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Everything posted by biodork

  1. I may have just assumed you weren't a rye fan because you hadn't liked one of the spicier bourbons I tried at the Toad a while back. :oops:
  2. I'm surprised (and jealous)... I thought you weren't a fan of the spicier bourbons and rye? That High West sounds pretty good, though.
  3. :lol: sorry! Today's adventure was hiking my first 14er, Mt Bierstadt. The trailhead begins around 11,600 ft and covers 2400 ft in elevation in 3.5 miles (each way). We reached the summit in just under 3 hours and came back doen in under 2. Pretty scrambly at the top, but gorgeous views and perfect weather. The wildflowers were quite something as well.
  4. Maybe... mine has a really steep angle to the top tube, and I've seen plenty of cruiser / European style step-through bikes, but Robin's just looked really funny until I realized why. :)
  5. That first picture lines up just right to where I thought: "Whoa, he has a bike with no top tube... how does THAT work?!" :doh:
  6. This isn't a perfect solution, but the cord cutters in at least a couple of markets are finally getting a way to access NBC and NBCSN through a new Sling service for $20/mo: http://www.techhive.com/article/2909572/streaming-services/sling-tv-channel-guide-all-the-programming-and-all-the-restrictions-all-in-one-chart.html http://blog.sling.com/announcements/nbc-networks-now-available-on-new-multi-stream-service-sling-blue/ Unfortunately game access for regional sports programming is tied to your billing zip (good for in market fans, not for people like myself) and NBC's local coverage is only available for now in a few markets (not including Buffalo). Hopefully they'll add to the list as they go on, though... incremental progress. Edit: NBCSN is also not on-demand, which is a bit of a pisser.
  7. Wow, good on you... I haven't dared to try anything like bouldering. I don't think my upper body strength is up to par yet and I'm afraid I'd embarrass myself!
  8. I like the bottom one the best. The R and P are a little funky, but still very readable and easy on the eyes.
  9. :P Only about 13 miles for me today since my legs were already tired from hiking a bunch at Rocky Mtn National Park yesterday. So pretty, though.
  10. Will check it out -- thanks! I'd seen the suggestion a couple places about sitting on a bag of flour to measure the distance in sit bones, but haven't checked vs my current bike saddle yet. I figure I was bound to be sore after not riding in ages and then spending a good 3 hours on the bike, so tomorrow I'll try adjusting a bit if it's still uncomfortable.
  11. Dude, you are a machine! Forgot to update this last week, but I finally picked up my bike and took it out for a spin last Saturday! I found an adult bike riding class (you can laugh; everyone else has) that was super helpful in regaining my balance, learning how/when to shift gears, and getting comfortable around other riders and minor obstacles. Still working on making smaller turns (I get wobbly if I'm not looking pretty close to straight ahead), but I'm sure that will come with more practice. After the class I went with a friend to a wide and (mostly) flat trail along a canyon creek, and we rode about 10 miles. My butt really hurt (I think the saddle might be too narrow for my sit bones), but it felt awesome to get out and I can't wait to go again (hopefully Monday). :)
  12. Ugh can't even fix my typo... Opera browser on my tablet does not play well with SabreSpace. :(
  13. Under contract on a better property than the one I terminated last week. Hope this one goes the distance...
  14. Agree with wookie... not a big fan. But it's such a minor part of the experience here that I'm not worried about it.
  15. Fu Man Drew? I voted for Leino, though the slug was a strong contender.
  16. Ha -- I've seen Breaking Bad, and I'd completely forgotten him in it. Had to look it up this morning to convince myself!
  17. I never knew his name, but I knew he looked familiar... from Chappelle's Show! http://www.cc.com/video-clips/jwy71h/chappelle-s-show-the-world-series-of-dice---uncensored
  18. Yeah that happened to me, too -- opened the card AFTER booking the flight, but card was activated before I actually flew. I emailed customer service and asked them to refund the baggage fees (which I paid with that card) and they did. Related complaint: their rewards program sucks a$$. I'd never flown American but signed up for their program and card in March when I found out they have a direct flight from Denver to Philly. Their statements are always saying how close you are to an award ticket and how those start at something like 12,500 miles, which seemed too good to be true but I figured even if only select routes are that cheap and the rest are 20,000+, that's still reasonable. Get my 30,000 mile bonus after 3 months and go to buy a ticket to see my dad for his birthday, and it's 30,000 miles EACH WAY. :blink: I had to burn 30,000 miles with AA (and pay something like $80 in fees) for a one-way ticket, which is outrageous. Talk about false advertising... I might cancel that stupid card once the year is up if it doesn't get any better.
  19. Oustanding avatar. Carry on...
  20. They're sending my dad home today from the hospital. :) They'd told him to expect up to a week, but he's healing so well that they decided it wasn't necessary. He still has drain tubes in both his neck/face and leg that'll have to come out later, but he's really happy to be going home early (and their dog will be thrilled).
  21. THIS. I was so exhausted last night and kept thinking I just have to get through one more day and then I can sleep in, and then I remembered it's only Thursday. Dammit. The appraisal on the house came in low on Tues., and the sellers weren't very willing to negotiate; basically just wanted to drop the seller's assistance towards my closing costs and not give up anything on their end. Their agent said they wanted to appeal the appraisal but were unwilling to drop the sale price below the appraised value. I have the option with my lender to take a lender credit for closing costs, but it increases the rate from 3.99 to 4.625%, which is annoying. Still, I was thinking about doing it because there's so much time invested in the property to this point and I could potentially refinance to a lower rate later. Decided to sleep on it since they'd gotten back to us pretty late (after 9pm). Woke up in the morning to see an email notification from Zillow saying the property was back on the market and there was an open house scheduled for Sunday, saying the buyer had backed out. WTF, people? I told my agent I'm done and to send over the notice to terminate the contract. The seller's agent didn't even know they'd done it; the sellers just took it upon themselves to update the Zillow info on their property. Pretty f*cked up, but probably a blessing in disguise because these sellers had done several things that made me not trust them and worry what else I was going to find after taking possession of the property. The part that really sucks is now I have to extend my apartment lease and I'm still on the hook for the home inspection and appraisal for a place I'm no longer buying (and will have to pay for those again on a new property). UGH.
  22. ^For sure, and stay away from the caffeine... don't want to pull a Honey Badger and get a leg cramp! ;)
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