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Everything posted by biodork

  1. LOL good one
  2. Sounds like Romney's story about seeking out female cabinet members when he was Governor of MA wasn't quite accurate (from this article):
  3. This is a good article from Bankrate.com on where each candidate stands regarding financial reform and specific aspects of Dodd-Frank: http://www.bankrate.com/finance/banking/obama-versus-romney-financial-reform.aspx Specifically on "too big to fail": And I agree we can't fully prevent companies from outsourcing. However, I think the advantages of sending jobs overseas (and perceived disadvantages of keeping them here when possible) can be addressed to discourage the practice.
  4. Yikes... if this is true, then shame on them for trying to trick people into thinking they've already voted. :thumbdown:
  5. Shortened for space, but I'm primarily thinking policies related to Wall Street reform and business regulations. Companies exist to make a profit, and many of them have demonstrated that left to their own devices they cannot be trusted to avoid excessive risk or engage in questionable business practices as a means to reach that end. (As with most things in life, a few people have to go and ruin it for everyone.) Dodd-Frank and the CPFB aren't perfect, but few pieces of legislation and agencies are and I think the oversight is very much needed. Romney is mostly opposed to such regulation and has offered so few specifics on his plans that even if I weren't opposed to him for other reasons, I simply refuse to seriously consider a candidate whose primary reassurances are "trust me, I know how to do it!". To me, Bain Capital's record of outsourcing jobs is reflective of one of the largest problems with business today, and I'm unconvinced that he's the right person to reverse that trend and bring / keep good jobs in the U.S. Where is carp, anyway??? :)
  6. I don't disagree, but companies need to know they'll be able to sell their products, and right now it's consumer confidence that's the real issue (IMO). Until consumers start feeling less squeezed and have more disposable income to spend, it won't matter whether businesses have money to invest. It's all inextricably linked.
  7. As K9 already pointed out, the food/shipping/travel costs are all pretty well linked to the increase in gas prices. And do you really believe Obama has anything to do with your Verizon bill? My Comcast bill went up year after year (after year), but I don't think that had anything to do with GW.
  8. It was a question, but if my memory is correct, the questioner started off saying something to the effect that she wasn't happy with the way things are going currently. It sounded to me at the time that she was basically saying she didn't want to vote for Obama, and was asking Romney to reassure her that he wasn't GW. Also, the question about Libya most certainly favored Romney, and the last one seemed favorable to him as well (something about addressing public imperceptions about character). I think that people were asked to send in or rate possible questions ahead of time, so they really were all over the map as far as topics go.
  9. In my opinion, the economy was already headed down the tubes in 2008 and therefore the above would have happened even had John McCain been elected. Similarly, I don't believe the economy is going to magically rebound by late 2013, regardless of whether Romney or Obama wins the election. It's something that will need to run its course, and while the President and Congress can try to accelerate the pace of recovery, there's only so much either of them can do. What I believe they have more control over is how to prevent the next downturn, and I personally trust Obama's policies over Romney's in that regard.
  10. Ah, okay -- thanks!
  11. No update yet on the NHLPA meeting? Hopefully something tomorrow...
  12. Yeah, I just saw that video recently. It's no good for those workers OR for the replacement workers in China. They investigated and found there were women working 12 hours a day, 7 days a week for something like $0.99/hr. All in the name of corporate profits.
  13. What a weird last question.
  14. lol that'd be fantastic
  15. Neither guy paying attention to the time clock anymore, lol. Mod kind of gave up, too.
  16. Holy crap this is frustrating to watch. Romney is being as much of a douche tonight as he was two weeks ago, talking over the mod and telling everyone else it's "his turn" to talk. At least Obama came to play tonight.
  17. No, I agree... but, as you said, they've all hit on something that many of us are still concerned with (the constant changing of positions to suit the audience du jour).
  18. I'm sure some of this is sour grapes from the primaries, but it's still pretty telling to hear numerous Republican candidates come to the same conclusions on Romney: http://youtu.be/UdV0TdsYp9g
  19. Ugh, I hadn't heard that before... that's even worse. I generally sympathize more with the players than owners, but I don't see how they can be taken seriously as wanting to make the league viable for the long-term if they're looking at short-term CBAs. One of the worst things for the league is a work stoppage, and after how the last 3 negotiations have played-out, I have no reason to expect the next one to go any more smoothly. Boo.
  20. I still can't understand why they're only talking about a 6-year CBA. Why not at least 10? Guys just coming into the league won't even have reached the age at which the new UFA rules would kick in before they're due to renegotiate again. Hopefully we'll hear some more good news after the NHLPA meeting at 5... I don't expect they'll have come to a full agreement tonight, but if they're at least open to discussing this one, I'll be much more optimistic about them salvaging some portion of the season.
  21. I hear ya, man. I've been spending way too much of my time the last few weeks trying to stay up-do-date on everything, and I'll be glad when Nov. 7th rolls around. Just because the owner votes D in his personal life doesn't mean he can't try and keep his public charity apolitical in order to serve as many people as possible. I'd have just as much of a problem with Biden or Obama doing a fly-by photo shoot at a shelter as I do with Ryan.
  22. This is pretty ridiculous: http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/election-2012/wp/2012/10/15/charity-president-unhappy-about-paul-ryan-soup-kitchen-photo-op/ Even if it was well-intentioned, it looks bad. If they really wanted to feature the volunteers, why didn't they take THEIR pictures?
  23. My bad. :P This is increasingly the case in computer programming as well. My mom's last three positions were contract employment after several years as a full-time programmer. Her current employer is a smaller operation with only contract employees (to my knowledge), and while everyone is compensated quite well for their efforts, no one has benefits unless they choose to purchase them on the individual market, and anyone can be let go quite easily if the workload changes. Great arrangement for the owner/boss, but not exactly ideal for the employees. Still, when he's getting multiple job applications from very well-qualified individuals willing to relocate for work since positions are so scarce, what incentive does he have to make anyone a permanent employee with full benefits?
  24. PB is peanut butter, lol. Basically had rolled oats with peanut butter, mini chocolate chips, and mini marshmallows (hence the smores description). I didn't feel like cooking real food when I got home, so this was kind of dessert/dinner. Yours sounds tasty, though. Hopefully no more 'tussin for you. ;)
  25. PB smores oatmeal. Don't laugh; it's seriously awesome.
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