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Everything posted by biodork

  1. Ah, okay. Darn it; it was so perfect, but both of the ones I tried wouldn't work. D'oh.
  2. Nope; I feel the same way every weekend. (Or maybe that just means we're both old and lame, lol.) I have brunch plans with a good friend tomorrow. Looking forward to seeing her, and to the bottomless bar cart. ;) Also have plans for a solid hike on Sunday. I love that it's still nice enough to be outside in late October!
  3. https://tenor.co/uaZs.gif Edit: for the life of me, I can't get this image to embed... keep getting messages saying I'm not allowed to use that extension??
  4. That's seriously awesome stuff, Jo.
  5. I really don't think those guys have any intentions of starting a relationship... my guess is it falls under the cheap thrills category.
  6. Gary Johnson: Look, I Wish I Were Better At This Also (The Onion) :lol:
  7. I hadn't even noticed that before, but he's definitely rocking a farmer's tan, haha.
  8. Geez... that's effed up. I can't for the life of me figure out what those girls were thinking! Yes, things get misconstrued and maybe she thought you were trying to cop a feel instead of realizing it was an honest mistake. But when it only happened once and you made no further attempt to interact with or contact any of them, why make such a scene over nothing? I had a guy full on grab my butt (with both hands) at a crowded club once, and while that certainly was NOT an accident, I also never saw the guy and it didn't happen again, so I wasn't about to let it ruin my night, casing the joint for one creep who decided to get handsy. Edit: For the record, I agree with Hoss and PA regarding the thread title. The Kanes were accused of far more serious actions, and while it is certainly possible those were false accusations, I don't think it's fair to draw a comparison with your experience tonight.
  9. Lol those are great!
  10. I'm sure it was delicious, but my poor arteries can't handle that one, lol. Never would've thought to put short ribs and red wine together, but wow that sounds amazing.
  11. I'd definitely make it again! And I'm sure you could make it with regular milk, although I did use the almond milk since that's what I had on hand.
  12. The recipe name is a bit misleading that way, but the quinoa does replace the pasta: http://fitfoodiefinds.com/2016/01/sun-dried-tomato-kale-quinoa-mac-n-cheese/
  13. How not to write a biased description on an official voting ballot. (For the record, the proposed amendment includes collecting a payroll tax in lieu of current healthcare premiums to pay for the measure. You can debate whether this is a good idea on merit, but the way it's phrased, I suspect very few people will read beyond the first line before deciding to view "no".)
  14. I'm too lazy to bother with side dishes, lol.
  15. I know some of you will decry this as hippie food, but it's seriously tasty: sun dried tomato, kale, and quinoa mac n cheese. Om nom nom.
  16. I have no idea what that is, but... Eew all around!
  17. Absolutely. He did an interview recently where he was asked if his supporters should draw a distinction between voting for Hillary and supporting her, and he agreed. Basically his point was that the immediate issue is to make sure that Trump is not elected, and then right after that, go back to work making sure to remind her of the things that were promised in the official party platform and to continue pushing for them. I still don't like her and under most any other circumstances I would not be voting for her, but these are unusual times and I agree with Sanders on how to approach the election.
  18. I wouldn't say he dropped out; he just graciously admitted defeat at the DNC. I think he'd already promised he would not be running as an Independent if he'd lost the nomination, and I suspect him honoring that promise has more to do with Bernie's personal morals than anything Obama said. :w00t: Wouldn't it be something if Paul Ryan's worst fear came true, though? :)
  19. Agreed, and as usual, John Oliver gets it right: John Oliver Seriously Vets Third Party Candidates Jill Stein And Gary Johnson Such a shame... of all the election years, this would be the one for a 3rd party candidate to have a chance if either of them was worth a damn. Unfortunately, neither Johnson nor Stein are smart or thoughtful enough to even have a fully fleshed-out platform. Bernie is probably kicking himself for not running as an Independent.
  20. Today is my one year anniversary of moving to Denver. No regrets. I will be celebrating alone as it turns out, but F it... I'm gonna drink bourbon and watch Office Space and enjoy the hell out of it.
  21. ... aaaaaaaand this weekend is officially off. Dammit. We haven't seen each other in two months, and now it'll be another three weeks until he can come back. Effing unexpected house repairs. :(
  22. That makes sense. It's all a little confusing since I'm relaying information 3rd-hand, so there's a good chance I missed (or misunderstood) some of what was relayed to me. But yes, there are several mature trees on the property that he's had to have pruned in the past so they don't take out power lines when the wind kicks up, so it's definitely plausible that there are root issues in more than one place. I think the utility companies were coming out today or tomorrow to mark exactly where all the lines are located. Edit: your guess was correct. He said they ran the rooter and couldn't get very far, and the camera confirmed roots.
  23. No doubt... emergency repairs are the worst. :(
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