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Everything posted by biodork

  1. Dang, girl! You are super strong!
  2. Lame complaint: the people who lived in the house before me never bothered to put in a mail forwarding order, so I'm still getting stuff intended for them 5 months after I bought the place. Usually it's just credit card offers and other junk, but today a legal summons for jury duty was delivered. Lazy idiots.
  4. Cold as it is, snowshoeing is always sweaty business.
  5. Right?! I feel like karma owes us one heck of a winning lottery ticket or something to even things out by now. (And public service announcement: if your washing machine hoses are more than 5 years old, please replace them with reinforced braided wire hoses!)
  6. http://www.teefury.com/cookies-gym-1
  7. On Monday morning, my stepmom woke up briefly around 7am to use the restroom, then went back to sleep. When she and my dad both woke up at 9am, they discovered one of the washing machine's supply lines had burst and flooded the house in less than two hours. They had standing water in the hall and their bedroom (across the hall from the bathroom where the washing machine was located), and the carpet was soaked in every room of the house (it's a small 1 story ranch). I didn't find out about it until Monday evening, and by then it was too late to send SERVPRO out because my dad and stepmom were exhausted from shop-vacuuming as much water as they could and moving things as needed. They went out first thing on Tuesday morning and determined the carpet pad (but somehow not the carpet?) needed to be removed, but they have so much furniture and other crap in the house that it took them something like 17 hours to cut it out by shifting the furniture around as best they could within the rooms. They had to remove one set of lower kitchen cabinets and tear out the drywall behind them, and have punched holes in the rest of the walls around the house to help everything dry out. The carpet still may not be salvageable, they're stuck staying in a hotel and boarding their pets while repairs are being done, and insurance doesn't seem to understand yet that enough work is needed that they won't be able to move back in next week, and they don't want to cover a pack-out so they can move their furniture out of the house temporarily. My brother and I are trying to cover the expenses until insurance starts paying out (and whatever insurance doesn't cover), but it's adding up fast. I can't even take time off work right now to go help them because we've got a huge deadline coming up soon. These poor people cannot catch a f*cking break. :cry:
  8. Holy calorie bomb, lol... sounds amazing, though. Hope you're well-stocked on TP. :unsure:
  9. Please don't go, Eleven. Even if you need a break from this place for a bit (and I think a lot of us do since it's not as fun lately between the crappy team and the state of current events), please come back later.
  10. Don't mind if I do!
  11. Good to hear. Then I extend my well-wishes to whomever you either accompanied or visited there, and certainly hope that they have options available.
  12. Hopefully good news and/or a solid plan available to you. (And props for channeling Neo.)
  13. :( Sorry you're having to deal with the stress and uncertainty of waiting for answers, especially at this time of year. Best wishes for good news, my friend. There's no good answer, but chances are she'll be upset no matter when you tell her... maybe more so if she finds out after the fact, but at the same time if it really is right after x-mas then I'm sure she couldn't hold it against you for waiting another 1-2 days to tell her. Edit: But if it's weighing on you enough that she'll notice something is up, you're better off telling her now.
  14. This is what I ordered: https://perks.urbandaddy.com/national/cocktail-courier-jack-daniel-s-rye-sazerac-cocktail-kit-1216.html?utm_source=Perks_NTL&utm_content=cocktailcourier&utm_campaign=dedicated_121916&utm_medium=Email 30% off this week with an email promo from Urban Daddy (no idea why I'm on that list, lol):
  15. Sounds intriguing! I ordered a Sazerac kit online the other day... far too little whiskey in recent weeks. That shall change come New Year's!
  16. What the... really? Yikes.
  17. That's what she said. :ph34r:
  18. :o No thank you, lol. :( Feel better, Doohickie!
  19. :w00t: I was a little dubious at first seeing it was from College Humor, but someone else mentioned recently that the story didn't go down the way everyone thought it did, so it might be legit. And sign me up for the "PA Ruins Everything" YouTube channel, lol.
  20. This just came up fairly recently... if accurate, pretty crazy how far apart the truth and the narrative lie. http://digg.com/video/adam-ruins-everything-mcdonalds-lawsuits
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