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Okay, just so I don't embarrass myself in the event I ever need to say this one out loud: how on earth do you pronounce that? In my head I'm hearing the Three Stooges but I'm pretty sure that's not it.
Too many posts to reply to everyone, but love all the suggestions and advice! I've been keeping a "cheat sheet" of the brands to look for so I'm prepared when I go out. :thumbsup: The bf drinks Oban, so I may have to retry his one of these days. Lately he's been talking about taking a trip to Ireland, and after this thread the first thing I thought of was whiskey tasting, haha. Not sure how serious he is about it just yet, but that would be pretty sweet. And Eleven, I'm going to hold you to that. :)
Darn Masters thesis kept me from pursuing this further until more recently, but I did buy the book that Braedon and Weave recommended and it's a good read. Thus far I've tried more scotch than bourbon; the MacAllan 12 is good, and I picked up a bottle of this when it was on sale around Father's Day. Still working on acquiring the taste, but I don't hate it. I tried Knob Creek bourbon the other day and holy cow, that one burns! I've yet to try a Manhattan because the idea of vermouth is a little off-putting, but I'm still curious and plan to give it a whirl. Thinking about getting some of those nifty ice cube makers from the article nobody linked, or maybe these. Edit: Almost forgot, but I did try Buffalo Trace bourbon and that is a winner... it was kind of a girlie drink (apple smash), but very good.
Sucks, doesn't it? Meanwhile the guys at the top of the organizations are getting rich. Our CEO works part-time and lives out of state, yet was paid over $1M this last year essentially to show up for photo opps. That included a bonus and incentive income of almost $200K. :sick:
I feel your pain, but I'm still jealous of you guys... we don't get any regularly scheduled performance reviews where I work, and two of the last three years we've been asked to forgo our cost-of-living (hah) increases of 2-3%. So, my last raise was Sept. 2008. We just applied for a promotion because I've since accumulated 3 more years of experience in my position, taken on the responsibility of training another full-time employee, and finished my Masters degree (in my field). And for all of this, my boss can request a 4-8% increase, tops. I love my job, but at this rate I'll never get out of debt. :cry:
I'm sorry to hear about your luck, Knightrider... I saw this article not long ago and perhaps it might help you? http://www.cnn.com/2011/HEALTH/06/09/miscarriage.not.fluke.ep/index.html And for my (extremely minor) complaint: that funny cat video XC posted the other day has been removed from YouTube due to some sort of copyright issue, so now I can't share it with anyone else! :thumbdown:
Freaking human resources. We turned in the paperwork to apply for my promotion the first week of May, and after several rounds of inventing new forms and delaying for no good reason, finally received word yesterday that the promotion was approved. That sounds great, except the amount is going to be just enough to cover the payments on the student loans I took out to do my Master's, and still leaves me grossly underpaid for my level of experience. On top of that, since they took almost two months to finish my review and we get paid monthly (today), I won't see the increase until the end of July, AFTER the first loan payment is due. :censored:
Yeah, I know... I purposefully didn't "friend" the secretary for that reason, but unfortunately the other girl did. I have something like 43 "friends" on Facebook and I think at least half of them are people I would consider friendly acquaintances whom I would rather not know my business, so I don't put much in the way of personal stuff on there. Ah well. Lesson learned, I suppose.
Yesterday I was reminded why I dislike Facebook. A week or so back, a girl at work posted something about her boss having just shown up at 12:45pm. They do not get along, but no one really likes or respects this guy because he's the type of smarmy jerk who is more concerned with making himself look good than he is with actually doing any work. So her comment (naturally) spawned a few responses from others who know this guy, and I had posted something to the effect that it must be nice to get paid 6-8x more than I do and work half the hours and called the guy a douche. Yesterday we find out that the boss's former secretary (who still works in the building and is "friends" with the girl) printed out a copy of the comment and showed it to him. The secretary is one of these middle aged ladies that always wants to be chummy with everyone and hang out, but then she turns around and does this kind of thing, which is particularly annoying because she doesn't even work there anymore! Needless to say, the boss is pretty pissed-off. Fortunately, he has nothing over me (not my boss), and since he's a non-confrontational prick, he'll never say anything to me. Unfortunately, he's making his employees a little miserable in an attempt to get to me, which I feel badly about. Damn you, Facebook.
Wow... I got nothing. Corp - sorry for your loss, and I hope your family can find consolation knowing that she went peacefully. bunomatic - I can't even imagine what you and your family have been through (and how you haven't complained about it before). Really glad to hear you seem to have good doctors on your side, and I hope your son continues to improve so you can all get back to living life. Good health is a gift we often take for granted until we don't have it, and I wish a large dose of it for you and yours, who are clearly overdue.
