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Everything posted by biodork

  1. I know there are some lawyers on the board, so figured I'd throw this out there to see if anyone agrees (personal feelings aside, purely from a legal standpoint)... We'll have to see what the NCAA says tomorrow... http://michaelbucknerlaw.wordpress.com/2012/07/22/michael-l-buckner-law-firm-statement-on-reports-of-ncaa-sanctions-against-penn-state/
  2. Yep, wjag beat me to it, but link here: http://live.psu.edu/story/60474#nw4
  3. Happy to help. ;) I'll probably pass on the habanero for myself since I'm a wimp when it comes to spice, lol. I've only used red curry paste thus far in my Thai cooking (and even that can get too hot for me if I use a lot of it), so I'm curious to try yellow and see how the flavor/heat compares.
  4. Poor wording choice on my part, weave... I meant involved as in the # of ingredients (not recipe difficulty) since I was expecting some kind of thai curry beer batter for fried shrimp rather than a saute. Yours sounds way better, though. :thumbsup:
  5. Thanks! That's more involved than I would have guessed... I was thinking they'd be fried (the kind with shredded coconut in the batter), but that sounds pretty tasty. Might have to pick up some shrimp the next time I'm at the store.
  6. That sounds pretty good... love me some coconut shrimp (never had a curry version, though). Any chance you want to share the recipe? :angel: For me: coconut-pineapple cake. So tropical, moist, and delicious.
  7. What the... Someone needs to get their story straight. Was the NFL reporter just wishful thinking? http://www.chicagotribune.com/sports/sns-rt-fbc-pennstate-newssxcf59da1-20120720,0,2360491.story
  8. There's an entire thread devoted to favorite beers, for any of the overseas folks interested: http://forums.sabrespace.com/topic/19920-the-official-beer-appreciation-thread/ It's really cool to see how many Sabres fans there are from all over the place! Definitely let us know if anyone plans a trip to the FNC in the future.
  9. I like the bulk of the plan, too; keep the program but remove the financial gain (redistribute to victims, etc) and give them a chance to use this as a platform for good. I also like the idea of them challenging other schools to revisit their "football-first" mentality. (We all know that isn't unique to Penn State, even if it was worse there.)
  10. I never intimated it was an official plan... That's why it said "a good take".
  11. Not much new except this mentions other name changes as well: http://sports.yahoo.com/news/report-paterno-statue-removed-weekend-152009310--ncaaf.html This is a good take on where to go from here, and something that I (and probably also Supersabre) can get behind 100%: http://sports.yahoo.com/news/ncaaf--fbc-college-football-needs-to-be-reined-in.html
  12. :lol: My complaint: I take one day away from the forum, and it takes me hours to catch up on the threads and articles on SabreSpace.
  13. Too many good posts to quote them all, but well done, gentlemen... this thread (and several others) were a fun read tonight.
  14. This is kind of messed up: http://www.centredaily.com/2012/07/17/3263795/plane-flying-over-campus-take.html Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but don't try and intimidate people into doing what you want. Speak your mind, but do it right; start a petition or something to get a show of popular support for the statue coming down. If anything, idiotic anonymous gestures like that are more likely to make people want to do the opposite.
  15. I don't know about that... The board wanted Paterno to retire a long time ago and he'd sort of snubbed them, and from what I've heard, Corbett pushed HARD for his dismissal after the news broke. He never attends the board meetings, but apparently a few days before the press release about Sandusky he made plans to attend in person. None of this is to say they were wrong in dismissing him, but I wouldn't call it courageous since some were looking for a reason to get him out even before this happened.
  16. Oy. Another example of why the board shouldn't be left to handle things. I really wish that no-confidence vote had passed a while back.
  17. Which brings up an interesting point: the students. There are a ton of existing students who've wholly bought into the culture and are seemingly unwilling to even entertain the idea that Paterno might have been involved in this. What do you do there? You can't cut half the student body to change the culture. On the flip side, there are also plenty of students who are horrified by this and want the chance to show everyone that Penn State isn't defined by it's football program. I wouldn't be surprised if they are the ones to lead the charge while the folks at the top (some of whom are still suspect) are engaged in hand-wringing. (FWIW, the new president, Rodney Erickson, seems very committed to making whatever changes are necessary, so I don't include him in that group.)
  18. lol yeah... even he agreed mine was better. ;) I was nice and shared.
  19. Brunch today was yummy (as always). For me: pomegranate mimosa and lime braised boar carnitas with mango salsa. For the boy: lychee mimosa and "the Ritz"; a variation on eggs benedict with two 4 oz filets, gorgonzola, hollandaise sauce, poached egg, and a red wine reduction sauce over top. Now if only I had time for a nap, lol.
  20. I should hope they would honor them, but you get my point; I just feel there should be a way to target the punishment to those who deserve it, rather than punish everyone.
  21. Look; I'm not making any special arguments for Penn State as a school (I've never bought into the "we are" thing), nor do I disagree that the culture very likely contributed to allowing horrible things to happen in the name of image preservation. I think everyone even remotely involved needs to be fired and replaced, and major steps taken to change the culture. Honestly, just having Paterno gone will likely change the culture of the program a lot. My argument is: should many of you get your wish and the program is killed (for however long), what do you say to the 18 year old kid with a football scholarship who finds just weeks from the start of the semester that he suddenly can't afford to attend college? It's those kinds of people (and many other innocent folks) I think of when I hear everyone calling for the football program to be shut down, and I doubt Sandusky's victims want those people to be punished any more than I do.
  22. The same way people still go to Catholic churches? Not trying to start a fight; just saying the institution has a much longer and broader history of doing good than the events that have come to light in recent months. And SFinNS: I completely understand that this is an emotional issue for many people and is bound to elicit strong reactions. Can't fault anyone for that.
  23. I know you're a good guy and I normally don't take issue with things you say, but this is honestly horrible. Penn State is made up of thousands of faculty, staff, and students across multiple campuses, and "burning it all down" because of the actions (and inactions) of 5-20 people is just insane.
  24. I agree, weave; that's why I don't see the full death penalty as being necessary. There will be plenty of pain from just scrapping the old guard and starting over in that respect without preventing the students from being able to compete. And you touched on it, but it's been overlooked a good bit (from what I've seen) that a number of board members need to go as well. One of the higher-ranking faculty proposed a vote of no-confidence for the board several months back, but it was rejected, unfortunately. Corbett may be the worst one of all... far too close to different aspects of the situation, and the guy is a d!ck.
  25. lol you probably do know him; it's Crosschecking reinventing himself. (Although I wouldn't have pegged him as a WoW player.) ;)
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