I think I heard Lindy on the pregame show say it was Dineen who suggested Ellis over Adam this time around, something to do with Adam being on the road and kind of worn-out? Not sure.
Food survived, was more worried about the spoon that fell on a floor that is cleaned on nothing approaching a regular basis. Decided to chance it, though. :blush:
Effin tired. Gotta work late again today, training someone who probably makes 2-3 times my annual salary. And the Sabres aren't even fun to watch right now.
I did, normally that works for me too but I even tried shutting down my iPod and it still won't work... the app loads but when I click play it kicks me back out. :censored:
This team really is bipolar... from the early game call it sounded like Adam was a man possessed and it was gonna be a good night, then Philly scores one and it's all downhill. Ugh.