Useless paperwork generated by people (more specifically, people in human resources) who clearly don't have enough work to do and feel a need to somehow justify their existence. My boss and I filled out the appropriate forms at the end of April to request that I be promoted, and had been in touch with our departmental HR rep to make sure we had everything completed. A few days after we turned in the forms to her, she contacts us and tells us we have to fill out a newer version of the exact same form that had only been created 2 or 3 weeks prior. Annoying, but we did it, and the promotion paperwork was forwarded to the University HR reps for review on May 9th. Just today we find out that not only have they NOT started the review process, but they have yet another new form to be filed in addition to the ones we already submitted. This new form still says "DRAFT" in the header and has a place where they reference a webpage that does not yet exist, and when we called them on it, they admitted that this form was only created a few weeks ago but that they are requiring it anyhow. The review process at this University is already ass-backwards since my boss has essentially no input into the decision other than to say she approves, and the people deciding my promotion and subsequent salary increase have no idea what I do on a day-to-day basis (not even located on the same campus). Their purported mission to provide "fair and equitable reviews" succeeds only at having everyone be equally underpaid, so I'm going through all this extra work filling out forms in the hope of getting a meager increase that likely won't even cover the student loan payments that I took out to finish my Master's degree. :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash:
Serious lack of sleep. Was supposed to have 4-5 weeks to write my thesis before the defense, but because of scheduling issues with my committee I had to move up the timeline for the defense and write everything in two weeks instead. Been pulling all-nighters and napping in the chair far too often lately, and at that point where I'm so tired it's making me stupid. :wacko: Almost done, though... very soon this will all be worth it. I guess you people with driving complaints can be happy I'm not living in your town right now. :P
Thanks to all for the great suggestions and helpful information! I used to drink sweeter mixers with vodka when I was younger, but now not so much. I'm just tired of rotating between vodka and cranberry, martinis, and black russians. I'll always enjoy a good espresso martini (just espresso and vodka, chilled, mmm), but I'm looking to try something new that will be good to sip at and doesn't require mixing. Love all the ideas... you guys have me looking forward to trying some new things! And for the scotch drinkers who like the good stuff, if you find yourself in Baltimore my friend swears by this place: Birds of a Feather Restaurant and Scotch Bar
lol on the 1970s Buffalo -- I've had Crown and ginger, and that isn't bad. It's just that I don't drink soda much (not a big fan) so I was sort of hoping to skip that stage of mixing. I've never heard of that brand of Scotch but I like your suggestion - thanks, I'll check it out!
Okay, so this came up in the Complaint Thursdays thread this week and since a lot of you seem to know your alcohol, figured I'd ask this here. I'm primarily a vodka drinker; I enjoy the clean taste and versatility in mixing, but I'm a little bored with it. I also enjoy light rum in a mojito during warmer weather, but I'd like to try whiskey or scotch. So what I'm hoping you guys might be able to help me with is: just how does one begin drinking whiskey or scotch? I'd eventually like to get to the point of being able to enjoy some of the good stuff neat or on the rocks, but I'm guessing I'll need to work up to that point since I don't drink it now. Two main questions come to mind: 1) What are some good "starter" liquors, i.e. something good enough I'll have a chance at liking, but not so good that I'll hate myself if I buy a bottle and don't end up liking it, and 2) Is it best to start with a mixer, or jump right in with the undiluted stuff? Any suggestions would be much appreciated -- thanks in advance for the help!
I think that honor should be reserved for Absolut vodka. Great marketing, but the stuff tastes like rubbing alcohol. And in the spirit of the complaint thread, I have an Absolut Komplaint: I used to work in a restaurant, and one evening this guy and his girlfriend come in and sit in my section. I take their drink orders, and I forget what she ordered but he asked for a martini (up) with Absolut vodka. I resist the urge to mock him and get their drinks as requested. The next time I'm going past the table, the guy flags me down to ask me to get a new martini because the vodka was "bruised" from the bartender shaking it before pouring. Really, dude... really? You're drinking Absolut and you wanna try and act fancy and complain your sh!tty vodka has been "bruised"? Douchebag.
lol well color me unobservant -- never even noticed you have Finger Lakes as your location. :oops:
Minor complaint: Phoenix got swept. Was really hoping they'd make a better go of it, both because a) I'm not crazy about the Red Wings, and b) my mom and my brother were just getting into hockey and they're disappointed the team is done so soon (and that they might not be there next season).
Looks like quite a few in Buffalo, and according to their site even carried at City Grill! Had no idea, lol. http://www.fingerlakesdistilling.com/index.php/where-to-buy
Either of you guys know this place? Finger Lakes Distilling I didn't get a chance to try their whiskey but it's supposedly quite good, and I can tell you their vodka is fantastic. Wish I lived close enough to get their stuff more regularly; it's a beautiful tasting room, too, so if you find yourself in the Seneca Lake area, I recommend it!
Huh -- I'm not a whiskey drinker at all, but I would've guessed something more like Maker's Mark for a Manhattan.
That video is too funny. I love the calorie/fat counter on the bottom. "We 'bout to get DRUNK off pancakes!"
My boss has been preparing a paper for publication for a few months now, and even though I am listed as the second author, last Friday was the first I received the full paper for review and on Monday she decided to send it out to the other authors before I had a chance to read it. So yesterday I read the thing, and it still includes sections with incorrect (and poorly written) information that I already corrected when she sent me a partial version SIX WEEKS AGO. Also contains sections where she has asked us to write a description on how something was done, and then she changed it without asking to a version that is also factually incorrect. :wallbash:
That sucks, man -- I hope the doc gets your eye all fixed up. Eye stuff is the worst, but hopefully it doesn't hurt (even though you can't see well). Scratched my cornea twice and that hurts like a mother. Feels like putting sand under your eyelid. On the plus side, got to rock a pirate patch to work for a few days, which is always a good conversation-starter.