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Everything posted by biodork

  1. Same here... I don't know which will happen first; him dying of sleep apnea, or me smothering him with a pillow in the middle of the night for snoring. Sleeping with ear plugs sucks, and they don't help if the other person is only inches away from your ear. :(
  2. iTlnSn and North Buffalo are giving me homeowner envy, lol.
  3. I've learned to do a decent number of things inside the house over the last few years (and mostly over the last couple of months). Mainly fixing or replacing silly little stuff that is nice to not have to pay someone else to do. - fixed my dryer by replacing the start fuse - replaced all the old electrical outlet receptacles and wall switches throughout the house - replaced a toilet seat - replaced the entire innards of a toilet (flush valve and fill valve assembly) - re-hung kitchen cabinet doors after they'd be painted (by someone else) - replaced a sink faucet and bathroom vanity top - replaced a hideous bathroom wall light fixture - installed new baseboard trim and door trim throughout the house (fun with a power miter saw!) - cut out and replaced a section of water damaged door frame Next in line: - replace the ugly and cracked floor tile in the bathroom and kitchen - install a backsplash in both rooms - refinish the ugly kitchen countertops and replace the faucet/sink I don't do anything auto related, though. :)
  4. Excellent stuff, Doohickie/Robin and Eleven.
  5. Awesome, indeed! :beer:
  6. Parked next to this car at Home Depot today:
  7. :( Thank you for sharing this, d4rk. Prayers for their families, and hopefully weave finds his way back to SS when life settles down a bit.
  8. Haha skiers always say that about their feet; I prefer having them together because you only have two edges to worry about vs four (and you're a lot less likely to eff up your knees)! But it's usually pretty awesome out here. Right now not so much because it's been unusually warm this month so very little terrain is open and the base is icy, but in another few weeks should be good.
  9. This is how I spent my day:
  10. :thumbsup:
  11. Good man. Happy Thanksgiving, SabreSpace!
  12. Work is getting super awkward. The chick from last week is still all over my direct supervisor and doesn't trust him, and while I definitely disapprove of her actions having been on the other side of it, I also can't blame her in some ways for her feelings towards him, because he's had almost a year to get this operation off the ground and has seemed to waste time and money without having accomplished much. So far she's happy with me and I appreciate that I'm being given more work because she's delegating directly to us rather than me being out of the loop and having to wait for him to hand off work (which he's far too slow to do), but it leaves me in the uncomfortable position of feeling like I'm playing both sides to keep her happy and get things done without unintentionally giving her more ammo to make his life miserable. Blargh.
  13. Yes, that's what I recall being used more frequently. Not sure if this counts as a term worthy of the SS Glossary, but Fu Man Drew!
  14. :lol: I don't think it was in regular use... more like one of those gems that would come up periodically.
  15. Swamp beat me to it. :)
  16. So glad someone already got this one. :lol:
  17. This wouldn't even be funny if it were an Onion article (although I wish it was): Energized By Trump's Win, White Nationalists Gather to "Change the World" It's horrifying that groups like this exist, much less than they feel embolded to come out of the woodwork.
  18. It's all about the side dishes, man. I think I'd be happy having only stuffing and pumpkin pie.
  19. It's effing freezing at work today. The weather took a bipolar turn from straight summer (high 70s yesterday) to winter (high 30s and snow today), and it's like they shut off the furnace and didn't bother to turn it back on. BRRRR. Also, the work dysfunction. We're getting belated and sometimes conflicting information on how some of our regulatory paperwork needs to be done, and we found out on Tuesday afternoon that a -ton of stuff we never knew about is "due" on Friday (tomorrow). And we're out of money because someone else overspent our budget. Yay.
  20. :w00t:
  21. Some examples for those who doubt the accounts of increased attacks against certain groups following the election: http://www.nj.com/news/index.ssf/2016/11/philly_penn_racist_texts.html And from NPR: Hundreds Of Hateful Incidents Reported After Trump's Victory http://n.pr/2frfoVv
  22. Your avatar reminded me of something else that's fantastic: http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/world/2016/11/11/safety-pins-brexit-donald-trump-election/93639074/
  23. Absolutely! She's been unemployed for a year and her unemployment benefits were set to run out in a couple of weeks, so thank God that very soon she'll have health insurance and a steady paycheck again.
  24. A couple of weeks ago my stepmom had interviewed for a job, and after not having heard anything, she figured they'd decided to go with someone else. Yesterday they called to tell her that they did decide to hire someone else, but that they had another position for which they thought she'd be a great fit, and offered it to her without the need to interview again. She already did her drug test and filled out a bunch of paperwork today, and she should be able to start working either later next week or the one after. Hallelujah!!!
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