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Everything posted by biodork

  1. Yeah I thought of that, too... kinda stupid for him to choose that description, although I could tell he wasn't sober and didn't feel like arguing the point.
  2. Indeed. Well worth the $10 admission, and I'd totally go again the next time they're in town. Robert was the only one who we were a little disappointed in; each person was spread out at a different part of the bar, so when you came to one, there was a sort of unofficial line where people would wait their turn to step up, chat a little, and get a signature and/or photo. We found Robert talking to a few other guys and patiently stood nearby to give them a chance to finish up. At one point Robert looks up from the conversation and acknowledges us, asks how we're doing, etc. We said good and asked him the same, and thanked him for coming out to do this event. He said "You're welcome", then turned around and went back to his conversation. :huh: We kind of looked at each other and said "Wanna find Brad May?" and just decided not to bother him. Was kinda weird, but oh well, he's an old dude and he paid his dues already, I guess.
  3. Mostly fun; I ended up sitting next to a group of guys who were stationed in Kansas but flew out to Denver for the game (one was from Buffalo). They were fun to talk to and there were a ton of Sabres fans overall at the arena, so it was pretty cool to hear several loud chants from them. However... About halfway through the second period, this couple wanders in to join their friends in the row ahead of us. First, the attire: the girl is wearing a super low-cut tank top under a flannel, with high-waisted denim shorts over tights (not leggings) and a tuque. It was in the teens and 20s outside, and I was cold sitting in my seat with my jacket still on. (Stop judging, bio, a hockey fan is a hockey fan...) Then the boyfriend walks by with these ridiculous black skinny jeans on. He takes his hat off and it looks like he hasn't washed his hair in a few days -- gross. (Stop judging, bio, they're probably nice people...) A little kid in a Sabres jersey in the section next to us shouts "Let's Go Buffalo!" and the girl promptly yells "###### you!" She inexplicably turns around and apologizes to us, saying she didn't realize it was a child (as if it would've been okay otherwise?). For the entirety of the second intermission and third period, they occupy themselves by attempting to catch popcorn thrown by their friends in their mouths, expressing amazement at the skinny dirty one's gloves, taking selfies, and snapchatting. In the process of this, they're also frequently obstructing our view of the goal. I think at one point the guy might've asked me if I could move to another seat so they could get a selfie without anyone behind them (seriously), but I didn't hear him clearly since he was too busy posing for his phone to address me directly, and they decided to take their picture on an angle facing towards the (many) empty seats to my right. I'm pretty sure they thought they were being sly and tried to get me in a few of their stupid snapchat videos, and while I took the high road and attempted to ignore them, I really wish I'd just smiled and flipped them the bird for one of those stupid pictures. I almost lost it when they both stood up and started dabbing after the Avs scored the empty netter. On the way out of the arena, a scuffle and shouting match broke out between some Sabres and Avs fans, and security stepped in to separate them. I hadn't seen what happened and didn't assume who was at fault, but the guy behind me (who probably also never saw what happened) said "yeah, throw 'em out! New York fans are the worst." I turned around and told him to piss off. (I swear I actually didn't have as terrible a time as it sounds from this recount.)
  4. Ah okay. Maybe the other one was the local group after all!
  5. Lol I remember someone taking our picture, but wasn't sure if it was someone with the Sabres or the Colorado Sabres fan club, haha.
  6. Nice work, jsb. I'll get to see this one in person (hooray!) -- should be a strong contingent of Sabres fans if the Road Crew event last night was any indication! :)
  7. The Sabres Road Crew are awesome. They rented out the entire bar (sold out at 200 people), and from what I heard from others there, it's an official Bills bar and is even busier for football games (at least early in the season). So many fans, and all the Sabres personalities were cool. Got sigs from everyone but Robert, and got a puck signed by O'Reilly, too! Missed a golden opportunity to get a cooler pic with Rayzor, but fun night.
  8. Thanks! I'm so excited to be done with work and head out for this, haha.
  9. LOVE IT. :lol: Should I bring a marker for signing, or will they have them there? I didn't think to grab one at home, but there are plenty at work I could "borrow".
  10. Good to know -- thanks! I haven't been to this restaurant/bar yet, so I have no idea how big it is. Brought a jersey along to wear tonight in case they were signing stuff. :D
  11. Cool. This one is advertised as having Bray May, Rob Ray, Danny Gare, Rene Robert, Brian Duff, and Dan Dunleavy (so no Rick, but still a solid group). How large are these Road Crew outings usually? I know they capped the # of tickets because they sold out, but I have no idea what to expect.
  12. Like moonshine without the anise? No thank you.
  13. Finger Lakes Distilling makes grappa... tasted like jet fuel to me, but I've no basis for comparison, so it could be good, lol.
  14. I've got tickets to hang with the Sabres Road Crew tonight in Denver, and I'll be at the game tomorrow. :) It's been too long!
  15. Geez, CSB and Jo... glad you're both okay(ish). I'm getting really tired of 12+ hour days. I'm glad the idiot they fired is gone because I find more things by the day that he either effed up or just never did, but good God, it's too much work for one person. Yesterday I came in at 8am and stayed until 2am. We have Monday off, but I'll probably be here, still trying to get something close to caught up. I'm exhausted and miss having time and/or energy in the mornings to keep up a regular exercise routine. And yet some sick part of me missed being busy at work after so long being bored and underutilized. Still, I'd be quite happy if things would normalize to a full 9 hour day where I could keep up with everything. I've got friends wanting to plan trips to visit in the next few months, and I can't give anyone a clear idea of when I'll actually be free to take time off work. :( Emailed a company on Monday to request a copy of the product manual for a piece of equipment we have that I thought I'd figured out, but is still not functioning properly. (Incidentally, that manual seems to be the only thing the previous manager / hoarder did NOT save.) They emailed me back the next day with the sales brochure for that line of products. I responded and told them I'd located that file, but what I needed was the manual with operating instructions. This morning I get a response telling me they want to set up a conference call with their technical support department. What. The. F*ck. It's a GD instruction manual. Why is this not readily available online, and why on God's green earth do they think we need to have a conference call about it?!? :censored:
  16. Saw a kid today at the ski resort with a Sabres jersey on! His dad said he was originally from Buffalo, although his kids were born in Colorado. Raising them right. :thumbsup:
  17. Tough to photograph, but really cool moon this evening!
  18. Well all those foods sound great with wine, but I don't associate chicken marsala and fettucine alfredo with football, haha. But meatballs could totally be frozen and still good. I was picturing these people giving you week-old leftover nachos and dips, which sounded awful even without wine, lol.
  19. Well good luck if I don't catch up with you during your interview visit! And hopefully you can foray into the mountains for part of a day while you're here. :)
  20. Who admits to something like this? Blech. I hope Lanny is right, but so much of typical football food is not freezer-friendly. Edit: Also, since when do wine and football eats go together? Odd all-around.
  21. Only that it's north of Denver, lol... oh wow, looking at the map it's actually a lot further than I thought! Guessing you'll be flying in and out of DIA, but might be tough to meet if you're staying in Fort Collins. But maybe, depending on your schedule when you're here and how long you're in town!
  22. Very cool! Let me know when you'll be here and maybe if there's time we can grab a drink at some point!
  23. Congrats, man! Exciting stuff!
  24. That's a big part of why I've been staying late; after 5pm at least no new work is coming in and I can start trying to put a dent in the list (which never gets shorter). :(
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