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Everything posted by biodork
I might be the only person on the planet who doesn't like pepper jack cheese. Cheese is fantastic... why would you ruin it with gross pepper flakes?
Not awesome that it's so expensive, but what a great idea for folks with Parkinson's and other things that cause hand tremors: https://www.liftware.com/ Thanks! (c: Spent last weekend in Seattle around Mt. Rainier and flying back East for my dad's birthday tomorrow, so today is my Friday. :)
Restaurants that do birthday discounts are pretty awesome. Most places just do a free dessert, but there's a really great place near me that sent an email for a free steak up to $40 (!!), so last night I had an amazing filet mignon and a glass of wine for $7.50 (before tip). I can't remember the last time I had steak, and it was delicious.
I am going to make it my mission to use this phrase in the future. Well done.
So many complaints. This thread was never unlocked last week, so this is a carryover that I'll now abbreviate since I don't have the energy to type it all out. Basically got backed into a corner last Thurs. to where the potential transfer in jobs (still with my boss, but away from the psycho manager) went from optional to mandatory. I don't want that job any more than I want this one, but at least it'll get me away from the crazy biotch so I accepted last Friday. My boss had said we could make the change fairly immediate and asked me to consider how much time I would need to finish up here. When I accepted via email I told her I'd need at least a week to wrap things up but would defer to the manager if she'd like me to stay a bit longer to help with some other things, and asked her to discuss those preferences. Fast forward to early this week, and have yet to hear back from my boss confirming my decision and a timeline for the transfer. She said something in a group meeting Tues. that suggests she's aware and expecting the move, but the manager here has said things that suggest she has no idea. Now it's Thursday, I'm off tomorrow, and I have no idea what I'm supposed to do next week. I guess I'll be back in the same place next week and potentially transfer the one after, but as much as I'm looking forward to getting away from her, I don't feel it's right for me to leave without giving her a chance to say what exactly she needs/wants me to finish before I go. What a clusterf*ck. In separate news, I've been looking into buying a condo or townhouse out here because rents are insane, and I saw a place on Tues. evening that I absolutely loved. It only hit the MLS that afternoon and I didn't want to get into a bidding war, so my realtor put in an offer that night for slightly above list price with a deadline to accept by late afternoon Wed. The seller's agent has yet to return any of my agent's messages or even confirm receipt of the offer, so he suspects she's just collecting offers to drive up the price. (The market is insane out here and the good places regularly go under contract in 2-4 days.) I'm pissed that she's being so inconsiderate of anyone else's time.
Yep: http://forums.sabrespace.com/topic/20923-things-that-are-awesome/page-205?do=findComment&comment=829264
Congrats, WC! And "see" you in a month, NS!
I don't think it's wrong to ask them for a few days to decide; they should expect that you were interviewing for more than one position (they don't need to know you haven't gone on the other interview yet) and it's not unreasonable to take a few days and think on it. Question is, if the other interview goes well, how long until you might have an offer from them?
Possible meteor hit near Phoenix early this morning -- pretty wild! http://www.fox10phoenix.com/news/arizona-news/151780065-story
Indeed; Royale with Cheese was the European name for a sandwich at McDonald's.
That's a great story.
Oh, we didn't do 13k up, haha... the trailhead started around 10,400 ft, so we hiked about 3000 ft up to the summit. But yeah, we were all huffing and puffing pretty early and took lots of breaks with the thin air at that elevation. One of the guys in the group had only moved to Denver two months prior from Texas, so he was hurting for sure. But we all did it! :)
Almost forgot about the hike last week with my friend who came to visit -- this was in the foothills near Golden. About 6 miles and ~1000 ft elevation gain. Thanks! Your second guess was correct; it's short for 13,000+ ft (13,300 in this case). There are over 50 peaks out here that are over 14,000 ft (14ers), and people in CO seem to be moderately obsessed with hiking them all, haha. Edit: post merge fail... the pics here go with the new post, not the reply to JJ. D'oh.
Tackled my first 13er yesterday: James Peak. We did about 9 miles round trip and 3100 ft in elevation gain. It was cold and windy and I'm beat, but the blisters and windburn were so worth it.
Very nice! Glad it all worked out. You've got this. :thumbsup:
Echoing others; yes, they do. I have a dark pinstripe pantsuit I bought at The Limited many moons ago, and the only time I ever wear it is on interviews (even though in my line of work we generally do not dress up on a daily basis). The suit itself is conservative and I like to add a colorful top underneath for a little personality. I'm pretty sure you can do the same idea with a skirt, but I rarely wear dresses so I personally feel more confident in dress pants. Some ideas here: http://www.thelimited.com/womens-clothing/suits Huzzah!
Outstanding! That song cracks me up.
This chick at work... I swear, she is incapable of acknowledging when she's wrong. She could tell me the sky is purple, I would say it's blue, and she'd look up and find some reason to explain why she was still correct. Maddening. The boss has offered me a potential out, but the "solution" may be trading the devil I know for the devil I don't. Decisions, decisions...
Yikes -- hope everything is okay.
Good news for Nexus 5X and 6P owners without a Fitbit: apparently the newer app will use the phone to track some metrics without the actual Fitbit wrist tracker! From the update notes: *New onboarding tiles that explain how active minutes, distance, and floors work *Introducing MobileTrack on Nexus 5X and Nexus 6P. You can now use the Fitbit app without a Fitbit tracker by using your phone's sensors to track basic activity data including steps, distance, and calories burned
lol I miss that show. And dammit, why does our new guy have to stay here until 5pm? I'd so be outta here already if there wouldn't be witnesses.