcoming schedules, and today a rep emailed back to say they normally do these on-site and our local sales rep could help set it up, and cc'd the sales rep. ??‍♀️ So now I've got to worry that this chump sales guy (who thankfully isn't around much) is going to say something about it when he's here next, completely oblivious of the fact that I'm trying to build my resume so I can GTFO of this current job. ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGH Side complaint: I like most of the SS improvements, but I really miss the old emojis... the new ones just don't have the same punch to them.
  12. Definitely. A nice bridge between the last Captain America Movie (which was terrible) and the next Avengers.
  13. Ant-Man and the Wasp was surprisingly fun... maybe better than the original Ant-Man, even!
  14. The boyfriend is flying in tomorrow for a visit and then I've got a 3 day work week before my mom arrives next Friday morning for a long weekend. Also heard back about one of the jobs I applied to last week and am waiting to see if I make it to the second round, so fingers crossed!
  15. Beautiful pics, jsb!
  16. Good Lord, I need central air conditioning... currently 84 degrees on the main level and almost 88 degrees upstairs. ? More relevant to the thread; summer wildflowers in the mountains are well-worth hiking 9.5 miles (round-trip) and almost 2200 ft in elevation:
  17. It's certainly worth considering... thanks!
  18. Somewhat, yeah... in the past it's been bad luck because academic research positions are typically funded by what they call "soft money" (grants, etc) that tends to fluctuate over time and be somewhat unpredictable. The upshot of this job (other than the salary) is that it's paid for with "hard money" (direct investment by the institution), and the idea of moving to something potentially less stable again is pretty unappealing. But, I have no desire to stay here and let them let me continue to do the job of a manager without the recognition or authority to do it properly while other people are getting by doing the bare minimum and being lauded for it. So sorry to hear that... echoing others in hoping they've caught it early enough to intervene.
  19. I'm fortunate in the sense that I have no reason to think I'll be let go from my current position because I work very hard and do a good job, but it's becoming more and more obvious that I'm never going to be able to advance here, so it's time to start looking seriously at other options. Kinda bummed it's not going to work out, but at least I know where I stand. and hopefully can find something that is a better fit and more of a challenge in the next few months.
  20. This I can agree with. New complaint: I really miss central air conditioning. I fully intended to have it installed by now at my house, but the estimates were higher than I expected and it's a lower priority given it's really only necessary for about 3 months of the year. The main level is 84 degrees and upstairs it's 86, and I'm in the kitchen baking cookies for my friend's birthday because I love her dearly, but it's pretty miserable.
  21. The grocery store near me has slanted spots but allows two-way traffic up and down each lane. It's beyond stupid. Related complaint: people who use their turn signals when going around the corner in a parking garage (and on every floor all the way up). I think I can safely assume you weren't going to turn left and drive into the elevator / stairwell, idiot!
  22. Experience is the best teacher! :flirt:
  23. ... and teflon tape! Awkward to work with, but good stuff for plumbing. Other tips: - remember that sometimes "left" and "right" are as observed from under the sink looking up at the faucet rather than top down - don't make the same mistake I did and over-tighten any connections to copper lines for the faucet (oops).
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