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Everything posted by biodork

  1. That's really cool. I have no idea how she didn't pinch fingers, toes, etc. when that thing circled around. Impressive stuff!
  2. ;) (Hope you have fun, too, nfreeman​!)
  3. Sure you didn't start a day early? :P Have a safe and wonderful trip, we've!
  4. Also fantastic: we interviewed a junior tech earlier in the week that we liked, and while HR is still putzing around with the formal offer letter, he accepted the verbal offer today and will start April 3rd. We also did a phone interview yesterday with a supervisor candidate that seems very promising, and will hopefully be able to meet her in person sometime in the next two weeks (she's not local). Thank God we're finally going to get some assistance here so I don't have to do everything myself!!
  5. Also, this might be old news for some but the first video linked in this article is hysterical (Chewbacca Mom)... great watch if you need a laugh, lol http://www.bankrate.com/cashlorette/4-ordinary-people-and-1-cat-who-went-viral-got-lucky-and-ended-up-rich/
  6. I'd gotten my taxes about 90% done back in Jan., but I intentionally held off on filing this year because I knew I was going to owe $ for a change after not having a full year of mortgage interest to deduct and having taken some money out of my retirement account last year without holding taxes. Was very pleasantly surprised this week when I did finish them up and found that after all my deductions were accounted for, I only ended up owing $92. :D
  7. :lol: I haven't watched nearly enough hockey (Sabres or otherwise) this season to weigh in on the specifics, but Flagg, based on what I gleaned from skimming and how much time and effort you put into all that, :worthy:
  8. Random complaints for this week: 1) Bummed I can't join you all next weekend for the game. 2) Why do people respond to craigslist ads and pay no attention to the location? Someone will reach out about an item, ask where I'm located, and when I tell them what area (which is already in the listing), they said, "Oh, that's an hour away, I live in x city. Sorry!" wtf, people? 3) Too much work, and too much eating dinner out of a vending machine because I don't feel like cooking when I finally get home after 9pm. 4) The proposed budget cuts to the NIH would be beyond devastating.
  9. Congrats!
  10. Still true! 6pm can't come quickly enough. Congrats!!!!
  11. ... and after a sh!t week and long hours with everything going wrong, found out around 7pm that the results from my week long experiment are crap and I'll have to re-do it. Brilliant.
  12. It's been one of those weeks where literally nothing is going right at work. Monday: one of our major instruments malfunctioned and I wasted a good chunk of the afternoon taking and annotating pictures and videos for the vendor so they could see the problem. They're sending someone out tomorrow to evaluate and I have to waste more time tomorrow on the phone with the rest of the group back east. Also, the equipment calibration that had been scheduled for the morning had to be postponed when the service guy realized we don't have the replacement parts he needs, because the idiot they fired at the end of Jan. never ordered them. Tuesday: between stupid meetings and other things running longer than they should have, got my experiment started about 3 hours later than planned, which started to throw off my entire week since there are a series of overnight steps that have to be at least a certain number of hours and won't allow me to start the following day until later than usual. Wed.: in the middle of my experiment another piece of equipment completely malfunctions and becomes unusable, adding another hour to my already long day. Today is going to be the fourth day this week that I've arrived before 8:30am and stayed until at least 9pm. So ready for this week to be over.
  13. Thanks, duds... not as long as it seems since I moved out west (not quite a year and a half now)! My bar collection continues to grow, but I seem to spend less time attending to it since it's already tough to stay hydrated out here without adding booze. Although I did have some tasty Bulleit rye old fashioneds during the game on Sunday. :) Apart from it being much harder to follow the Sabres with the time difference, the move has been awesome. I feel like I'm on permanent vacation because I can get outside and do things year-round here! I do wish I still lived close enough to drive and join the SS Meetup in a few weeks, though.
  14. Good post. I will say that for my part, the bolded is why I'm so frustrated with this team. Last year (and the one before) you couldn't get mad after a while because they were so bereft of talent that no one expected them to win. But when they show up and play as well as they did in the 1st period against Pittsburgh, it's clear they can and should be better than they are. In years past I grew accustomed to watching the slow start as the players adjusted to the new teammates, made gradual progress, and inevitably coalesced into a legitimately good team at some point over the west coast road trip in Jan., then played consistently well for the remainder of the season. And as irritated as I am with Bylsma and I wouldn't mind seeing him go, I'm also inclined to side with we've in saying a lot of this is on the players. They play just well enough to give me hope, and then yet again manage to sh!t the bed.
  15. So amazing. Thanks for sharing, MODO.
  16. I was gonna say Better Days :ph34r:, but this fits.
  17. I haven't had a chance to watch them much this season, and I didn't get to watch until the second period today. Just like last week against the Avs, the game was there to be won and they blew it. Inexcusable. If the Sabres had points for all his stupid penalties... This. :(
  18. I recently re-watched The Goonies, which I loved as a child. It was so, so, terrible, lol.
  19. I am beyond disgusted with this team. Gift after gift in the standings, and they still can't play a full 60 minutes to close the deal. And Evander Kane, you can GTFO my team, you useless POS. :angry:
  20. Hang on... would you have us believe that was the first time you'd seen Office Space? :o
  21. Bueller? It's the end of another work week, and that's fantastic enough for me.
  22. Absolutely!
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