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Everything posted by biodork

  1. I like this idea, too. I think as long as we're deciding pretty far in advance I should be able to make it work. And sorry Eleven, but weeknights only work well for you local fans! :P
  2. Thanks, folks. Just talked to my stepmom -- he's still groggy, but he's awake and they're going to keep him in the ICU for the first 24 hours to be safe. And they didn't need to wire his jaw shut, which is fantastic. :)
  3. After almost 11 hours, my dad is out of surgery. No word yet on whether they had to wire his jaw and my stepmom hasn't been able to go in and see him yet, but the doctors said everything went great. Thank God!!
  4. And for God's sake, someone go to North Korea and Russia already!! -------------------------------- Just another reason this Pope is awesome: http://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2016/06/26/483630582/pope-francis-church-should-apologize-to-gays-and-other-marginalized-groups Edit: Well that's an unfortunate post merge. :oops:
  5. Awesome stuff. Much as I love Denver, I'm still a little sad I can no longer drive to Buffalo for stuff like this. Someday I'll make a trip back, though. :beer:
  6. :lol: My bf for years has said the solution to the world's problems is a new charitable organization called BJs for Peace... because no one ever feels like invading another country after getting a hummer. :ph34r: I'll bet 3/15 is one of the least violent days out of the calendar year!
  7. A more optimistic take on Brexit and what it means for us than I've seen elsewhere: https://www.dailyworth.com/posts/4357-3-big-reasons-not-to-sweat-brexit No idea if they're right to be optimistic, but it's nice to hear it might not bad as terrible (for us, at least) as some say. Still sucks for anyone currently or soon-to-be reliant on retirement income.
  8. Other than yesterday's news, been a good week here: 1) Home inspection was on Tuesday. Found a number of issues, wasn't sure if the sellers would agree to address. They signed off yesterday on 5 of the 6 asks, and the 6th isn't terribly expensive so I can take care of it. Last major hurdle is the appraisal before I can trust all will continue to go according to plan, but so far, so good... 2) First week in the new lab has gone very well. It's still not the type of work I want to be doing, but the new manager has zero interest in micromanaging and actually values my input, which is a refreshing change of pace. Also, he's not crazy. :thumbsup: 3) Movie night tonight with a friend. 4) Tomorrow I finally pick up my new bike!! Can't wait to take it for a spin (and hopefully not make an a$$ of myself in the process). Happy Friday, SabreSpace! Wish I could join you guys at the draft party, but I hope all who attend have a great time!
  9. My mom is horribly in debt and on a path to needing to declare bankruptcy for the third time in her adult life. I love her dearly, but I don't know any way to help and it's hard watching the self-destructive cycle repeat itself.
  10. My condolences, qwk. You should take whatever comfort you can from knowing that she was surrounded by love and family, and that you all did the best that you could by her while she was here. She's free and whole again now.
  11. Congrats, ubkev!
  12. Yeah, that's what I'm trying to tell myself. I'm basically moving into the job I declined last May because it wasn't the type of work I wanted to be doing, but since I'm not doing what I thought I'd be in my current job, at least I can get away from the crazy chick and have a more stable work environment.
  13. Today is my last day in this crummy job with the sometimes psychotic coworker. I'm no more interested in the job I'm transferring to than the one I'm leaving, but at least it should be busy and I won't be micromanaged by a crazy person. Just gotta keep sucking it up and enjoy the flexibility the salary affords until I can leave for something better.
  14. Indeed. Also awesome: after the mess last week, I'm officially under contract on a townhouse. :) My mortgage will be $200/mo less than my current rent (and $320/mo less than the rent if I renewed my lease) for 250 ft2 more and an enclosed patio. :thumbsup:
  15. If only we'd kept Mika Noronen...
  16. :( That sucks, weave. My dad is having his next round of surgery on the 27th for jaw reconstruction, and I can't afford to fly back again (or take time off work) to be there. :cry: He's going to be in the hospital in Baltimore for a week, and my stepmom wants to just stay there with him but they're struggling to find someone to take care of their dog. Her family are a bunch of useless idiots who care about nothing outside of themselves and her friends are unreliable. She actually asked her sister to stay at their house the night of the surgery to take care of the dog and she said no. :blink: I'm going to try and pay for an in-home pet-sitting service they've used before to buy them some peace of mind, but it won't be cheap. People suck.
  17. I wish Marty Biron would speak up more often.
  18. Welcome back, Hoss. Physical exercise is sometimes even better at improving one's mental state than appearance. Good stuff. Edit: And now I see you've been back for a bit (I haven't been keeping up on all the threads). Carry on!
  19. LOL that's the one!
  20. lol yeah. Reminds me of a related product Eleven had linked here a long while back (I forget the name, but the Amazon reviews were hilarious).
  21. I'm just gonna leave this here: http://greatist.com/live/nadkins-the-luxuirous-way-to-clean-your-balls
  22. :lol: I heard far too many people say it that way when I used to work as a waitress at a steak house. Embarrassing (for them).
  23. Right?! Love pepper jelly with cheese, and cheese stuffed peppers are tasty, but I don't like hot pepper bits inside the cheese. Yuck. Of course, I also hate Parmesan peppercorn dressing (and peppercorns in general).
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