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Everything posted by biodork

  1. Missed responding to this before, but I'm right there with you. I convinced my former boss we needed to write a letter to the journal editor addressing the gross misrepresentation, and while she agreed, it's taking forever going back and forth to agree on a final version of the letter, mostly because she doesn't even know enough about what we published to defend it. I like her as a person, but that's just one of many, many reasons why I'm glad she's no longer my boss. :( I guess you can't bring the pup along to WNY? This x1000. It used to be a selling point for Center Ice that you got the first two rounds of the playoffs included. Last year you kind of did, but Versus took so many of the games that for the Sabres series it was essentially irrelevant, and this year CI didn't have any playoff games. "National" coverage is a great idea in theory, but I don't get NBC Sports (formerly Versus) or CNBC, NHL Network only took a few boring games (Devils/Panthers) in round 1, and NBC only covers the daytime weekend games. Hopefully now that we're going into the conference finals I'll actually be able to watch again. And for my official complaint: effing electronics. I don't know if there's a solar flare or something crazy going on, but Monday morning my home internet was fine, and Monday evening stuff just stopped working. The modem is fine because I can get internet if I connect directly via ethernet cable, and all my devices can connect to my wireless router, but can't get to the internet via the router. I wasted my entire evening last night screwing around with it, downloaded a firmware update, etc, and it's still boogered up. At one point I managed to get my laptop connected to the internet via the wireless router, but the iPad and smartphone still wouldn't work. Then something went really screwy and my router's IP address started directing me to a page for the modem. I finally gave up around 1am but it's seriously annoying. On top of that, the battery for my laptop suddenly started doing this whole "plugged in, not charging" thing and none of the fixes I've tried have solved it, and the updated OS for my smartphone is causing intermittent inability to establish a data connection. Ugh.
  2. :cry: I'm so sorry to hear that, chz. You and yours should try and take consolation from knowing you did everything you could and that you still have each other. The one you lost will live on in your hearts until you meet again. We're all thinking of you in this difficult time.
  3. Marinated a few chicken breasts in balsamic vinagerette overnight, then cut up the chicken into small pieces and baked/roasted all together in the oven. Afterwards, put some of the chicken (and sauce) on a rye wrap with roasted red pepper spread. Tasty times.
  4. Found a new paper last night that cited a paper of mine in their discussion section, and it happened to be from a collaborator of my former boss. Sounds good so far, except after looking at the context of the citation I saw it was both disparaging and factually incorrect on many levels. Given it was a few sentences it seems unlikely to have been an accidental citing of our paper when they mean someone else's, so that guy can go fcuk himself. Who collaborates with someone and then sh!ts all over their work? Seriously pissed off about it. And, honorable mention for today: - went to bed at 5am and got up at 7:30am - the above may have actually been fortunate, since my dog woke up and started crapping everywhere around 3am (would have been on the bed, ended up just being the floor) - I have to try and find a way to give eye drops and an oral antibiotic tablet to my boyfriend's antisocial, overweight cat for the next three days while he's out of town - way too much work lately keeping me from keeping up on SabreSpace :(
  5. That's awesome, congrats again!
  6. Spot Shot carpet stain remover for pets While I wish I didn't have to use it as often as I do (see Complaint Thursday thread), this stuff really works well. Non-toxic and biodegradable, too. I actually tried it on a carpet stain that was on my stairs when I bought my house (almost 6 years ago) out of curiousity, and it came up right away! Amazing. Oh, and this: http://youtu.be/ZUG9qYTJMsI
  7. My dog is a pooping machine. I get out of the shower this morning and find that he's crapped all over the hallway carpet and tracked it around. (He'd already been outside earlier in the morning for 5-10 minutes, but I guess he forgot to go then.) So I get to put him in the tub while I spot clean the carpet because my Bissel is out of cleaning solution, then clean him up before I can finish getting ready for work. Ugh. Come home from work tonight (no later than usual), and oh yay, more poop. This time it's smeared into the carpet AND the kitchen tile, and there's a little trail of poop-prints from the carpet to the back door. Awesome. Just how I wanted to spend my evening.
  8. Too true. Only upshot is now I might actually start getting my work done in the evening. As long as the NHL regular season is, it's a LONG offseason when you don't make the playoffs. :(
  9. The season is over for the Sabres. :(
  10. :w00t: :lol:
  11. Congrats, XC! And are 12 hr days normal? That sounds rough but having weekends and getting to sleep in your own bed at night is nice.
  12. Time for another edition of biodork's brunch: wild mushroom quiche with baby greens, pine nuts, and balsamic vinaigrette fruit compote sweet drop biscuit green tea martini Why can't every day be Sunday?
  13. Perhaps unsurprisingly, none. Lol. Was drinking wine (cab) and had the strange urge to make PB cookies, so I chugged the wine while the cookies were baking to avoid overlap. ;)
  14. Yes, yes it is. Anchorman is kind of a weird movie... The overall plot is dumb, but the whole thing is packed so full of hilarious, quotable lines that I love it anyway. ("Ugh, it's so hot... Milk was a bad choice!" lol)
  15. Homemade peanut butter cookies make everything better. http://chocolatecoveredkatie.com/2011/12/11/secret-peanut-butter-cookies/ Or maybe that's the wine... ? Either way, I'll take it.
  16. No love for the jazz flute?
  17. As long as it's jazz flute, we're golden.
  18. Just teasing, man. It's all good. ;) And jealous again. Come on, 5:30!!
  19. Hey now, tequila is not whisky, lol. Man, you and Swamp are making me jealous (and anxious for 5:30) today.
  20. It's payday (finally)! We only get paid once a month and on the last working day, so it always feels like forever inbetween paychecks. Hooray for having money in the bank again, even if only temporarily!
  21. Interesting stuff. I know there's a genetic variant in the gene they mention (the one that produces the ALDH enzyme) that is really common among Asian populations. A friend at work who is Chinese will literally get red-faced and feel drunk after only a few sips of alcohol. He's a cheap date, lol. Edit: and drinking at work? Tsk, tsk, hehe.
  22. Lol eww, gross. Thanks for the laugh. :)
  23. Late entry today: We're in the process of reorganizing the samples in our large lab freezer. This is largely because no one had the foresight to set it up properly when the lab started about 3 years ago, so now it's a mess and very difficult to find anything. I'm essentially in charge of it because 1) it was mostly my suggestion, 2) I've done this before and have a good idea how to do it, 3) the other two in the lab are lazy and won't do it properly, if at all. It's been taking longer than it should have because although I can set up the "infrastructure" part of it (labeling, organization, electronic records, etc), I don't know what all is in there and what should be kept vs. tossed, consolidated, etc. aside from my own samples. I moved my own and asked the other two to move their samples into a predefined place when they had time and to let me know when they were done, and my boss was going to do his separately since he had more to go through. One guy did right away, which is fine. My boss started on his earlier in the week, and had gotten at least halfway through. The other guy (who had the least to move) just did his this morning, but also decided to take it upon himself to move not only his samples, but to relabel some of the boxes and recombine things from two different shelves onto one. Newsflash, moron: they were separate for a reason!! He recombined all the stuff my boss had already gone through with all the other crap that had yet to be organized. Dammit.
  24. That's definitely awesome!! I think they had Will Ferrell on the local radio morning show yesterday or today but I missed it. Love me some Ron Burgundy.
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