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Everything posted by biodork

  1. Guess everyone is still out shopping. :unsure:
  2. Yeah Tommy!!
  3. lol ^^^
  4. Atta boy Kaleta -- get the fans into this one early and set the tone.
  5. I totally agree and the lack of scoring is maddening, but it was also a night where the lines changed constantly and Roy was out a good part of the game. Adam on the power play was a bit of a headscratcher.
  6. In general at the end of the game. I'm not thrilled with a loss either, but it's not one of those games where they failed to show up.
  7. Not a fan of the boos. Remember when Pommers had the highest shooting % on the team? Whatever happened to that guy??
  8. How is that not holding or interference by Orpik? He had Ennis pinned to the boards well after the puck had left.
  9. Just what we need, another injury.
  10. makeup call?
  11. Sheesh Vanek just got mugged
  12. lol Roby just looked very confused
  13. Looked like a bit of both to me, but whatever... it is what it is.
  14. wtf, Fleury leaned into him! :censored:
  15. So negative... where's the faith? We haven't been great against Pittsburgh in the past, but from what I've heard they are having some goaltending issues this season as well. I for one am excited to see what Gerbe can do on a real scoring line... kid's got a real good opportunity, and I hope he takes advantage of it. Can't be any worse than Connolly!
  16. Yeah, I guess so -- he doesn't mention Butler but since we haven't heard of any other injuries to the D I'd assume you are correct. The link updated since my original post to include the info on Enroth. Morrisonn and Weber is an interesting option... they are both stay-at-home types, but perhaps that is what the doctor ordered with Miller out.
  17. Rivet scratched in favor of Weber per Vogl: http://blogs.buffalonews.com/sabres/2010/11/bulletin-weber-in-rivet-out-for-sabres.html
  18. lol nice
  19. And don't forget, work has to pay for it, too. :thumbsup:
  20. Ugh I'm glad they made it to OT and get at least one point, but it keeps working out where I have to leave the radio at the end of regulation and miss the end of the game! :( Here's hoping it's similar to Saturday night. :thumbsup:
  21. WTF
  22. Agreed - Stafford's shoulder injury may have been the best thing that happened to Vanek (aside from his sweet goal Sat. night).
  23. lol I love his unnecessarily specific estimations of distance.
  24. Really Harry? Are you sure it wasn't 58 feet?
  25. Yeah Monty!!
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