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Everything posted by biodork

  1. Good man. :worthy:
  2. I'm thinking that was an abdominal sprain/tear, but not sure.
  3. faaaaaaaaack (sorry, shrader)
  4. :( I was about to agree with you until... This sounds right.
  5. Didn't Gaustad have a high ankle sprain at some point while he was here? It was bad, but not season-ending bad.
  6. ^^Love it. Official WGR release -- hopefully we'll know more later this afternoon: http://www.wgr550.com/BREAKING-Eichel-injures-ankle-at-practice/22904760
  7. :wallbash: :censored: :cry:
  8. Even coffee ice cream is a no-go? Bummer. I liked coffee ice cream long before I liked coffee!
  9. Start slowly with matcha -- it can make some people (myself included) nauseous. But tastes good if you can stomach it!
  10. In other random news: over the weekend I was stopped at a light behind a vehicle with a huge Mustang logo / decal across the rear windshield. It was on a Nissan Altima. :unsure:
  11. :o That sounds bad, but you were probably consuming similar amounts of caffeine (or more!), just in different formats. I'm sure your cardiologist would disapprove. :P
  12. :lol: I hope they're decent! I've switched to green tea for the time being, which has only a small amount of caffeine (30 mg/cup). Like you, I'd always considered decaf coffee a waste of time, but there are plenty of people who can't have caffeine for a variety of reasons (I believe Eleven is caffeine-free and might have some alternatives for you), so I understand why people drink it. The aroma is definitely a huge part of the experience, and tea just doesn't do it in that regard (even black tea).
  13. Less than one cup/day was giving you all that trouble? :o I haven't tried them personally, but I've heard of two teas that are supposedly good for coffee lovers: http://www.dandyblend.com/ http://teeccino.com/ I've been coffee-free for about two weeks now (3 week "clean eating" challenge doesn't allow it), and I hadn't missed it much until I walked past the coffee aisle in Sprouts the other day. The aroma made me remember why I'll be drinking it again after the challenge is over, lol.
  14. I don't dislike you, JJ... we just have a difference of opinion at times. And thanks on the photos... attaching a couple from the same hike that were from my camera. Sometimes the phone does as good or better of a job, surprisingly!
  15. Happy belated!
  16. Geez, what a rough week / two weeks for your family... your mom is one tough cookie. Prayers for her as well.
  17. How's your mom doing, iTlnSn?
  18. :( Prayers for your dad to have a successful operation. :(
  19. I hear you, dEnnis. My dad and stepmom thought they'd won their appeal for continuing her Medicaid coverage last month, but hadn't gotten the official letter yet. They found out on Monday when they tried to refill one of her prescriptions that her coverage had been terminated. No advance notice, no explanation. Apparently the DSS is trying to pick and choose when they apply eligibility rules for a household of 1 and when they apply them for a household of 2 in order to void her eligibility. They're trying to fight it again, but right now she's a diabetic with high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and depression who is uninsured and unemployed. F*ck the system. That is seriously messed up. Hopefully she continues to improve! :(
  20. Took a break from unpacking to check out the changing leaves in the mountains. The aspen trees were glorious.
  21. Ooo, that sounds fantastic right now.
  22. How was it? For me: first weekend post-move, and although there are still a bunch of boxes to be unpacked and projects to be done around the house, I'm taking Sunday off to go hiking and see the fall foliage in the mountains. :)
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