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Everything posted by biodork

  1. Well I can at least prove I'm not lying about the hair.
  2. Sorry; neither my nor Ms. Hendricks's curtains match the carpet. However, since just about everyone on my Dad's side of the family are gingers, I maintain that I am merely helping nature to assert itself. ;)
  3. :( I'm really sorry to hear about that, WB. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_pvnSMAf-N0
  4. :lol: Totally agreed -- it's annoying because it's damn near impossible to find a bra without push-up or crazy padding anymore. My girls don't need the help, thankyouverymuch.
  5. Fixed that for you. I should hope you know by now that chz and I deserve an exception to this rule (and I'll oblige you and call you a jerk for saying the above :P ).
  6. Hey, you don't have to be a lesbian to appreciate attractive women. ;) And gotta look out for your own.
  7. Holy cow, how did I forget about her? Sci-fi geeks will remember her guest spots on Firefly, but most know her from Mad Men. God bless double-sided tape.
  8. Fried calamari with lemon and spicy pomodoro sauce, mmmm.
  9. Today was a great example of why I love this thread (and the various posters on this board). To steal the WGR headline from the other day, "You're awesome, Buffalo" (and Novia Scotia, and anywhere else you call home). :worthy: And now that Chris is feeling better about things, I'll share one last complaint for the week: ice. I went snowboarding on Sunday night and had a great time, but this wonky "winter" weather has resulted in a good bit of ice on the slopes. I caught an edge coming off the lift and slammed both my knees onto a solid patch of it, and later in the evening hit them again when some jerk cut me off going down the hill. I'd love to go boarding again this weekend, but it's probably a bad idea since my knees are all purple and green and still sore to the touch. On the plus side, at least I saw my bf Sunday morning.
  10. Welcome to my world. At least your dog doesn't create extra laundry for you, lol. But I sympathize with the lack of sleep. That definitely sucks, man... hopefully your daughter will grow out of this phase before too long so you can also get some sleep (and, ahem, other things). I'm envious of both your and SDS's positions... I'm 5 1/2 years into my primary mortgage at 6.375% and 4 1/2 years into a second mortage at 8.875% I took out to waterproof my basement, so the rates near and under 4% would make an enormous difference in my monthly payments. Unfortunately because I responsibly borrowed only what I could afford (no danger of foreclosure) and my home value is only slightly higher than the combined loan balances (not underwater, but very little equity), I can't refinance. :censored: And Chris -- you win. :( I'm really sorry to hear about the problems with your daughter.
  11. Hey, he probably earned some major points after repping her blog the other day. ;)
  12. Wait, you finally have both FiOS and a home game and you're at Pearl St instead? Lol
  13. Grilled cheese and egg sandwich. Not fancy, but a favorite weeknight meal for when I don't feel like cooking (which is most nights).
  14. Man-made snow. Definitely not as good as the real thing, but without it I would not have been able to get out snowboarding 4 times in January, which is already more than I made it out all of last season.
  15. Mixed drinks are usually a good starting point, since few people enjoy the taste of alcohol right off the bat. Stay away from anything that comes in a plastic bottle, and when ordering drinks at a bar (especially a college bar), try to pick a brand you've tried and like because chances are you'll get the crappy stuff from plastic bottles if you don't specify a brand. Start simple with something like: rum and coke (Bacardi or Captain Morgan, depending on preference for clear or spiced rum) Jack and coke (Jack Daniels) whiskey and 7 (Seagrams, Crown Royal, Windsor Canadian, etc) vodka and tonic (Stoli, Skyy, etc) gin and tonic (Tangueray, Bombay, Beefeater) Definitely not an inclusive list, but these are a few mid-range brands that won't break the bank and you should be able to find easily. I think most people tend to settle on 1 or 2 main types of liquor when starting out, so once you find yours, just experiment with different mixers and recipes using that type. (I was primarily a vodka drinker for years, so I mostly drank martinis or vodka and cranberry juice, and am only recently venturing into the world of whisky/whiskey.) Others have hit on the moderation theme, and it's true. Drinking on an empty stomach or while dehydrated will shorten your time to inebriation, and while fun, shots can take you from 0 to hammered very quickly, so pace yourself and drink with people you trust.
  16. Whoops! I just looked back and that was Korab and JoDo. lol my bad.
  17. Yeah, I know you've indicated you shy away from bourbon because it tends to be sweet, so you definitely wouldn't like this. I didn't even finish it, and I hate wasting alcohol.
  18. Tried Wild Turkey American Honey bourbon last night... regrettable. Even after the ice melted, it was still disgustingly sweet. I suppose I shouldn't have been surprised given the name, but most of the time the flavors mentioned in the distiller's notes are subtle so this kind of caught me off guard. If I had to guess, probably not too far off of d4rksabre's Jack Daniels maple syrup cocktail a while back. :sick:
  19. None of that sounds easy to make, but it all sounds delicious (esp. the appetizer and dessert!)... enjoy!
  20. That's awesome stuff! As someone with almost zero artistic/creative talent (my mom and brother it, while my dad and I are the science geeks), I really admire that ability in others. :thumbsup:
  21. That's awesome, and happy (slightly belated) birthday!
  22. That's F'n fantastic -- congrats! :clapping: .
  23. I thought Chris was tomorrow but it's close enough to go ahead and say it. ;)
  24. I think we all do! As someone said before (bmwolf?), this place is great for venting to prevent us from going Falling Down. If someone only read this thread, you would think I'm probably a miserable b!tch because I'm on here a lot. But I find it cathartic to vent here, and often the funny responses or other stories cheer me up. And sometimes, when someone has a *real* complaint (health-related, etc.), it puts things back into perspective as far as what's worth getting upset about and what isn't.
  25. It is... he's about 16 1/2. Fairly healthy otherwise, but holy cow I'm tired of cleaning poop all the time. Happy birthday?
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